I feel sure this clever graphic is one of Donna's....It certainly sums up how I've been feeling about my journal and everyone elses the last few days ,the blue screen with 'back to journal' has become a familiar sight ....when trying to read journals and add comments,I have had people e-mailing me to say ,they couldnt get to my journal and putting their comments into e-mail ,I really appreciate that but it isnt right is it ?and how many more people ,have decided its all to much hassle ?and have we all got time to mess around like this ?I have many people on my alerts and if I read a journal ,I feel it needs a comment ,I feel if someone has taken the time to post its only fair to acknowledge them I refuse to be a lurker ,but my word hasnt it become time consuming ,time as I say ,we havent all got .....right end of whinge .....
Tomorrow ,I plan to meet up with my sister Jean ,at Ferry Meadows in Peterborough an open park land ,in P/boro where many open air activities take place ,The company I used to work for have arranged an open day for tenants their family and friends ,The highlight I think will be a visit,from the Sealed knot Society ,who are to set up a village on site and an enactment of the civil war is to take place ,so watch this space ....there is to be five a side football ,(we cant get away from footie can we ?)A visit from the firebrigade ,face painting ,a jewellery stall ,those are the things I remember ,if you think back I told you I had been to the meeting when we organised it ,cant believe how quickly its come round ,Its July tomorrow, Ooo slow down ,....wait for meee! The weather forecast is good and I bought a new skirt ,did you see it in the picture?......So my friends I will go and make my self something to eat ....With Love and have a good weekend everyone