Tuesday, 4 October 2005

This and that and the other duck

We are doing well yet another lovely Autumn day,with sunshine a light breeze a few birds in the garden ,sadly the swallows seem to have left,how excited we feel when we think we see the first one,Maurice is at home today,and is doing some of the odd jobs that are ever there awaiting our attention or inclination,hes just put out the bin, today is the day it likes to stand in the street to fraternise with its neighbours.

We woke to the sad news of Ronnie Barkers passing ,what a talented man,he has entertained us all for many years with his comedy and I believe he wrote alot too.Maurice has a cousin who owns a hotel near where Ronnie lived and had his antique shop,,so knew him quite well,a truly lovely man

Ive got another little duck,I was wandering round our little market town the other day and noticed one of the local vacant shops was full of...ob-je-darts so being of a nosy disposition in I went for a browse!The lady told me they had been allowed to use the shop for a few days ,to sell off a load of bric a brack in aid of the Royal British Legion,I bought a lighter for Maurice in the shape of a fish not sure if it works!!,a book by Libby Purves entitled A long walk in winterI have an audio story of hers,about and her and her husband Paul Hieneys trip by boat around the coast of  England and Scotland with their two small children..............The Duck, yes there he sat,made in wood,not quite as big as Ivy but  hey what do you want for fifty pence,covered in a thick dark mahogany varnish embellished with gold paint Yuk,hes out side with her hoping to weather!!!!No sorry hes not a he because shes called Poppy for obvious reasons!!

Do you fancy a ride to Huntingdon ,Maurice has just enquired ,Oh yes !so Im off          BYEE, enjoy your day everyone    Jan xx  


Anonymous said...

Twas Ronnie Barker, my friend, but we know who you mean. So sad, I laughed until I cried at some of his shows.  Another duck!  You really have gone quackers.

Anonymous said...

Once you start with these collections they soon take over, was sad to hear about Ronnie Barker

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jeannette,where would I be without you?Id put Corbet ,sorry little Ronnie,Jeannette knew what she was doing when she explained to me how to edit an entry  Jan.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan yes it is a lovely autumn day ,sun shining this morning its gone a bit dull now, but never mind its stayed dry.Lots of pretty red leaves about.Glad you hear you have a new duck called Poppy! a Friend for Ivy.  Hope you have enjoyed your shopping trip in to Huntingdon,I bet you're glad not to have to rush round catching buses for work.
Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Very sad news about Ronnie Barker :o(
But ooh, do we get to see a pic of the new duck?
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Your comment about your bin made me giggle :o) Such a nice way to put it...We have big street bins as it's all old victorian tenements in my street...Ronnie Barker was a comedy genius he'll be very sadly missed :o(  We have a shop here on the main road that runs past my street that is owned by the council...Any charity can have it free for a week to sell stuff to raise funds...It's a really good idea for small groups and charities that couldn't afford to have their own shop...Hope you enjoyed your day out......Caff xx

Anonymous said...

Has been really cold here today and so still and overcast - really gloomy.  
Terrible news about Ronnie - he will be really missed by millions.

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

It's been a really nice Autumn day here...but driving home this afternoon the sun was so bright you could hardly see the road ahead in fact at some points it was so bad we had to stop the car..    My what wonderful bargains you purchased at the British Legion - do hope the lighter works :o).....did you buy the DUCK there or did it just appear from nowhere.....lol...Ally

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a nice ride!!  I'm intrigued by your duck - can we see a piccie please??  It was sad to hear about Ronnie Barker!!