Saturday ,woke to another ,very hot day ,we decided ,to go into Huntingdon,but on route Maurice wanted to book the Shogun in to get some work done on it ,he went in search of the guy... Im sitting in the car ,and there it was in the door way ,A mobile canteen ,I jumped out, with my ever ready camera ,what a photo oportunity ! whilst Maurice was booking the car in the fellow kindly opened up the back for me to look inside ,it was actually the owner of the garage who owned it and he said once he had closed up ,which he planned to do ,when he'd sorted out Maurices appointment for next Thursday ,he was off to drive it in a parade ,in fact his wife turned up just then with a change of clothes for him ,Isnt it a gem ?
So off we went to Huntingdon ,where amongst other things we bought some new floor covering for the bathroom ,and some shelves for the kitchen .Pictures of which I'm sure you will see in due course ,We had a milk shake and a burger ,more for the excuse to sit ,than anything ,it was over poweringly hot ,We then made our way back to the car ,I even walked straight past Next ,who had a sale on ! so fed up was I with the heat ! As we drove home ,we noticed big black clouds forming and following us ,but still no rain ! ! we got home and heard ....Thunder ,then a wind got up ,it was blowing and swirling everything ,We took down the garden brolleys and Maurice even,took the hanging baskets down ...
Just as well he did ,it saved them from getting blown and dashed ,speaking to Jean (my sister) on the phone today ,she tells me Pete and her had been for a cycle ride ,and didnt get back in time,and their gazebo ,remember we sat in it,on Tueday on my visit , was blown around and damage that shes not sure can be fixed ! We got in doors just in time to sit and watch the rain ,come pouring down,
I unplugged the PC because we had lightening too....When it passed it was so lovely to breath fresh air ,the garden looks so much better for a drink ..I have been keeping out of the way Maurice has been fitting the vinyl whilst I do this entry ,I had better think about sorting out some food now I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday ....With Love and
Jan xx
That was some storm wasn't it? The wind was quite frightening as it whipped up so fast! Sorry to hear about Jeans gazebo, hope it can be fixed! Had some rain again today, not much though, but it is still cool which is lovely!
So glad it rained in your gap we have not had a storm yet but we did seem to have some rain overnight not much as the ground was dry although the whirly was dripping this morning. Love Joan
Wow...sounds like you had quite a day! Thanks for visiting my journal.. I have been writing for awhile but got so busy with school and stuff that I neglected it for a few months, but I am back and glad to be at that. Thanks again and I will be sure to add you to my list! Have a great day! Andie
You had a good day, in spite of the awful weather (like the graphic of the evil cloud lol)
I love the mobile canteen Jan, it's superb. Looks like you had the full force of the storms, we just got the tail end :( Rache
WOW, what great pictures. Isn't great that some people care for these vintage and priceless things from the past? Linda in WA
We had some rain but not enough to make a difference to the garden. Me fushias are wilting. It's a bit cooler but I wish we could have a proper storm and clear the air a bit. Loved the pics by the way, hugs Charline xx
hi Jan...
Great has been really hot has'nt it, too much for me...phew! we had some rain early morning before 9.00am. Saturday and some late afternoon, but only a little...Best wishes and take care!
Jan that was a lovely entry, how nice of that man to open his mobile canteen, it was lovely inside too. I can't believe you were so hot you bypassed a 'next' sale! lol Hope Maurice and the vinyl are ok! Linda xx
I haven't got my alerts on yet, just dropped in to see what you'v been up to! I remember the old Austin vans and cars, the Electricity boards used to use them! I remember the blue bags of sugar too! It looks lovely inside, you should've asked for a sample cuppa! That rain did come down didn't it?! I hope it didn't flatten your plants, it was so heavy. Jeannette xx
That Austin van is a gem. Nice of him to let you take a look around. Glad you got your much needed rain. Hope it brought some relief from the heat. We are into the rain again but it is welcome from the hot week here last week. Have a good week to come. xxx chris
Mmmm, I can smell the rain in your garden. I love that. Wet dirt and watered flowers and grass with the scent of fresh air. So sweet and clean! So sorry about your sister's gazebo. Hope it can be repaired! Love, Kathy
Jan The photos are great ~ what luck you happened to see the Mobile canteen ~ and better still you got some pictures ~ It must have been hot for you to walk past NEXT especially as they have their sales on at the moment lol ~ Glad you had some rain but it sounded like quite a storm ~ Hope Jean's Gazebo can be repaired ~ Ally
Fantastic photographs. I remember shaking every last morsel of sugar from those bags and then folding them carefully - nothing could be wasted in my young days either!
Hi Jan that was kind of folk to hope the gazebo can be mended but not sure if it can ,Pete tried super glue and it came apart and said he could try and turn the centre piece on the lathe but I'm not sure.That mobile canteen was a great find and so handy you had your camera , brought back some memories,blue sugar bags!!! I remember them weighing it and selling that at the little coop at the bottom on the street.Your graphics were great showing the rain and storm.......Love Jeanxx
Wow Jan, you are so lucky to have had rain. We have had nothing here and the gardens are so parched. All the hard work Mike and I put in has been lost really as the flowers, a lot of them, have bloomed themselves to death. From the forecast I see no prospect of rain this week either. To be honest I am finding it worrying now because it makes me feel awful and I am so tired of it.
What a marvellous canteen. How lovely you were able to see inside and get photos. Great when you can be in the right place at the right time.
Mmm, don't you just love the smell of Summer rain? We haven't had much here in Essex though. I like the pics of the mobile canteen. We used to have a mobile library too, remember them? B. x
Lol Jan, that thunder cloud is a great graphic, it really describes so well what it was like here on Saturday. The wind frightened the life out of me, me and my neighbiours have tall trees in our gardens and they were swaying so much they nearly touched the ground, and I had to lock my back door as the wind kept blowing it open! The rain really lashed down for a while and it was such a pleasure lol! Back to very hot today though - phew.......
Jan you're so lucky you've had some rain!! Send some to Wales please, although I don't like thunder and lightening!!
Leigh :-)"
Your entries are always so interesting. I should write down things I wonder about and ask My daughter what they mean. She lived in England for three years and loved it. Today I am wondering if your gap is like our county. Paula
nice entry Jan! love and hugs,natalie
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