As you will see from the pictures , I went along to the Junior School Fete ,which was well attended ,considering England played football yesterday ,they won ,but in my humble opinion not well ! I think they will have to play better than that in the further rounds ,mind it was hot ,both in Germany where the match was being played and here ...I didnt know where the school was ,but I found it OK ,on my return home I discovered I had gone the long way round ,in the heat and Ooo me feet! I didnt stay long, after,I had bought a pretty bracelet,a book on Quilts, Patchwork and Samplers,a book by an author Nora Roberts ,has anyone read her ?I won two prizes on the Tombola , Barry !...... Marks and Spencers hand and body lotion and a pkt of sage and onion stuffing !...came home by way of the market ,where I bought some raspberrys and new potatoes ,and a cabbage all farm fresh .Then watched the end of the footie !
All the football hype the last few days/weeks,reminded me of the 1966 game ....Mick my late husband was a keen football supporter,and as we had three small children at that time ,it was decided I should take the children to see my Mum and Dad ,for the day so that Mick could watch the match 'in peace' was a long walk to get the bus ,and my sister Jean met me the other end .....Mum decided to keep the children entertained ,in the garden ,whilst Dad ,Jean and I watched the match ,until a thunder storm forced them in doors .so they watched with us ,till ....'.they think its all over ! is now ! ' We loved it ,all cheering away (Jean was in love with Geoff Hurst then anyway ! )it was soon time to get the bus home ,and Mick met us off the bus ,wearing a very long face !! We all piled off the bus all excited by Englands victory,the kids ready to share their elation with their Dad ! When he announced he hadnt seen it ,well not the last crucial part of the second half...there had been a power cut due to the storm ,till the day he died he joked how it had backfired when he packed the wife and kids of to the mother in laws ,so he could watch the match in peace !!......... Have a Blessed Sunday everyone...
Jan xx
Jan the Junior School fete pictures are lovely ~ glad it was well attended as the football was on TV ~Sounds like you bought some nice things and winning two Tombola prizes M&S hand and body lotion and a pkt of sage and onion stuffing ~ Hope you bought a Chicken to roast on the way home ~ had to laugh at Mick (Your late husband) packing you all off to MIL's ~ then getting a power cut and didn't see the end of the match ~ I really felt for him ~ but glad the rest of you got to see it ~ Ally
Your pictures are great. Looks as if everyone is having fun. Congrats to England for winning yesterday. I have read some Nora Noberts books in the past. Of course I like most authors. Have a nice Sunday. Helen
glad that you had a nice day at the fete yesterday, and some good photos aswell, I cant rtemember the last time I had fresh raspberries, hope you enjoy them.
have a nice day take care
Lynne xx
I laughed at Mick packing you all off to your mums and not getting to see the end of the match! Still, it was shown so much afterwards I expect he got to see it later!. Is that one of those henna tatoos? I like them, I wouldn't have a real tatoo done but the hennna ones are more for faint hearted people like me! Looks like the fete was fun and it must have been nice to have it on such a sunny day! Jeannette xx
Glad you had such a nice day for your local fete. Not going to mention th f word for the next few weeks. Lovwe Joan.
Hi Jan ,Love your tatoo shame it won't last till next Saturday.That was a good picture of you .Like your pansys pics of the graphics .Thanks for sending me Kates email.So funny that Mick missed the football match!!! not that he thought so !! Geoff Hurst is still abit of alright !!! Have a good day ....Love Jeanxx
It all looks lovely, bet the kids enjoyed themselves.
Would have been much too hot for me though, I'd have volunteered to have wet sponges thrown at me to cool me down, lol ;o)
Sara x
What a lovely story....poor Mick!!
Glad you enjoyed the fete, you got a good day for it.
Like the tattoo, you trendy thing, you!!
Looks like fun, know the kids all enjoyed it!
Hugs, Sug
Congrats on the win! A fluke goal is a goal none the less and it counts. Take it and be happy :) No doubt they will play up to the potential of their next opponent. Loved the story! I think that something similar has happened to us all at one point or another.
