Sunday, 3 September 2006

Nothing ,nowt ,Zilch ,.....Alerts !

Thankyou for yet another appropriate graphic Donna.


My second attempt to post this entry, I was just selecting my siggy and got cut off Bah! I haven’t had an alert since Friday evening, the only consolation being I know I’m not alone ,and word has it because, it is a holiday weekend in America ,we may not have our alerts restored to us before Tuesday! I have been surfing many of my friends and caught up with some of you but since it is so time consuming ,if I haven’t found you yet ,I am trying ,but not as trying as AOL ! I thank all of you who left comments on my journal yesterday; I keep popping back to my journal, as of course I’m not getting alerts for that either .I feel as though I’m in the Twilight zone, there is a world out there and I cant get to it, The only time my little envelope has had a number beside it was when I received an email, so thank you for them too. Did have a lovely chat to Ally this morning, when we put the world to rights…… Mark and Chrissy came to see us today, and when Maurice finishes work tomorrow morning ,he will be off for a couple of weeks holiday ,nothing planned ,but you know us we’ll find something exciting to do, and somewhere to go, Which I will be sharing .Well I’m off now have a Blessed Sunday evening  With Love    

                         Jan xx 


Anonymous said...

I must be one of the lucky ones as I am getting alerts.......
and OMG!!  I forgot all about that graphic!!!  I think I need to go back into my own archives.  LOL
hugs and I do hope things get better soon

Anonymous said...

For some reason Jan I seem to be getting alerts don't know if I am getting them all though ~ as you know from our conversation this morning I have been cut off so many times today I think aol is trying to tell me something ~ I hope you get out of the twilight zone and aol gets back to work and sort this problem ~ It amazes me they are all on holiday and no one to look after it's customers ~ I know you and Maurice will have a lot of days out so I will look forward to the pictures I just know you will be taking ~ I love Donna's graphic she always comes up with one to match your entry ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Getting alerts, but got cut off earlier on and have only just got back on!!!

Anonymous said...

i am getting alerts but who knows whne aol will get it fixed grrrrrrr....... love the tags


Anonymous said...

hi Jan...
I hav'nt had any alert either, still it gave me a chance to catch up with the ones i already hope you had a good weekend...I have just posted my entry, but do'nt know if anyone will get alert??? love the graphic and wishes and take care!


Anonymous said...

I'm getting alerts. Whether I'm geting the ALL is another matter, lol. Enjoy your two weks, whatever you decide to do. B. x

Anonymous said...

I am getting no alerts. . I am making my own way round tonight.Hope you go somewhere nice with Maurice . .two weeks off woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, I've had no alerts since this morning! Isn't it irritating?! I hope they come back soon. Scooby won't be getting any exercise running to see the alerts! I was going to do an entry then I thought why bother if nobody can read it! I tried to read your previous comments for this entry, I got a Page cannot be displayed thingy! Hope you and Maurice have a good time while he's off work. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Is AOL taking a long US holiday weekend?  Sheesh....I still get alerts for comments left in my journal; just not alerts for entries in the journals I read.  I do know no one is getting any type of answer from AOL.  xxx Chris

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your tow weeks off lol retired or not we do still like to be 'on holiday'. Certainly hope your get your alerts back on soon. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

It must just be you all across the pond that aren't getting alerts, as I've been getting mine, and it's our holiday! lol  Weird, I tell ya!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan :-) AOL is getting worse isn't it?? What with the problem with the links, and now the alerts GRRRR about time they got it sorted!! I'm just going through my sidebar now, trying to catch up ~ have a lovely time with Maurice off, I'm sure you'll have lots of exciting things to tell us :-)
Hugs Debbie ~xxxx~

Anonymous said...

Hello......I am a new visitor to your journal. I saw the title of your journal which I like. Serendipity is the name of one of my favorite movies with John Cusack. I really liked reading your journal its really quite interesting. I will be back to read the rest of your entries. It will be nice getting to know you. For now I will say good bye and take care.

Anonymous said...

aol should be ashamed of themselves.  This is a recurring problem and it should not happen!  We pay them enough, why should we have to email people telling them we have posted.  Wonderful graphic by Donna.  I shall not post tomorrow and hopefully things will be back to normal on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

GRRRR I'm totally po'd at AOL, right about now!
Nothing since Saturday morning!
Is it AOL or is it AOL Journals? Whatever...I'm fuming!
About ready to jump off the cliff & take AOL with me!!! LOL
Huggies, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Well, I have no alerts either and have contacted live help with no resolution. They are indeed a pack of bumbling idiots.

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping my journal I also added you to my alerts if we ever get them again. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your holiday and do something interesting.

By for now,


Anonymous said...

I am getting so annoyed with AOL - just when you think things were fine you log on and you've got no alerts damn them!!  I'm glad you seem to know what's going on though I have thought about emailing someone about it!!  It seems a waste of time posting an entry but it's my journals anniversary so I suppose I should lol

Anonymous said...

I haven't had any Alerts since Saturday Jan. AOL are being a pain, having no Alerts is so frustrating! Hopefully the problem will be sorted soon, eh? Have a lovely holiday.

Have a good week!
Leigh :-)"

Anonymous said...

Have a nice holiday, hopefully by the time you get back A.O.L. will have sorted the alerts and all will be working ok again,
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

cute entry Jan! I lvoe the littel "tinkle bell" and the hand! imaginative!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jan!  It was fun catching up on a week of entries.  How fun to have your granddaughter stay for a few days.  She's a darling girl!  Hope you and your husband enjoy his time away from work.  Looking forward to finding out what adventures you find.

Anonymous said...

Well it's Tuesday and STILL NO ALERTS.

grrrrrrr to AOL, this is ridiculous.

Hope you're having a great day and take care.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan I got some alerts today and yours among them .What an appropriate graphic for this entry .Hope you and Maurice have a good time  on his days holidays.......Love Jeanxx...Have been back to school today,so the sun has been shining..xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan just to let you know I am here, reading your posts. My alerts are off too. Mind you I only have one comment on my entire journal. Pmsl.......hugs Charline xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,

No alerts for me either.. i am slowly making my way through all my very time consuming.. I'm with you i feel mailbox is empty  :-(
