Good morning, everyone I hope as Donnas graphic suggests you have all had a peaceful night...and not been kept awake by the heavy rain! Maurice who is now in bed, worked last night ,and informed me it has rained all night long ....
A thought occurs to me ....maybe we should consider building an ark ! I'm sure Maurice has some off cuts of wood from the various projects he has undertaken ...I know there is some of the laminate left ! now wouldnt that make a smart deck?and easy to swab down !
It is Pete's birthday today,, Pete is Jean,... my sisters husband,but they wont read this today because they have flown over to Ireland for a long weekend and a look around Dublin.....Happy Birthday Pete ,and the top of the mornin to ya both ! I shall soon have to buy some new candles for this cake !!
So what exciting things have you all got planned for the weekend?....Maurice will work tonight and tomorrow night and will then be off Sunday ,Monday an Tuesday,we will be going over to see Kate and family because they are jetting off to Spain for their holidays.I am hoping the warm sunshine will do, for Kates back what the current English climate isnt doing ,,,,,,We will probably visit Aunty Kitty in her nursing home too ,
But its tomorrow Im looking forward to, not without some aprehension....As aparently I am to be featured on the welcome page,as by now you are all heartily sick of hearing! I havent heard anymore from them since the first email inviting me to talk about the web and my Grandchildren ,I've done that ,and do hope it was what they wanted ...I dont even know if our friends in America will see it ..... as the email came from chat and community UK ..but when John came the other day he showed me how to print what is on the screen ,so I will try to do that !....and now because the sun is coming out! and I have few plants to put into the garden......I will love and leave you! and wait to see what tomorrow brings Oo-er?! To all my friends who are all ways there for me .
As always lots of Love from ...
Jan xxxxx
Sounds like a busy weekend for you. That is a good idea to take a screen shot and post it. We will let you know if it shows up here. Enjoy the weekend. Helen
Hi Jan. Congratulations once again on being featured on the AOL homepage. Thank you also for mentioning me as one of your online grandchildren. I have also posted (after hundreds of attempts) a new entry in my blog. So far I have recieved NO comments! NOOOOO!!! LOL! Maybe alerts have not been posted, I have not recieved alerts for Jeanette's (Jottings) journal for a while.
Have a good weekend.
Leigh xxxx"
Just realised I sent you the ecard a week early, lol!!! Would have been Mum's birthday today as well, got a lovely card for mine (tomoz) from Jean and Pete before they went away, so very sweet of them! Good luck for tomorrow! love ya! Joan
Hi Jan :-) I'll have a quick look at the welcome page tomorrow before I leave for my fishing trip!!! Will be delighted to see you on there :-) If you find out how to build an ark please let me know ~ I've got a feeling I'm gonna need it this weekend lol.......I hope you have a great weekend and that Kate has a great holiday. I reckon the sun will do her poor back the world of good :-) Have a good one!!! Take care.
lots of love Debbie ~xxxxx~
Love the purple and Donna's Graphics are lovely as usual ~ an ark sounds like a good idea ~ it is still raining here so even a row boat would be a godsend ~ Hope Kate and family have a lovely holiday and soak up the sunshine ~ looking forward to seeing you on homepage and do a screen print so our friends in the USA can see it ~ I am sure they will be as proud of you as we are ~ Hope the sun stays out long enough for you to finished your planting ~ Ally
Taking a screenshot is easy peasy...Our Welcome page is different to the american one so that will be how you need to show the americans your famous <ggg> I usually have my welcome page close as soon as i sign on but i will have a looksy at it tomorrow just to see you :o) Need an ark here today the rain is so heavy Caff xxxx
It's Bill. Just to say that when I saw Rolf Harris perform live at the Albert Hall last year, someone from the vast audience kept calling out 'Ralf'. He hates it and shouted back several times "ROLF not RALPH!"
It's Bill. Just to say that when I saw Rolf Harris perform live at the Albert Hall last year, someone from the vast audience kept calling out 'Ralf'. He hates it and shouted back several times "ROLF not RALPH!"
I forgot to say when I emailed you that it's a bt mean of AOL to not acknowledge you at all since you've been doing all these lovely entries. Just like them! I don't think they care two hoots about us in the UK. I've been having problems with scrolling this afternoon so I had to turn off for a while. It's OK now. Have a lovely weekend and say hi to Aunty Kitty for us all! Jeannette xx
Hi Jan,
I agree with Jeannette wholeheartedly, us Brits come a poor second as far as AOL are concerned. Anyway, I love your journal and always look forward to what you have to say and I`m looking forward to seeing you on the Welcome page. Have a lovely weekend. :o)
Sandra xxxx
Hi Janet.
I have just found your lovely journal through AOL's Chat and Community: Your Voice. I was fetured about four weeks ago, and it was strange seeing my face on AOL's welcome page. But don't worry, your photo is lovely. Looking forward to keeping up with your journal, pop in and visit mine sometime,
All the best,
dont be nervous. . just be you.
ooo will sign onto the main screen tomorrow
Can't wait to see you in all your glory Jan!! You've nothing to be nervous about...your entries are always smashing!! Have a great weekend.