Hi Jan,
Nice photos, I love fetes and you certainly had the weather for it. What a pity you didn`t wait to have a go at the Bush! Please tell me it wasn`t the real thing! Jim told me all about the football and he wasn`t at all impressed by their performance, he said they were rubbish...oh dear. Hmm....fresh raspberries!
Sandra xxxx
that was a good story ..... glad they won yesterday too. Did you really get a tatoo? Sounds like you had a nice day even if your feet did get sore... :) Sandra
Your football or soccer as we Yankees call it has hit the US. The World Cup finals are being watched over here also. My BF loves soccer and had the finals on yesterday. The US football starts in the fall and the men are glued to the tv on Monday night, Thursday night and Sundays up until the Superbowl at the end of January. Anyway, I'm cheering England on. HUGS Chris
Two tombola prizes, woohoo! The way the football went I wish I'd gone to the fete with you, lol. At least it would have been fun throwing sponges at the teachers. B. x
I knew there was a difference between our football and yours. We call it soccer. Yes I have read Nora Roberts....she writes great books. I'm looking forward to getting to Victoria BC this August and getting some Marks & Spencer shower gel. I love their stuff. And of course I can't buy it here in the states. Even tho I sell Avon and have tons of their shower gel...I have to have a supply of Marks & Spencer, too. Linda in sunny but cool Washington state
Oh, poor Mick! LOL Bet he never quite got over that. I love your new tattoo. If it's real, you are a braver woman than I. I could just barely stand the idea of getting my ears pierced. So happy England won their match. I'm following the World Cup thru the journal entries of my English buddies. Thanks for your kind words and prayers for my aunt. It means a lot! Love, Kathy
Looks Like you had A busy day Yesterday Jan also fun !!! Great pics , Is that A Henna Tattoo ?? or Transfer !! . Looks good whichever . We went carbooting today it was so Hot , I can Sympathise with your poor feet . Mind I got a few Bargains .
Love Fran x
hi Jan...
ain't that a shame Mike did'nt see the full match...that was a good match 1966 and I hope our's now, will be just as good! but, they do need to do better...the pics of the fete are great, hope you enjoyed yourself...have a good evening!
Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors! She is big big big over here in the States! I think you will enjoy her, Jan! :) She is an excellent, easy to understand and read, author!
Sounds like you had fun at the fair! And, you got a tatoo and everything! lol
Hope your weekend was a good one! You're probably sleeping over there now, and won't see this till tomorrow!
Love to you,
Looks like you had a great day Jan! bug stew eeooww. cool tattoo though!! Enjoyed the football story too. I am halfway through a Nora Roberts book called Dance Upon The Air. I am really enjoying it Linda xx
Hi, glad you had a good day at the fete and that the weather stayed lovely, even if it was a little hot (we're never happy us British (Welsh to) are we,lol), I'm wondering now if I could get a set of those stocks to use on a few of my tutors, I'm sure I could make a bob or two with a bucket of water and some sponges then. Loved the football story, get the feeling there was a little bit of Khama going on there,lol. Take care, Sam xx
Ha cute story. My late husband also liked football. The Dallas Cowboys. At that time they came on in the afternnoon so I mowed the grass. That was better then watching football. I am reading a Nora Robers. Just finished two of her's. Paula
lol, great story, hehe.
Well I hope your football team wins. We call it soccer but I still hope they win. I don't know anything about it though. lol And yes I have read a book by Nora Roberts. I think it was called Midnight Bayou and it was really good! Hugs and GBU, Shelly
I love the school fetes and i buy loads of stuff i never need lol zoe xx
Hi, glad you had a nice time at the fete.I am trying to think of the author Nora Roberts, what does she write about, quite intrigued now because sure mum had one of her books. I am not a football fan, but it all looks very exciting and quite like D. Beckam's seems like a 'nice young man'..Hope England win!!
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