Good morning ,and so far it is fingers crossed,yesterday it rained and rained then rained some more !.We did brave the elemements and went to St Ives,as you can see I wore my hat and was pleased I did ,it kept me dry...As you can see I posted some pics ,of the family on Sunday ,just casual ones as we sat round the table chatting ,I missed Mathew ,dont know what he was doing ? I should imagine they are there now ! ...And Jean and Pete are back ,Jean rang me yesterday to say what a great time they had ....We enjoyed the drive to St Ives(where we met a man with seven wives the seven wives had seven cats....How many were going to St Ives ?)Remember that one ? Though I dont think the tale was refering to our St Ives in Cambs ,more the one in Cornwall I think .We arrived found somewhere to park outside a shop selling Electric and gas fires and surrounds Maurice was delighted to compare the prices,with what ours had cost to make .There were loads of stalls as it is usual on a bankholiday,but due to yet another downpour many were covered over ,but you know me ,not to be detered I managed to find a skirt I liked and a Margarite tree sorry about the spelling ,you know a daisy tree !,she looks lovely in the tub my Brother John made us at Christmas and I will of course take a picture later.Maurice bought a couple of cv's by Irish singers.We are hoping to go into Huntingdon today ,I need some more ink ,for the printer and a few weeks ago when we went I bought some wool, was making a cardigan only to find I was about two 50grm balls short, so the last time we went, armed with a ball band and length of the wool (well its more like ribbon really)Iwas disapointed to find they had run out the assistant went to look out the back ,and as she came back empty handed she told me not to despair ,she took my phone number and rang the next day to say she had located some in Birmingham ,then a couple more days to say it was now in the shop,what a lovely experiance of good customer service I had to share it with you,In my experiance if you enquire about an item you would like but it isnt there ,the reply is "If its not on the shelf/rack ,we havent got it ".....Well I'd better stop nattering and get ready to go ..Hope you all have a lovely day ...
Bye Bye with love Jan xx
I hope you have more luck getting your printer cardtridge than I did! I love your desk and the rest of your pics. I hope the weather's better for you today than it was yesterday. It's dry here but that could change in minutes in this country!! Glad Jean and Pete had a good time. Jeannette xx
You must have taken our's been dry here for a whole day!! Sounds like a good afternoon. How nice of that shop assistant - there's not too many like that anymore.
Have a great day.
ps. the computer desk Kate's sitting at is EXACTLY the same as mine....great taste!!
Boy didn't it rain, lol! I love the hat, and the pc desk. You might want to check out Sterling Inks for your replacement printer cartridges, there's a link to their website in the sidebar on ny journal page. I've used them for a few years now and had no problems at all, fast and efficient. B. x
Jan loved your pictures and the Hat ~ really suits you ~ Glad Jean and Pete had a good time over in Ireland ~ Bet Maurice was pleased with himself for making your fire surround ~ comparing prices in the shop ~ hope the weather is good for your outing today ~ It has been pouring with rain here ~ and still cold ~ how lovely of that shop assistant go to all that trouble to get wool for you ~ I expect you will be going shopping there again ~ Ally
Great pictures, love the hat. I buy my ink cartridges on line from a very good firm that stocks every type. We have had no rain here today but it is very windy and chilly with little bursts of sunshine. They say it is going to be much warmer at the weekend.
I love your new desk! sounds like you have been having some good times too and nice of the lady to find that yarn for you. Sandra
WOW What a great sunset picture! Sounds like you had a lovely day despite the rain!
Jan, it looks to me like you've got one of those flat screen monitors. I'm going to try to get one soon. The old ones are so big and take up too much room. I remember the poem about going to St Ives. Great pictures...Linda in WA
LOVE your hat Jan. . .REALLY suits you!! You have a nice family too.And where may I ask did you get the desk from? Its really nice,would like one just like that.I hope they all got off ok on holiday.
Hope you have a really good day Jan. I am so sorry, just realised I haven't congratulated you on being blog of the week. You deserved the title and I hope it has brought much happiness and many friends your way. Take care my friend.
