Just a quicky entry today,We had a fantastic evening ,everyone had fun ,some more than most Maurice,slept on the couch all night ,I didnt bother waking him ,Because he didnt have to drive he had a few drinks ,I did pace myself abit ,knowing that it is so long since either off us have had a drink its bound to hit,I just feel fragile !! a combination of G&T's,lots of dancing(I can still do it) Whey !! and Charlotte asked could she come home with us ,so she did ,she went to bed last night ,in a night shirt of mine ,(not too big) armed with a Secret seven book I'd found in my trawl through bookshops somewhere ,an Enid Blyton .
I got up, Maurice went to bed ,I found a tee shirt that had gone small ! and a sweater ,and knickers for Charlotte ,So with the skirt she wore last night and her boots,we went shopping ,and bought her some trouser's we are going to a pets refuge open day tomorrow so she will have some thing to wear lol ........I took loads of pictures last night but have to down load them ,Charlotte enjoyed reading some of my entrys ,then played a few games,then sat and helped ! whilst I answered two days worth of your journals ,so if they were a bit short and sweet you will understand ,its not easy especially as I'm being advised by an eleven year old what to say ! She enjoyed all the Easter card messages as I did and ,it was' play it again Gran',so every thing took twice as long little booger has gone to sleep now so I'm dashing this off,whilst Maurice is calling for me to wake her up ,as she wont sleep tonight lol
The joys of being a Gran !!What Maurice doesnt know is ,supper tonight will be from the chippy !!So have a lovely Easter Saturday evening ,no egg for me Maurice bought me a lovely Easter lilley With Love Jan xx
The graphic at the top was by XXRoxyXX Thankyou dear xx
Very nice entry, have a good Sunday tomorrow!
Lovely entry Jan ~ I bet you and Charlotte had great fun going through the journals :-) And I loved all the secret seven books, what a find !! Have a lovely day at the pet refuge centre tomorrow ~ and I'm with you ~ a lovely bunch of flowers and some tulips from Mart for me this Easter :-) The graphics are excellent ~ love 'em !!
love n hugs ~x Debbie x~
Hi Jan, I`m glad you and Maurice had a nice evening. It`s always nice to have a dance and a few drinks. :o)
Sandra xxxxx
Loved your Graphic Jan really pretty ~ glad you had a fantastic evening ~ and lots of Dances ~ sorry you are feeling fragile ~ have a lovely day at pets refuge open day ~ look forward to seeing the pictures you took last night ~ and Hope you have a Blessed Easter ~ Ally
Glad you had such a good time and had a good boogy have not danced for a long time accept in the house when the music is on. Have a nice evening with your grandaughter. Love Joan.
Glad you had a good time and are having Charlotte stay and are doing fun things with her. We can never have either of the boys to stay because there is simply no where to put them unless we put a camp bed up in the lounge but as they are quite close it really is not too much of a problem. Hope the head is not too sore from the drink!
Hi Jan ,nice that you have Charlotte to stay,girlie time together! We enjoyed the party.Got cramp in my toes from dancing!! Hope you enjoy the pets refuge open day tomorrow.Have Fun ......Love Jeanxx
Glad you enjoyed your evening, makes all the difference doesnt it :)
Jo xxx
Sounds like a great night and gaining an extra special visitor too :)
Hope you are feeling less fragile!
Enjoy the Open Day at Pets Refuge....
Always loved reading Enid Blyton!
Glad you had a great night and a good day today and hope you have another good one tomorrow with Charlotte. Helen
Sleeping on the coach means an exhausting but thoroughly enjoyable evening Jan, am so pleased you had a good time. Enjoy tomorrow too, Charlotte will look lovely in her new trousers. Rache
What a party animal you are!!! Hi to sweet Charlotte. Have fun. Dawn
What a party animal you are!!! Hi to sweet Charlotte. Have fun. Dawn
Sounds like you had a good time, both at the party, and with your granddaughter! :)
I know what you mean about being behind on Alerts! I am trying to play catch up today!
Have a lovely Easter, Jan!
God Bless,
Glad you found some knickers for Charlotte ; ) Cant wait till I have grandkids.Sounds like a good party and Maurice had a few but after all the jobs hes done he deserves a good drink lol.
LOL...it's so cute that your granddaughter loved your cards. Bet she was loving all the graphics in your journal also. I can't wait to see all your pictures. I do the same thing. I take them but then it takes me a while to get around to downloading. Have a very blessed Easter, Jan! HUGS Chris
I can't wait to have my own grandchildren. I have some step grandchildren but they all know I am not a real nanny, even the babies are taught that from the start........Jules xx
Hmm, my alerts are not working!! Glad you enjoyed the party. We had a chippy for tea too..yum! :o)
Glad your party went well. I was feeling a little fragile today too! I am not used to drinking at all these days and altho' I only had a large glass of wine it went straight to my feet! Love Conniex
Sounds like you had a good time at the party :o) Being the only granddaughter you can tell she has you wrapped round her little finger <ggg> But then girls are so much easier to spoil than boys...Thank you very much for the easter card which arrived on friday :o) Caff xxx
I didn't get any eggs apart from the mini tube from work lol........oooo secret seven I loved those books when I was little :-) I'm glad you had fun and Charlotte is helping her gran out.
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