I know ! it says April on the picture,but ,nothing works where the weather is concerned,in fact the weather men tell us there is a drought ....there isnt really you know ! they are telling us that to make us feel better about all this rain ,thank you for your good wishes, not to get wet yesterday, whilst out shopping ....I did ! very !...my trouser bottoms were flapping soggy round my ankles ,I did all my shopping and called at the plant stall, on the way home and bought a tray of messab...messe...livingstone daisys .I love that little flower so cheerful and all the jewel colours really make me feel happy .
Look what Sugar sent me....a baby Scooby,though I am ashamed to say there is no way he would sit there with those dear little Kittys,he hates cats and try as we might, we cant convince him otherwise, he was in kennels a year last Christmas,when we spent Christmas with my son ,we told the owner of the kennels 'he doesnt like cats','Oh we'll change that said he'! ...Scooby still doesnt like cats !
Did anyone see ,as well as Laura's journal ,Rachel (WrigleyRachel)was also featured yesterday ,with tips on how to lose weight ,its quite scary really we dont know who is reading our journals ,so we had better be on our best behavior and make sure we all have our clean pinnys on and a clean hanky too.And talking of big brother ! did you see any of it on it on T V last night....WELL.....! Just as a matter of interest its raining here !
I have put the butterfly on here because, I seem to be flitting from one subject to another here today ,who said that ...'nothing new there then' !! ....I heard you ,You'll be old one day lol .Actually its quite good fun as you get older you can get away with all sorts ,but I'm sorry ,Im not going to tell you about, it you will have to wait and see lol ;>)...Anyway I hope you all have a happy blessed Sunday ,With Love....
Thank you Donna for the intro graphic and the sig....I know I know ,thats another sign of old age repeating yourself but I happen to believe these graphics are worth repeating.
It's just stopped here in Worcester but the skies are still grey and I've had to put the heating on!
Morning Jan! Wet and windy here too.Yes I saw BB last night. . .can you believe what you saw in Nikki?Shes not all there is she. . .she cant be if she behaves like that.If that was my daughter I would be climbing over the fence LOL
Hi Jan ! Pouring here and the heating's on full blast !!! No sign of summer in Essex lol......love the pics of the scooby :-) I don't watch BB ~ it drives me nuts!!! Love the butterfly ~ they remind me of my Gran :-) A bright happy entry ~ just what I needed on this grey day!!
big hugs n love Debbie ~xxxxxxxx~
I've got my heating on, it's freezing!! Hope your trousers have dried out now, nothing worse than a soggy bottom!! I don't need a clean pinny, I know exactly who's reading my journal, being private. I wish sometimes I was public again but with THAT woman about I'll stay as I am!! Have a lovely sunday.
Jeannette xx
Hello Jan ,another wet morning and start to the day but it doesn't look like its going to stop raining at all,hey we are getting like Mum talking about the weather!!!! Glad you got some livingstone daisies they are so lovely when they open in the sun(If we get any!!) Nice graphics today......Love Jeanxx
Love your April Graphic it matches the weather we are having ~ mesembryanthemums lol I only know how to spell it because I bought some and the name tag was on them ~ and I agree they are a beautiful little flower ~ Scooby with the kittens is lovely ~ kind of Sugar to send it to you ~ Donna's Graphics a really good she is so clever ~ Ally
Sorry to hear its still raining down your way its fair up here just now and hope it stays as i have a big washing out. That was some rain yesterday as we travelled back home. Still you do have a water shortage down your way. Love Joan.
I'm with you on the flowers - daisies will do, lol. And I have absolutely no faith in the weathermen. Trust me, after twenty eight years as a postman you come to rely on your own methods: Put your hand out the window, if it gets wet, expect rain; wet and cold = snow/sleet; dry and warm = nice.
Have the rest of a nice Sunday, I'm off out to a party.
B. x
Tee hee, Mrs 18 with 47 yrs experience, lol!!! What did I say about age just being a number?!!! Soaking wet here as well my friend!
I love all the graphics everyone has.... I don't have anyone sending me any! hee
<hint hint>
I wish I could send you some of my warm weather Jan... we are already up in the 90's, and we really DO have a drought! But, then, that's nothing new for California. Rain is scarce around here. I think the rain clouds prefer the east coast of the US and the lovely English Countryside! :)
Hi Jan.
