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Errm ...Now ..if in years to come a member of my family is reading this, they are probably wondering why I havent posted in seven months ,seven months!! Hangs head in shame ....... Doesnt time fly when you are having fun AND as you get older ! dont seem to have the same energy level ,or the right inclination ,no clear answer really ,yes I have been busy ,with my hobbies ,knitting ,I made three quillows for Christmas presents ,my candlewick embroidery, not to mention house work ,no we wont mention housework ,I have also been busy with my Axiom residents forum meetings ARF ,of which I am vice chair ,I am now on the board of Axiom Housing Assocation .I still enjoy going to meetings at my club the over sixties , and of course family and friends, also about the time I stopped posting ,my camera died ,I bought a new one, but cant seem to get to post the pics they are too big or something ,sooo whats a blog with out pictures ? I want to thank all of you for checking up on me to see if I am ok ,So now I have broken the ice I will post this ,and try not to leave it so long next time as usual love from Jan xx
Jan, it's soooo good to see a post from you and to see that you are alive and kicking. I was just wondering about you a couple of days ago and pondering if you were alright!! Life does get busy doesn't it. You can resize your pictures. Get a photo bucket account. It's free. You upload your pictures to there and then you can link them onto your blog from there. It's easy peasy. Just let me know if you want any help! Looking forward to seeing more posts from you in the NEAR future! lol
Love and hugs from down south! xxoo
Thank you for keeping in touch through comments &c, Jan. It is good to see a post from you, and look forward to the next!
It is good to see an entry from you. I do have a problem with adding pictures my self so I understand your frustration with that. Good to hear you are keeping busy doing the things you love. Hope to hear more from you soon!
glad you ok jan.miss reading your blog.hope to hear from you soon,tc love mort xxx
So glad all is well with you and that you are just too busy to write have missed you. Don't wait so long next time. Love Joan
Good Grief am I seeing things I thought when I recieved this alert.LOL!! No I'm not and they are good things I see,some words from Jan he-he.Well I never!!! better later than never,thats what I always say.Good to know you are well and also you are still at it with those nimble fingers of yours,and enjoying your company and outings too at the ARF.Lets hope you can solve the pics problem,I am sure someone will help.I had a new camera bought for a Christmas prezzy Jan and an external hard drive and I darn't even go there yet LOL!!I have more problems on this machine without looking into them yet.Hope to see another post soon.Until next time.Take Care God Bless Love Kath xx
It is great to read an entry from you Jan! I too have not been making entries on my blog for quite some time now. My excuse was wonky computers. I now have a new hard drive on both of them so hope to make some entries sometime.
I hope you are able to get the writing bug again soon too, although it is much healthier getting out and about, as you do, than sitting indoors in front of a computer.
Hugs to you and a Happy New Year too.
Jeanie xxxx
Welcome back - a million times welcome. Never mind where you've been for 7 months, you're here and I'm glad. I see Milly Molly Mandy on your bookshelf - gosh, some memories there.
love, Angie, xx
We do meet almost daily, don't we Jan? Yo-yoing up and down between the basement and the weathervane! It doesn't sound as if you've been twiddling your thumbs for the rest of the time.
I do hope you get to grips with the camera; there are so many helpful people out there who guided me - apart from you - Kath, Andy, and Stuart to mention but three. Patient, and unstinting with their time and advice.
It certainly doesn't seem like seven months.
Lots of love,
Bunny xxx
Glad that you are well and keeping busy. Helen
My I have almost had a heart attack LOL
Great to see you back in the land of the blogging !! I always have been checking to see if you had another entry and low and behold here you are.
Graet to see you back with us. Happy New Year,
Much Love Sybil xx
Hi Dear Sis ,if anyone can solve the problem of putting your photos on here you will ,i'm sure ,nice to see an entry from you today ,well done and hugs
It's great to hear from you again! Hope to see you posting again soon. I'm trying to post more now, too.
Sounds like you are very busy and having fun!
Have a good weekend.
Pam xoxox
I'm guilty too not posted for ages, just haven't felt up to it for some reason, glad your well and i'll keep up with the quiz i'm doing quite well this
Take care
I'm just picking myself off the floor Jan! I thought you'd gone for good, so many have so it was lovely to see you'd posted. I'm the same as you, life gets in the way and I don't have much chance to do entries.... and no, we won't mention housework! It's nice to see you're keeping busy and enjoying life still. I'll look forward to seeing another entry, don't wait another seven months! Jeannette xx
Nice to see you back again
Welcome back to posting!
Wow! It's really nice to see a post from you! Glad to read you're doing well.
Welcome back to blogging Jan!
Hi Jan, Its so nice to hear from you and that you have been very busy. I can say with honesty that I`m a terrible blogger now and don`t seem to get around to writing entries anymore. I`m so pleased to hear that you are well and hope to hear from you again soon. :o)
Love and HUgs
Sandra xxxx
Great that you are well and busy! Hope you had a nice Christmas and a good start of the year. I would have like to see some of your lovely "manufacts". Can you post some pictures please? All the best. Ciao. Antonella
Hellooooo.....and welcome back.
Big Love, Jaynee X
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