Saturday, 27 May 2006

Thank you

To all my lovely friends ,and you all know who you are THANKYOU .and to all my new friends WELCOME,and that includes you Fran ,we have become buddies already,I have had so many lovely comments this morning I am quite overwhelmed.....In fact my whelm is so far over ,I dont know if I'll ever get it back where it belongs.I got a couple of negative comments I have left them on for your amusement ,My Pc is doing strange things today ,I'm sure its me AOLChat&Community ,didnt choose the most technicaly minded person to feature ,in fact I am complete technophobe,Completly at the mercy of any help I can get ,and believe you me since I joined this community,I've had it in spades ,since I started my blog last September ,I cant believe the kindness/friendliness I have encountered ,both in the UK and in the US as my dear friend Ally in Norfolk UK  said the other day ,we have learned so much about the American way of life and discovered we arent so different ,and have many true friends now over there .


Today our friend Joan over at StrannyDaze is celebrating her Birthday,I cant put the old B/day cake on here Joan told you I have the gremlins ,but like everyone else send my love for a happy Birthday my friend xx

I have to say thankyou to my friend Jeannette (travels )who has been cheering me on when my little green arrows grow dim ,then go to  yellow....and thank her for the first picture on my journal today.Mwah!

Thanks also to Jeannette (Jottings )for giving me the first big shove ,come on in the waters lovely,And Sandra for your emails on a similar vein,and breaking the news about today ....and dear Jules for putting me forward

To my friends across the pond I dont know if you get the same welcome page as us ,but when I get rid of afore mentioned gremlins I will post the pic of that page.....

And to my friends here in the UK are you having a good bank holiday ?...its raining ! I shall soon have to go and do the goes on you know !...then come back and hold the nails and make the tea while Maurice does some more work on the Ark ! I'd love to name you all for the help you have given me so willingly over the last nine months..but as I said you know who you are,and for each one of you who visit my journal and leave nice comments,and allow me to read yours ....Thankyou...and knowing you alllllll I am truly Blessed ...With Love Jan xx 


Anonymous said...

I'm always reminded of that Leapy Lee song....Little arrows when I think of you now Jan!! I went back and saw the negative comments you undeservedly got, some people need to get a life don't they?! Luckily we aren't all mean spirited like them and we like your 'drivel'!! I hope you get your whelm back soon! It's not raining here yet but it's very overcast. Have a lovely weekend. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Congratulations once again Jan.  You know I have been absent and missed out on a lot and I simply cannot read everybody's back entries. I am still in a lot of discomfort, hopefully getting better though.  Wish the weather would improve.  Glad you have made new friends.  Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Goog luck with the Ark - hope there's room in there for a lot of us (LOL!) - although it is dry up here on the east coast of Scotland today,

Anonymous said...

Hello Jan, I have just been reading your journal how nice and interesting it is .I am just beginning to make good use of my new toy the computer, and hope I can be as prolific as you soon. Best wishes from Sheila

Anonymous said...

I can only say congratulations and hope you get your whelm sorted out!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, once again congrats. I do not see you pictured on the welcome screen here. It is a beautiful morning here this morning with a 76º here already headed for close to 90 for the high. We have probably have some showeres this afternoon. Hope your holiday weekend gets better weather wise. Helen

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan..congratulations. I haven't seen your pic on the welcome page but am off to now to have  look. Thanks for your great  journal and the pleasure it gives me to read.  Eve

Anonymous said...

You're a sweetie pie!  Thank you! : )  GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

You are not on my welcome screen. :(
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hope you get that whelm sorted soon. B. x

Anonymous said...

I found you!!!!!! Thanks to Jeannette!  :)
Nice to see you there! :D

Anonymous said...

How bizarre to see you on my welcome screen! Congrats honey! Maybe one day my ugly mug will be on there :) Enjoy your fame! You are far too posh to talk to us now heeheee!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,it's true what they say,that all the attractive women always appear to be with a partner-they are never alone.Your guy no doubt knows how lucky he is. Reading your journal,as user friendly as it is,no doubt give me a vicarious thrill. May I join the many admirers you obviously have in your domain?