Good question..will we in the US get to see you ? Wow, the graphics are great ! My journal is so "plain Jane" compared to some...I have to learn how to do that. You'll be happy to know that we've had sprinkles, showers, rain & heavy rain off and on all this last week. Also hail, thunder and of course lightning. At least I haven't had to worry about watering the yard after working all day. Linda in WA
Congratulation Janet. You are now famous. Your lovely face appeared at midnight on the welcome page. Dan.
Just found you on the Welcome weren't there earlier.
Hello Jan - its after midnight and there you are looking straight back at your famous, well done, and well done on writing such a super journal.
Luv Jayne
Too funny about the arc. Now that would be a sight for the neighbors! hehe. And Happy Birthday to your BIL. He went to Ireland? Seems like a planet away from Florida. I would love to see Ireland. And I am going to try and check out that welcome page. Hugs and GbU, Shelly
Morning Jan,
Well you're on there, such fame! You were sharing the Home Page with George Galloway when I signed on. I don't think your Journal is quite so contraversial!!!!
Congratulations, you deserve it. (No....... I don't mean being with George Galloway! )Lol.
Linda. x.
Yes, you're certainly on the Front Page Jan! Congratulations!!! I slept very well thanks and was very reluctant to get out of bed this morning to go to work. Still, the roads will probably be very quiet! How's that ark coming along and can you call for me here please?
Hi, I am Jane and I got married on 1st September 2005. I am 42 and I am so glad that I have found my soul mate. I was patient and waited a long time to meet the man of my dreams. I was 41 1/2 when I married my gentleman. I was married at Oldway Mansion in Paignton which now belongs to the Council but was once owned by the Singer Family, the people who brought sewing machines into our lives. Our wedding breakfast was held at the Palace Hotel in Paignton, yet another home of the Singer Family. We honeymooned in Penzance for 4 days. A wonderful place. We have since been to Santander in N Spain and to Norfolk. We are doing our honeymoon in bits and pieces!!!
I am doing a sponsered walk tomorrow for the Breast Cancer Unit of Torbay Hospital. I leave the Pavilion in Torquay at 10 am and then walk to Paignton Pier, and then back again. So far I have raised £106 and I feel quite proud of that.
I am hoping that I will be alright for the walk as I have bursitis and have trouble walking. Bursitis means I have a very painful hip. I cannot complain as people with cancer suffer much more pain than that.
its saturday morning....and i've just seen your face on the front of the AOL homepage!!!!!!!! well done you! enjoy your time of fame....i'm so proud of you! love Joanne
Surely that's not you on the welcome page, it must be Joanna Lumley again!! Well done for getting there eventually, your journal's always so bright and happy....a pleasure to read. Jeannette xx
Well done Jan ~ I hope lots of others can now enjoy your Journal and then join us here in J~land ~ Ally
Jan. . Millions of people will see YOU this mornin. . .you are now famous.Now all you want is a ticket for the big brother house. . .you would be so entertaining in there! Watch yourself when you go shopping today,you will get recognised .LOL Have a nice day
'Top of the mornin' to you too and the rest of the day to yourself!' - how lovely to see you on the welcome page! Happy Birthday to Pete. Just be your usual self in the journal, it's what keeps us 'faithful' coming back for more! Enjoy it!! xx
How fantastic to log on and see you, right there on my welcome screen :o) :o) :o)
Well done our Jan!!
Sara x
What a shock to log on and see your smiling face Jan! Congratulations! They have recognised what a great blog you are now famous!
Thanks for your comments this morning. I am trying to cope but I am finding it very hard but your words do help! Luv Conniexxx
Hi Jan, just seen you on AOL front page, wow, now that is what I call 'fame',and well deserved because you have a community of readers who seem to have all become friends, also you show beautiful graphics and interesting insite to your life. Have a great week.
Good afternoon Jan!
Congratulations, you are now famous! Hopefully you will get a lot more readers now you are on the AOL homepage. Have a good weekend
Leigh xxx"
Hiya Superstar. x
I thought I might have missed you on the welcome page but I've just popped across and there you were. Nic piccy too.
So how much do we have to pay to speak to you now that you're famous? B. x
A holiday in Spain sounds wonderful and just what the doctor ordered. Hope she gets some relief. Of course, I'm behind again and got to see the lovely picture of you on the welcome page. Finally our rain has stopped here. LOL at the ark. HUGS Chris
Ireland?? That is the home of my father! I never really knew him, but that's where he was born. My great grandmother was from England, so I'm a little of both, I guess! :) I've always wanted to visit Ireland... and England.. hopefully, someday I will..
I hope you have a lovely weekend, Jan!
How nice that you wished Pete a happy 60th birthday even though we were in Dublin at the time,cheers.I love all the flowers on your journal.....Love Jeanxx
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