We all enjoyed the party on Monday though it seems a long time ago now ,The sun shone, the ladies all wore their" posh frocks"the gents were all suited and booted, the hall was all decorated ,lovely table cloth,s and napkins ,in a pretty pink, lots of flowers everywhere,The Mayor and his lady were there,she was charming going around the room, with a word for each one,The Mayor s speech was short and interesting,he told us about the man who the court had been named after, how, even though hed lost a leg in the war, he had worked hard for the community ,and had in his turn been elected Mayor,but his every day job was in the ticket office at the station.(I love to hear local history storys )this particular station went, in the time of Dr Beeching! Then it was the turn of our chief exec...."Well it wont be long"......(oh good we thought, another short speech.)......."and then England will have the ashes"Richard!! no ,his speech was short and interesting too, a handful of residents had been at the court since it opened twenty years ago so were presented with chocs and flowers .Next it was Celias turn shes ninety four and writes poetry,yes she had written one about living in sheltered housing,she proudly walked, to the front and recited it for us in a voice that could clearly be heard at the back of the room, then the most delicious buffet,Two cakes,one iced with a two and one with zero, side by side to make twenty ,one fruit, one plain, lots to drink, wine ,punch and good old tea and coffee Oh and the press were there taking their pictures and getting their stories .As Maurice and I were leaving,we were invited to stay but Maurice had been up since four,the entertainers had them all joining in and they looked good for a good old sing song.
Have a nice day folks Jan xx
It all sounds lovely. Glad the speeches were not long and they were interesting. Nothing worse than having to sit through a long boring talk. Shame you could not stay on and join in the fun.
Sounds like a lovely evening :o)
Sitting here wondering if I'd have gone for the fruit or the plain cake... hmmm, tough decision that one!! Would have definately chosen a nice cup of tea to wash it down with though. I like a good old sing song too, can I come next time?!
Sara x
Celia did well to write and resite poetry in a loud clear voice.Did you feel nice in your new skirt?Glad you all enjoyed it.Love Jeanxx
Sounds like you all had a great time - I love a good old sing song - and would have loved to have heard Celias poem. Ally
Sounds like a great time was had by all
sounds like a brilliant evening :)..............Jules xxxxx
Certainly sounds like you had a good time and to hear all those history stories :-)
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