Hi Everyone ,at ten minutes to midnight,I was just about to call it a day ! and I heard it ...... ping and ....'you have email Jan' WE HAVE OUR ALERTS BACK ,for the first time since last Friday I now have some emails in my in box .....I was becoming very disenchanted with AOL ,have seriously considered leaving ,I posted an entry on Saturday and Sunday ,and bless your hearts you found you way here ,I desperately tried to keep up with yours, but it was hard I would click on names on my side bar ,people might have posted ...but after Id gone ! I went through my favourites ,...but honestly it became so time consuming. At least we were believed in the end ! and finally here we are ,back on track again .I hope every one is OK ,I shall do a proper entry soon ,but just had to check every thing was working properly again ,Thanks to Donna and Dianna for the graphics again ,I am now going to bed , when I wake tomorrow ,I wont be wondering if ,when I log on,there is anything in the mail box,So goodnight every one With Love From
Linda Smith Shook - Linda's World.
Today, March 16th, 2025, Linda Smith Shook passed away, aged 82, after a
lengthy spell of ill health. Only a few weeks ago, she had to transfer to a
1 week ago
Yay! my second 'Alert' of the night/morning....see you soon!
PS..I posted on the 5th...
Jan, I'm thinking the alerts are still off in the US. LOL..they must have gotten the UK fixed first. I do have some fall tags added to my graphics journal and did one entry on Monday in my regular journal. I'm holding off until our alerts across the pond are fixed. xxChris
mine are ok too..thank goodness.
YAY..I got an alert for this! awesome!
I haven't been commenting many places over the past few days, as I'd sit down to do it and then have to leave off, so I'd forget who I'd visited and who I hadn't. It's been a nightmare, but I'm sooo glad we're back on now!
Great to hear from ya,
Lv Stevie
glad your alerts are back i suppose mine will go now grrr i hope not lol
I was posting an entry when I got an alert from Guido! It's great to hear that ping, bet Scooby's pleased too. I bet he thought he'd gone deaf! Jeannette xx
Hey ~ I got this alert!!! I got one from Jeannette too.
When those alerts are in order all is well with the world! It is hard to keep up when they go off. Hope all is good with you! Looking forward to your next entry!
Jan the sound of that PING was music to my ears lol ~ glad to be back on track ~ Ally
My alerts are back on too this morning...yippee! I have missed your comments and daily visits Jan. You have no idea how much you have helped me come to terms with mum's death. Thank you so much for your friendship. I have missed over the last few days! Love Conniex
Mine only packed up yesterday. And now they're back I've got to switch 'em all off while I'm on me hols. B. x
Oh i was away all weekend and came back to a huge pile of alerts...Mine never went off although i did mean to switch them off whilst i was away doh!! Caff xxxxxx
So glad your alerts are back. Now you can get back to normal.
Hello Jan,
I am new to your journal and new to J/Land too,well only just finding my way around this anyway.A novice to the pooter too ,but I keep trying , LOL! knowone to show me things.I have just inserted my daily rhyme about AOL this morning.Sick to the teeth as everybody has been with no alerts..Your Journal is brilliant,I found it by chance. Well like many I too have thought of giving up,but lets show them we are not so weak willed.LOL!!! US WOMEN.Take care have a lovely day.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
hi Jan..
i just came online to check for emails and i too have got alerts back on, i will be back this evening to read your entry...hope you are well...
Hi Jan ,glad to hear you are getting the "ping" again for your alerts ,it must be so disheartning to do an entry and then to get no response.Lets hope it continues to work alright ........Love Jeanxx
YAy....something great to wake up to this morning! :o)
How odd that some of us lost them and others, like me, didn't And why did Debbie's (Essex Girl) address change itself for no apparent reason?
I keep meaning to ask Jan what happened to your picture in the All About Me box? You haven't turned into the Red Cross have you? lol Linda x.
I'm so relieved to find the alerts are working again - AOL does try our patience don't they!!
told you it was being worked on? Or wasn't it you?
I think we shall all get a rebate. It got so bad I stayed away for a couple of days. Glad that everything seems to be o.k. now but.......for how long????
Hope all has been well today for you Jan. I am way behind as we have been busy the last three days have tomorrow to9 catch up. LOve Joan.
Well, I'm glad the alerts are working for you again - I didn't have a problem, but it must have been quite frustrating.
Well, honestly, I had my alerts off all weekend as we were away at Disney but I am getting them right on time now! lol Have a great day! HUgs and GBU, Shelly
Jan, hasn't it been hard work without them. Its funny some people still got alerts, i wasnt getting any either! so glad theyr'e back! Linda xx
Hello Jan, woohoo I am doing the alert happy dance too. Love your tag today. Hugs Charline xx
hi Jan...
hope you are well! love the graphics...it was really strange without the alerts, was'nt it? i felt lost for a while there...lol. so glad its back to norm...best wishes and take care!
I make my way over here eventually anyway Jan! But I'm glad they're back.
I rang aol dial up technicians, they came out with so much crap about the loss of alerts and some personal emails, I decided to ring the account department and ask what I was getting for my money. Kind lady from aol accounts said you are on dial-up and unfortunately cannot access broadband yet in your locality. I might be thick but didn't see the relevance of that piece of information: She then put me through to another department - broadband technicians!!
Keep laughing.
Love Sylvia xx
I'm happy that we finally got the alerts back on. I was lost. LOL.
Hi Jan..
Isn't it lovely to be back to normal with the alerts and comments?? I sure missed them... have a smashing weekend...
so glad that we are back to normal again, wonder how long it will last this time
have a nice weekend
take care Lynne xx
Hi Jan :-) Yes, everything seems to be in working order again!!! How long for....who knows lol. I know what you mean about AOL, we pay a lot of money and it seems to be going wonky all the time, gets on your nerves!!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!
lotsa love n hugs Debbie ~xxxxxxx~
well Id love to say phew its back to normal but I think ill jinx it lol take care xxzoexx
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