A Happy Saturday Evening to you all ,I havent posted for a few days no reason really ,unless you count the fact that I've been abit disenchanted with w i d e entrys ! and while we're on the subject....what subject ?..........well complaints! When we post our pictures ,in the add pictures section ,why now when we click larger do they come up with a black background and the bottom of the picture missing ?and also !(I've nearly done ).........when I post a picture through the file manager I am only allowed a few hours and then he removes it ,is this just me or does anyone else experiance these things ?AND have you noticed its only the people in the UK who get wireless alerts.
Maurice is on nights now for four nights ,instead of the usual three ,so the dog and I are home alone,I consoled Maurice with the fact that since we alter the clocks tonight he will have an hour less to work,and tomorrow evening it will stay lighter longer ,And its Mothers day tomorrow ,so please accept the rose at the top of my entry ,with my love .
I went up to the town this morning,with my trolley ,planning to buy some freezer bags ,for Maurice's pack ups,some washing tablets ,and green toilet tissue ! from the man on the market who is cheaper than the shops for these things ,well he wasnt there today,so I trundled my trolley back home again ,and because I had the trolley and not my handbag ,I didnt have my camera ,I missed a lovely photo opportunity ,some people were moving in to a cottage up the road and were putting the furniture through the window ,I did decide though at a later date I must ,take the camera up to the town , The old cinama has been closed down and sold to property developers ,who will very soon pull it downto build flats! well I saw on the side some lovely murals,pictures have been painted depicting various aspects and activities in the town,it was done to mark the millenium ,I would like a photographic record ,before the place is pulled down in the name of progress!
I am off now to make myself something to eat and curl up with the tele ! Casualty and a repeat of New Tricks ...then bed with me book ! and when I wake up we shall be on Bitish Summer time ! With love to you all .
Please dont go wide !!
It is OK if it does go wide if you just click on "Link to this entry" and it all comes back right size ~ then it is easy to read ~ Jan why 4 nights instead of 3 ? what has changed ? I would like to see the pictures of those Murals before they are pulled down and gone forever ~ Lets hope BST brings some warm sun as well as light nights ~ Ally
Hi Jan, I`m glad to be back reading journals at least. Sorry to hear that your File Manager has been playing about with your photos. I still use my trusty FTP Space which hasn`t let me down yet...well it has, but that was just a blip...lol! I`ll have to try it out for myself and see if mine works ok. Thanks for the reminder to change the clocks, that means we lose an hour doesn`t it?!! Have a nice evening with Scooby and the TV. :o)
Sandra xxxxx
Our daylight savings time starts April 1 this year...I hope that means it will be warmer now too.... It's still rather cold here... maybe the high being 40 now. hope you have a good evening, Sandra
The rose is lovely! Enjoy Casualty, we will be watching that, then as we got the dvd today we will be watching Mr.H.Potter in Goblet of Fire! I will be extra tired tomorrow losiung an hour's sleep...I need my beauty sleep, LOL!!!
the rose graphic is beautiful. I noticed its only AOL UK that is getting these wireless alert thingies. I will watch casualty tonight then celebrity stars in your eye, I want to see Jade Goody although why she is classed as a celebrity now I have no idea, all she did was take part in big brother 3 and its instant celebrity status for her..............Jules xx
Yay!!! yippeee more sunlight!!! love the light evenings - let's hope its a good summer!!! Love the rose. Love Laine xxx
WOW, you over there in England are ahead of us on the Daylight Savings time thing. Ours starts at 2am April 2nd. I personally don't like it, never have. When my kids were little it was difficult to get them into bed when it was still light outside and now that I have to be to work at 7am...it's hard for me to go to bed when it's just barely dark outside. I have worked in my yard until 7:30pm, not realizing how late it was...then there's a rush to get ready for work and then get to bed. Well, I guess when I retire it won't matter....so I'll just go along with it, mainly because I can't do anything about it. Great graphics !! Linda in Washington state
One of the American journals I read very rarely sends alerts at all, wireless or otherwise. Don't know why :( I'm one of those strange people that likes lomg dark nights so not really looking forward to Sunday either
I don't use the pictures method you are talking about but on the ones I have looked at there is not anything wrong with them. They are so big though that some of them look blurred. They went from being to small to being to big. Our Mother's day here is the second Sunday in May. So Happy Mother's Day to you for tomorrow. Yes, I have noticed that only the UK journals have the wireless thingy. I have reported it to Joe before. It seemed to have got better for a while and not it's back. Most journal I get the alerts on from there is ok though. Have a good night. Helen
Hey, Ally is right, if you click on 'link to this entry' it reverts to screen width, nice one Ally. Enjoy your telly evening Jan. B. x
I love the market too lol.I always click on link to this entry as it save my eyes swivelling left to right lol.Not only yours is wide Jan. .Yay! British summer time is here!
As others have said...I use the 'link to this entry' on quite a few Journals, not just yours Jan...
Enjoy the rest of the Weekend
Thanks for the reminder, I'd forgotten the clocks go forward tonight!! I've never had anything removed from the file manager. I'd love to see the murals when you get some photos of them. Jeannette.
whinge amnd moan it's a good thing ;))))))
Hi Jan ,sorry you are having trouble with your entrys going wide.Lovely rose and twinkly necklace.I would also like to see the murals.......Love Jeanxx
Hi Jan, this is my once a week peek at my computer - and see that my last contribution to Freda's Diaries ( from last week) isn't there, also I am not getting many alerts - only yours Jan. Lovely graphics btw. Haven't been into Huntingdon for ages, can't be bothered in this cold weather - so will probabley miss the murals :-( Yes you must take photos. Maybe we should get into the habit of always having our cameras to hand. Came across the most wonderful sight at work the other day, two Directors on their hands and knees picking up hundreds of paperclips that one of them had knocked off someone's desk. Would have made a lovely pic ;-)
Ugh I don't like losing an hour!! It's definitely weird having light nights again though. I felt I'd left work at the wrong time tonight lol........I can't tell you about the photos coz I have no idea!!
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