Sylvia xx
Hi Jan ,thank you for mentioning us in your journal.Hope you are having a successful trip to Huntingdon to get your wool that was very kind of the assistant to find you some in Birmingham.How nice to get a MararitaTree to put in Johns wooden tub,I have a hydrangea growing in mine.Hope Kate Martin and the gang are all now about to enjoy their holidays.Lovely photos and graphics......Love Jeanxx
PS I forgot to say how nice your desk looks and you sitting at it.....Jeanxx
Oh my goodness.........when I first looked at the pictures you posted (the one of the sunset), I thought something was on fire! That's how intense that sunset looks! Beautiful!
Sorry it rained on you yesterday during your outing with your family! It's been so hot here (in the 80's and 90's), I wish it would cool off. But.. we are in for hot, hotter, and hottest weather for the next 6 months! :( Blech!
TY for sharing the pics! :)
It rained here yestrday too...poured!
Hugs, Sug
Love the sunset. The pictures are great. You look pretty neat sitting at your new desk. I like it. It was hot here yesterday. Around 92º I think they said it got, headed to 94 today and 92 tomorrow. It's supposed to rain soon and cool things off a bit. I hope so anyway just leave off the bad storms please. Hope the rest of your day goes well. Helen
Hello Jan , Wasn't it a wet one Yesterday . We didnt brave it . Thanks for showing your Pics . That Sunset was amazing . The desk looks good to . Hope you get your wool to finish the cardigan . Take care Fran x
Hi Jan :-) Believe me I know all about the rain yesterday the pic of you in your hat !!! Glad you had a good day in St Ives and yes, I remember the poem but not all of it! Like your new desk too. I bought one of those daisy trees a little while ago but it doesn't seem to be doing too well. Maybe I have it in the wrong place or something. I'll take a pic and send it to you and maybe you could tell me please:-)
big hugs Debbie ~xxxxxxxx~
Its been raining a while now but today was lovely so Im counting my blessings,all be it just to put the washing out lolxxzoexx
That is a fab hat you're wearing in your really suits you!!
Gill xx
Jan I'm not able to access ANY journals, only a white page comes up????? I got to yours by going to AOL main pg & clicking on there. Can't get to Joes to ask what's wrong. See if you can ask him for me please. TY!
Tell him I can surf the web ok, no problems...just can't get to journals!!! Just a white pg???
TY, Sug
Hi Jan!
How oh how did I get so far behind???? I'm glad you put the welcome page in your journal or I would never have seen it. CONGRATULATIONS!
Pathetic drivel???? oh come thinks someone is jealous because they have no family life???? Glad you didn't let it upset you! They just need to visit a few more times....they'll get caught up in your stories too! LOL
My granddaughter has planned a hike for us tomorrow...hope it doesn't storm like it did today. She has been planning this for about three'd break her heart!
Congratulations again and have a blessed day!
Hugs! :)
Glad you had such a nice Bank Holiday there is always so much going on down your way on holiday Mondays not like that up here as our Monday holdays rotate from place to place. Take care Love Joan
Hi Jan,
I`m glad you had a great time in St.Ives, despite the rain. I suppose we`re used to it and carry on regardless! We were lucky and managed to avoid the heavy showers that were forecast. I always buy cartridges online. I know a few good sites if you`re interested. :o)
Sandra xxxx
Enjoyed your piccies, lovely desk!! glad to hear the weather did not deter you from shopping! I was proud of ya! lol Linda x
Sounds like a nice trip despite the rain. You know rain never deters us girls from a good day of shopping. Love the pictures. HUGS Chris
Glad you made something of the day
Hi Jan, i must say you had me hooked , ienjoyed reading your journal and hopefully i will read some more ! Take care , Tracey xxx
Hi Jan, i must say you had me hooked , i enjoyed reading your journal and hopefully i will read some more ! Take care , Tracey xxx
Looks like you had a good time at the market even though it was raining :-) Love the new desk xx Thanks for sharing the pics with us
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