It being Palm Sunday,I thought it would be nice to tell you about another one of my Vicars ,but what to use as a graphic ? and then Donna offered this one yesterday ,as though she knew It is so lovely and so just right .The saying' The Lord will provide' has been proved to me over and over again ,Thank you Donna .
Family grown ,I was living in a flat on my own ,and loved it at the time ,it was on the third floor and I had some lovely views ,I could see Peterborough Cathedral from my bedroom and kitchen window beyond the river and railway line ,to March Ely and Cambridge .I started attending St Johns church and met The Rev Soliel Da Silva.He is Family man with two sons ,his wife is a delightful lady too .
At this time I was working in a residential home for the elderly .Built and owned by a friend ,a manager ran it for David assisted by myself and really good team ,I often stood in for Tina the manager ,during a discussion one day,I suggested we ,should be doing more for the Pastoral care of our residents as I knew The Rector I offered to invite him to come along and visit our residents ,they loved him ,we had many lovely services at the 'Tudors ',at Christmas he would bring along the choir,and we would have a carol service ,and through the year we had services ,and we all took communion together ,on a regular basis ,I remember one resident who died had no family so the service at the crem was ,to be a token one ,so we had a lovely service in the lounge at the Tudors ,Today being Palm Sunday those that could'nt get to church would recieve thier Palm crosses .Of course there were those that were able to walk to church on a nice day ,you would see me and another like minded girl ,pushing a wheel chair,with a resident holding onto the handles ,and we would take a steady walk to the church nearby ,we attended flower festivals that way too ,I remember we took part ,these flower festivals usually had a theme one year I remember the theme was musicals and we chose Andrew Lloyd Webbers Chess
While I was at the Tudors ,I took my City and Guilds and achieved level three in continuing care ,I did twelve units,which in part involved care of the dying ,death and bereavment ,The Rector was a great support to me.
He gave , me the above testimonial ,for my portfolio,and later when I was applying for management off Sheltered housing ,he also did a very nice referance for me ,along with my manager ,but all that is another story ,The last I heard of Rev Da Silva ,he had returned to his home in Shri Lanka ,were I understand he felt he was needed at the time of the tereble disaster caused by the Tsuname,Where ever he is, I know ,he is loved ,I think of him often,yes a lovely man .And so on this Blessed day I send you all my love Jan xx
What a lovely thoughtful entry for Palm Sunday. I have never been able to get back into going to church since I left my home town but some day I will. Mum and I always went together and somehow its not the same anymore and a strange church to boot. Thank you. . Love Joan.
A lovely entry Jan. I hope the Rev De Silva was able to help the tsunami victims. Donna's graphic is beautiful isn't it? Have a lovely day. Jeannette xx
Perfect entry!
Strange that not many of us have mentioned it being Palm Sunday; lovely entry Jan!!
There are so many wonderful men/women of God, I have had the fortunate experience to meet many, & for that I am truly thankful. May God bless each & every one of them.
Lovely entry dear,
Sounds as if you and the Pastor and his family helped make the residents life a better place to live. Helen
He was as proud and fond of you as you him Jan. Well done on achieving the certificate. Enjoy the day. Rache
Thanks Jan. That was so interesting to read about your time at the Tudors caring for the residents. Well done . It must have been quite gruelling doing the City and Guilds especially the bereavement part. Eve
A nice entry. Such wonderful work you did. The Reverand and you will be blessed. Paula
Nice entry...God is so good to provide His people with special pastors to lead, guide & comfort the flock when they need it most. Linda in Washington
Good entry Jan, makes me wonder what ever happened to my palm cross that I had as a child, I used it as a book mark. I came across my church stamp album the other day, we used to get a lovely, colourful stamp to stick in our album every time we went to Sunday School - there are quite a few missing ;-)
What a lovely entry Jan ~ The Rev Soliel Da Silva sounds a wonderful person ~ and well done you on your Certificates ~ Ally
Hi Jan, thank you for another lovely entry. So appropriate as you said, for Palm Sunday. The Reverend Da Silva obviously held you in very high regard. Well done for achieving your City and guilds. :o)
Sandra xxxxx
Hi Jan this is a lovely entry for Palm Sunday.You can tell by Rev Desilvas letter how he thought about and cared for you. It was nice he did a reference for you too.I know how highly thought about you were at the Tudors and rightly so,those residents loved you ,you alway looked after them with such kindness and humour too........Love Jeanxx
What a great name your vicar has :o)
Jan this is a lovely story, and a lovely graphic to go with it.
hugs ~x Debbie x~
Hi Jan
What a lovely journal entry - its so nice to recall people who have touched our lives as Reverand Da Silva obviously touched yours.
Luv Jayne x
Hi, what a lovely entry. My friend is from Sri Lanka ,and we were on a ship when the disaster happened and I managed to phone her via satelite to make sure her family were ok.They were, thank heavens, and my friend went on to raise a lot of money to send over to help the fishermen.She is returning home this JULY after 15 years.What a home coming that will be..
What a lovely entry...I'd not realised it was Palm Sunday!..lost track of the days
Clever you getting City & Guilds
I have a Palm Cross in my Kitchen..where I see it everyday.
What a lovely entry. . .well done you for getting those city and guilds.Its putting in to practice what you have learned thats the hard bit and you have certainly shown humanity to others Jan.Rev de Silva speaks highly of you,he sounds a nice chap
What a nice entry :-) It's so nice to know you both brought peace to those old people's lifes
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