Anonymous said...

loved reading your journal, what a lovely family you have. i 've tried to do blog of my own "Meanderings of my mind" but it seems terribly boring, better try again and try to spice it up a bit .I always wonder if anyone else would be interested in my quiet way of life. Thank you for your jottings, Doris Davies

Anonymous said...

You are so very welcome, Jan, and thankyou so much for your birthday has been a nice day so far, despite the rain!!! Looking forward to this week and what you have in store for us all, lol! By the way, Angela would like to meet you if you do manage to come next week, to thank you for her lovely wedding entry you did! love, Joanxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan ~ glad you have had so many lovely comments ~ your journal is a joy to read ~ and so many of our friends are always ready to come to our aid when we don't quite understand something ~ we are so lucky to belong to such a lovely group of people ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,
As usual, was writing to you when I looked something up and lost the lot. Well,  here I go again.
I was commenting on the fact that we have so much in common - both Pisceans, (mine was 6th March) both have four children and nine grandchildren, and both use AOL. I am now going to taqke some time and read your blog properly. If you want to look at mine it is: - will be in touch.
Regards, Shirley

Anonymous said...

What a lovely entry Jan, so full of humour as usual, no wonder you`re so poplular despite the negative comments that I`ve not read yet but will just for a laugh.  I know I won`t be taking them seriously anymore than you have.  I suppose now you`re up there with the famous, and possibly the rich, we can only hope that you`ll still want to read our humble!  ;o)

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

What a pleasure to read the words of someone so full of joy!  You've made me smile and lifted my day - brilliant!  Sheila

Anonymous said...

hi,this is the first time i've visited this page and what a pleasure it was to read.i shall visit again. good luck. from missyelen

Anonymous said...

Do hope now you're famous that you will still visit us lowly peeps <g> I love reading your journal as you are always so bright and cheery and not down and grumpy like me :o)  Enjoy your fame you deserve it :o)  Caff xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jan, never knew anybody famous before. Have been looking for this all week and was glad I found it this morning thought I had missed it .Well done Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Hi jan, just signed on AOL espacially to see your face :o) Well done

Anonymous said...

I know we haven't met but it's really strangely satisfying to see the face of someone I feel I know and consider a friend on the home page!!  Really pleased for you, you're a celebrity now you know!  Enjoy it!  Love the pics of your brood xx

Anonymous said... fair brighten up that welcome page!!  Hope you are enjoying your 15 minutes of fame - can I have your autograph?!  Seriously, you deserve the recognition - I adore reading your journal, as do so many others.  How's the ark coming along?....could do with one myself, it's rained up here all day.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing at the technophobe.  I am the biggest one of all.  Completely helpless.  LOL..I even have problems setting my mobile phone.  I ended up getting a Kodak Share digital camera because it is so much more user friendly than my children's cameras.  But finally, you are on the welcome page....YEAH!  And thanks for sharing it with us.  Have yourself a great week of fame!  HUGS  Chris

Anonymous said...

This is really great, you be featured like this.  Way to go Jan !!  What an honor...Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

My oh my - my mum is famous. Well done you! I hope that you have many more years of journal yet. Love you to bits and you deserve it all. Looking forward to seeing you both tomorrow. take care. Love you so much - Your babe

Anonymous said...

Haven't been able to see anything about you're cover story, so hope you get rid of the gremlins so you can share them with us!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jan - saw your smiling face on the welcome page. Real pleased for you. Take care.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

Jan...That is a lovely entry!Best Wishes!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jan Im pleased your Day went so well . And Thank you for the welcome . Some times we know who we can relate to strait away . Your Journal is a pleasure to read . Made me smile in many places . Enjoy your Reirement as im enjoying mine . Surrounded by friends near and Far . And of course your Family . Im just of to my Daughters for Dinner , makes a change as it's usualy me cooking lol .
bye for now Fran x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan ,glad you had such a good responce to your journal ,you deserve all the glory,so proud of you and glad  that you are my sister and friend.....Love Jeanxx