Sunday, 5 March 2006

Rev George Bradshaw


The Reverend George Bradshaw, was our minister for a lot of years, and as such became a great favourite with us all. When he first came to the parish or to be more precise three parishes, well at least three churches, (I can remember after evensong at seven o clock, he would be dashing off to the next village to take a service there) He was married to Mary and they had three young children, John Ruth and Catherine .Much the same ages as my older three,children.

When I was first married, we lived in a cottage belonging to my parents in law, next door to them on one side and the church on the other, I cant remember the name of the rector, before Rev.Bradshaw, but he was an elderly gentleman who lived with his aged Mother, now for some obscure reason ,I was never confirmed, think it was my Father had asked me to wait till knew what I was doing! Well this bothered my mother in law so she asked the Rev Stanger (there I’ve just remembered his name! ) to prepare me for conformation ,all was going well until I told him I was pregnant with my second baby ,Rev.Stanger was reluctant so ,that was that again !However when The Rev.Brad’ came along ,he prepared me along with some teenagers,I remember he once said he’d dread it when I asked a question ,wondering what I was going to ask him next! My boys Mark and Derek were both in the church choir, as was Sharon later, and, if they got restless during some part of the service, I would as I’d pre warned them, cough ! and they were to look at me ,and I’d throw them a wait till we get home look ! The Rector told me, a cough from me frightened him to death lol.

The Rector prepared all my children for conformation; he was as I said a great family friend ,and when my husband Mick died he was a great support ,He also did us the honour of christening my first grandchild ,a year later ,when he said the honour was his ,since a year earlier this family was in despair at the death,of Mick,Iain Michael is twenty three now ! Rev.Bradshaw was an Irish man, with a lovely accent that made his sermons a joy to listen to; he had the Irish way with words (not without some blarney!)He used to say his sin was his love of singing and often during a service he had to restrain himself, sadly he died some years ago .But where ever he is I hope he’s singing......Have a blessed Sunday everyone ......... 







Anonymous said...

What a very nice story - he sounds a lovely man.......................

Anonymous said...

Beautiful story Jan.  He certainly made an impact on your life and it is nice you remember him with such affection.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful memory you have Jan and wonderful memories. Have a peaceful Sabbath. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely 'Story' on this lovely Sunny Morning!
What a memory you have...

Anonymous said...

Those are some good memories you have of Rev. Brad. Sounds as if he was a good family friend. Helen

Anonymous said...

What a lovely man to have as friend, Rev and neighbour.  Eve

Anonymous said...

Lovely story Jan thanks for sharing it with us. Love Laine xxxx

Anonymous said...

Oh Jan that is a lovely story ~ I am glad you have such a good memory and tell it so well ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,  I did enjoy this story of the Rev Bradshaw.  I had to laugh at your `cough` in church! Jim often talks to Roz, our local vicar while her dogs and Jake play together. :o)

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

A lovely story told of a lovely man,Rev Bradshaw was liked by all, old and young.He christened or baptisted Jo,do you remember Gary shouted out to him don't put that water on my sister she doesn't like it ,Rev Bradshaw afterwards put Gary on his knee and made friends with him telling him he wouldn't hurt her.Gary and Jo along with Pollys children had conformation classes with him too.Laughed at your "cough".......Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely story about your confirmation Jan. . .what name did you choose? The Rev Bradshaw sounded a very nice man .

Anonymous said...

He sounds a lovely character Jan.  I hope he's singing where he is too knowing how fondly he's remembered. Rache xx

Anonymous said...

He sounds like such a lovely man :o)   Caff xxx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely story.  I had to laugh at the cough ....  Do the kids still cringe when you do it?  LOL  Pennie

Anonymous said...

He sounds like a right character and I can understand why he was a family friend :)