Sunday, 4 September 2005

Missing 1 n!

Thankyou to those off you who took part in the "Spot the deliberate mistake competition",yesterday .Blue Peter badges are on there way to you,(not really Im teasing you !)So now as though I not in enough trouble with my Ss I have mislaid an N.

This will need to be a short entry today,we are going to a model aircraft display at a dissused air field nearby,not our hobby but Glen the young fellow next door is keen ,but rather shy and doesnt want to go by himself so we said we d go with him.We are going to take Mr Wrikly with us.....I went to sign up for a computer course ,yesterday,with my daughter in law Chrissie, there is such alot to learn however much you think you know.

Some of you mentioned my quote,Im afraid I cant claim it as mine ,but I can remember where I heard it.Can you remember the TV programe?."The house of Elliot" Set before the war(WW2).Two young girls designed and sold dresses,well the older one said it!

I shall now finish this entry,the fellas are calling me,Imust fly !!OOPS ..perhaps not !Have a happy blessed Sunday everyone. Jan xx


Anonymous said...

Have a lovely day, I hope Glen and ole Wrikly Dog enjoy themselves!! You're never going to be allowed to forget your s & n error are you? Perhaps we should all make a mistake in our journals to make you feel better!! Good luck with the computer course when it begins. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Yes I remember the house of Eliot, it seems such a long time ago.  Glad that you are sorted out now.  Very hot here, too hot to even get in the garden and I have an awful headache. Enjoy the model planes.

Anonymous said...

The House of Eliot has just been shown again on sky - I watched again and enjoyed it all over...My mistakes are accidents - I must learn to spell - I must learn to spell....I

Anonymous said...

The house of Elliot was a favourite of mine, it is currently re-running on UK drama, wicked programme!

Anonymous said...

Those S's and N's are such a nuisance aren't they ;o)
I didn't spot the deliberate mistake, can I still have a Blue Peter badge though?  Just kidding!  Have a great day out, nice of you to go along and keep your neighbour company :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Want to see some mistakes, come to my journal. I got loads of em!

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your day!!  I feel ashamed I didn't spot the mistake LOL.......when it was late when I read it LOL..........I remember house of elliot - good sunday evening programme if I remember rightly!!  :-)

Anonymous said...

I have just found your journal so I am out in right field so to speak.   Have a very good Labor Day!   mark