Friday, 9 September 2005

Im tired tonight,up at six am to get the bus/s to work,then quite a busy day Friday,lots of loose ends to be tied up before, a weekend.Almost the first job is to call the residents in their flats/bungalows(depending on the type of site we are on) I punch a code into the speech module,usually flat no, which alerts the resident,Im about to speak to them ,the conversation will go some thing like this ~Morning Bert are you alright.He will answer(we hope!)Morning Jan,Im fine are you?we then have a little chat about the weather/the cricket/football.... you get the idea.....Most residents like a call but some opt out,but must sign a disclaimer.I showed a potential resident around the scheme,we also viewed the flat that has been offered her,she loved it as did her daughter,Iexplained to them the aspects of sheltered housing,but Im not going into the whole shpeil here!! .........We had a residents coffee morning ,today ,which is handy as Ican go around the room chatting to many residents at once,of course the more vunerable/housebound I would go and visit also to the more private ones who dont feel inclined to join in, will get a visitThey all know ,if they have a problem They they can discuss it with me ,and I will do my best to sort it out,It could be any thing from maintainance to medical to financial, just anything so I need to be in touch with the relevant agencies.Fortunately today they all seemed happy bunnies,some times though they will say they are fine and some thing tells you they are not ,you get a feel for these things, so abit of gentle encouragement to share is required. Then you get the others who no matter what you do for them you cant get it right .........Bless em !!I am reminded, about some thing that happened at the court I retired from ,calling up one cold and windy morning But first I have to explain ...the lady I am about to call lives in an end bungalow ,with a path running around from the front to the back,down the side she has a hedge which devides her from the neighbour,So.....Morning Mabel,... Morning Jan ,me ...Hasnt it been an awful night?......Mabel "yes the winds been blowing up my backpassage all night ,I havent had a wink of sleep"

Maurice is working till eleven tonight so Im now going to make myself some thing to eat,and maybe watch some tele always assuming I can keep away from this thing!!So have a good rest of the evening folks,Oh you will thank your Mother for the Kippers for me wont you ?          BYEE   JAN XXX































Anonymous said...

Got a similar scenario with our bungalow, wind is always blowing up our back passage, lol !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol, I don't think I'd have been able to keep a straight face :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan you do sound a bit tired-- busy day.Hope Mabel manages to sleep better these days.Have a good weekend.
Much Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

You are a sweet person. Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Jan what a lovely job you have it must be so rewarding and funny at times...hope the wind stops blowing up  that back passage sounds painfil lol ...Ally

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear your stories about those people. Keep up the good work and I know they all love you. Helen

Anonymous said...

Lol, great stories, keep them coming :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the backpassage story :-)  Sounds like your job can be quite rewarding - it's interesting when people write about the work they do!!

Anonymous said...

had to laugh at the wind and the back passage, love it. I used to go out with a lad years ago who's mum was a warden in sheltered accomodation, it was a lovely complex and I envied her job back then. I think you do a brilliant job and think its lovely you talk to every one of the residents each day............Jules xxxxxxx