Raining here too, I hate rain it's depressing!! It was a perfect opportunity to revise as there was NOTHING on T.V. I say every year I will never watch Big Brother but I always do because it's a popular topic in conversations at school... did you see wannabe Footballers Wife Nikki last night? Couldn't believe she way she behaved!!
Love Leigh xxx
Arent those mesemb....mesem......Livingstone daisies the ones that only flower when the sun comes out?? hahhah You won't be seeing much of them for a while!! Hahahah.
It's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring :o)
We had some rain yesterday but not loads...It did rain during the night but today it is sunny although not mega warm...The rain you have down south is going to be no good for the drought they say because the ground is so hard it won't sink in properly and just sit on the top...I like thos daisy too they're such pretty bright colours :o) Caff xxxx
Sometimes April hangs on longer than she should. It sounds like all of the U.K. is getting drenched. I'd like it to rain just a little more here so my plants could get a good soaking. Isn't it just awful to go shopping in the rain, there's no way you can stay dry. Hopefully the sun will shine on you soon. Great graphics...Linda in WA
Hello Jan - your diary today reminds me of the time my grandfather said to me, Janey will you help me to look for my reading glasses........i giggled and told him they were pushed up on to his forehead!!!! Old age, its gonna be fun, can't wait!
Luv Jayne x
Happy Sunday to you, Jan. Hope you are safe, warm and dry after your trip outside in the rain. Your graphics this morning are beautiful. Love the color-changing butterfly! Thanks, too, for the kind and positive comments you add to my journal. Means a lot to me!! Kathy
Hi Jan, wish the rain would go away, but more to come sadly and now have to keep four horses in, keeping me busy in between downpours. I have seen 'my feature' about weightwatchers, it's been there for a while now..true so many people can read our journals, but they are mostly fun and helpful,interesting, lots of gardening tips etc.A relaxing time when the weather is bad,and nothing on tv.People are interesting and very real on here.Love your graphics again,
Hi Jan, Raining here as well...what a surprise `eh?...lol! LOL at Scooby the cat hater, just like Jake I`m afraid, nothing will ever make him love `em. If there are ever any at the bottom of the garden they are soon seen off by a barking whirlwind! I can`t watch Big Brother I`m afraid, I`ve heard that they are a right bunch this time though...lol! :o)
Sandra xxxxx
You made me laugh today. I have clean pinnys on, maybe I better go check. So you like daisies? I wrote a poem once "The Lowly Daisy". I'll have to look for it and put it in my journal again. Paula
Hi there! Thanks so much for visiting my journal recently and for leaving such lovely comments. You have such a wonderful journal here. Have a great week! :-)
~ Susan
I love scooby!!! Enjoying your writing and flitting!! Linda x
Hi Jan...
The weather's not good here either, lovely graphics ...I love the Dog and Kittens! it was really nice to chat Jan...chat again soon!
Yes, isn't it great fun to shop in the rain? Your Scooby is a baby doll. My Grizzly does not like kitties one bit or other dogs either. He gets worse as he gets older. He barely tolerates Megan's kitty but the cat is so timid that she avoids him mostly. Hope your weather dries up soon. LOL at getting older. I'm the same way flitting hither and thither...HUGS Chris
bloomin weather gets you down hun,but just take a deep breath and think of holidays,it works for me,xxzoexx
LOL what a good entry a bit of everything :-) I have read Laura's journal *shame faced* she's actually on my alerts lol......Love the graphics of scooby ~ I'm not watching big brother and have managed to avoid it so far *feels proud of myself* I'm relying on the journals to tell me but not to tell me if that makes sense!! lol
Haha, liked this entry Jan....you know how to keep us entertained!! Big Brother....I've stopped watching it - they shouldn't encourage these people by putting them on the telly.
Have a great day,
Hi, my friend came earlier and was reading journals with me..she said'What have you written that makes you think you have to be on your best behaviour? and it worried me that I may have written an entry to offend anyone...hope not
Just found you through aols front page, just loved the graphics. I hild a journal, but not on aol
Hiya Jan
I found your Journel on the aol front page . It was great to read . I could relate to some of it as I to was A Warden in sheltered here in Wiltshire for Many years . Living onsite in a little flat with my hubby and Dog Lady ! Sadly no longer with us . I retired in 2002 and moved back into my Home (Heaven) No one knocking on my door . I Still miss my Oldies but now of course im one of them , lol . Thanks for Sharing your Retirement with us it was Interesting . Loved your Pictures to . Cheers Fran .
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