These hugs are for our dear Friend Ally ,whose Grandson Tom was taken into Hospital yesterday and when she posted last night she was naturally very concerned ,She has asked me to tell you all ,that lots of tests have been done during the night he was to have had a scan this morning ,as they think it may be a small blood clot on the until things become more clear Ally has asked me to tell you how grateful she is, to you all who have sent comments to her,with your prayers and good wishes, as soon as she feels able ....she will of course be in touch again , Meanwhile I know you all join me in wishing Tom a speedy recovery and to reassure her that Tom, Cressy,Lyn and the family as well as our dear Ally are in our prayers and thoughts at this time .........With love Jan xx
Linda Smith Shook - Linda's World.
Today, March 16th, 2025, Linda Smith Shook passed away, aged 82, after a
lengthy spell of ill health. Only a few weeks ago, she had to transfer to a
1 week ago
Prayers going up for Tom & family. May God Bless!
Jan, that was such a lovely entry for Ally and her hugs are so sweet. We are all thinking of them, thankyou for keeping us informed, Linda xxx
How worrying for the family,hugs to Ally and Tom a speedy recovery thanx for telling us hun hugs to you too xx zoe xx
I've worried about Ally and Tom all day after seeing her entry. I do pray Tom will get through this and the tests show some good results. Thanks for letting us know Jan. Jeannette xx
I wish Tom a very speedy recovery. Thank you Jan for keeping us informed on his progress. (((Hugs to all)))
Leigh :-)"
Hope all is okay for Ally, I have tried to get into her journal but I am having real probs with aol at present. Please pass on my love. Joan x
i will pop over and leave a message...thanx for letting us know!
hanks for the update Jan - have been worried since I read her entry.
Yes, of course, I understand, I would also wish to add my comments to wish the poor little mite a speedy recovery.
Please, when you feel up to it, let us all know how the little boy is going on.
By for now,
I know she is concerned for her grandson...yes the family has my prayers. Linda in WA
Thanks Jan, for keeping us updated.
Sending lots of good wishes to all the family.
Hope you're well.
Oh thank you for updating us.
Poor Tom, how worrying for everyone.
Of course, in my thoughts.
Sara x
Prayers and bless to Ally and her family.
Hoping everything goes their way.
Have a good weekend, and keep us updated on Tom's progress, please.
Oh how I feel for Ally. May all `come good' for Tom. Loving thoughts. Bunny xx
Oh dear, that is dreadful news, poor Ally, she must be so upset. I hope Tom get`s better soon. Thanks for the update Jan.
Sandra xxxx
Hi Jan, this is such sad news, I hope and pray Tom will be ok. I've been to Ally's and left a comment. Thanks for letting us know. Take care of yourself.
Lots of love Debbie ~xxxxxx~
Hi Jan, have lit a candle for Tom..sure he will be ok, and what a lovely friend you are.
I hope her grandson will be okay and thanks for letting us know.
keeping all in prayer:)
Please pass my prayers and thoughts on to Ally xx
Thanks for the update... prayers and good thoughts going out. I left her a comment too :)
Yes I add my prayers for Ally's grandson. Paula
dear Jan,
oh I didn't know about this! I wish her grandsona very speedy recovery adn my prayers are offered as well
My prayers for Ally's grandson. Thanks for letting us know.
Thanks for the update, Jan. I've been following Ally's journal and sent her all the prayers that could be mustered for her dear grandson. A blood clot in the lung is no small matter. She said he was getting injections of blood thinner which hopefully will dissolve that clot soon. xx Chris
I was glad to read that Tom is home now. Let us hope all the problems are behind him. You are so caring to post this.
I do hope Ally's grandson will be well very soon!
Thanks for the news about Tom. I have sent a get well message to Ally. Love Conniexx
Ohh, that is so sad. I'm on my way over to offer prayers for Ally and her grandson. Thanks for letting us know! Big hugs and GBU, Shelly
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