Sorry I havent been around much lately ,no excuse I still have the same amount of time I always had...in between ,Residents meetings,Resident newsletter meetings ,over sixties and visits to and from family ,Though I have to admit, I do forget to go to my dashboard to see who has posted ,I was much better when I got an alert ,I would comment ,then I think I was more motivated to do my entry .......
Talking of visits from Family ,My Grandson Paul ,brought a dear little visitor to see me the other week ,Remember Keira ,she is Pauls ex's, daughter ,and Paul keeps in touch and loves her as his own .She is a little charmer ,here she is in the garden on the swing .....

Our Kate had another Birthday in May ,here we are with Charlotte, who came around to see her Aunty Kate while we were there ,
And here is Sharon my other Daughter ,who is mine host (Land Lady) of the pub just up the road from where Kate lives ,you will notice its tea for Sharon and coffee for me ,Maurice has been known to partake of the odd Guinness !

Here we are setting off to see the family ,Do you like our new car ? The Shogun ,was getting so that it needed some costly repairs so we have gone for a smaller car ,that consumes alot less petrol ,thus making our carbon footprint smaller ,and being alot easier on the pocket .
And here I am getting ready to go to a residents meeting ,posing beside my candlewicking embroidery of hot air balloons that is at last nearly done ,

AND the exciting part ,is that a week on Sunday we are to have another party in the park for all the members of my late husbands family ,who can make it ,remember last year we were nearly a hundred strong ,with children and grandchildren great grandchildren ,inlaws, out laws and who ever ,so I am really looking forward to that, and meeting up with everyone again ,Just hope the sun shines ,

So there we are, thats me all up to date again ,Im not going to promise to post more often because ...well ya know hee hee

Here we are setting off to see the family ,Do you like our new car ? The Shogun ,was getting so that it needed some costly repairs so we have gone for a smaller car ,that consumes alot less petrol ,thus making our carbon footprint smaller ,and being alot easier on the pocket .

And here I am getting ready to go to a residents meeting ,posing beside my candlewicking embroidery of hot air balloons that is at last nearly done ,

AND the exciting part ,is that a week on Sunday we are to have another party in the park for all the members of my late husbands family ,who can make it ,remember last year we were nearly a hundred strong ,with children and grandchildren great grandchildren ,inlaws, out laws and who ever ,so I am really looking forward to that, and meeting up with everyone again ,Just hope the sun shines ,

So there we are, thats me all up to date again ,Im not going to promise to post more often because ...well ya know hee hee
There you are ! I was just ready to send off an e-mail checking on you! I do hope you have a lovely time at the party in the park. I do remember what fun you had last year. You look so lovely in all your pictures and also happy to be with your family too. What a cutie that little one is. They always bring a smile or two for sure. I do hope you find time to keep in touch as I love hearing from you and miss you when the times goes by for too long.
As summer is almost here we will all be enjoying the warm and sunny days. I'm so glad its warm again.
Good to see you back. I kept wondering if you were ever going to be back. You are a busy lady and seen to be very occupied with a social life, Keep it up. Enjoy life. Love your pictures.
I have been wondering where you were thought maybe you had imigrated or something. Great to hear from you and catch up with you news. I clicked on you embroidary so I could see it close up it is beautiful is it for framing?.Take care Love Joan. PS Your are way behind on my book journal I have no comments without you. Love Joan
I just left a long comment and it disappeared cos Blogger said I had my cdookies disabled! As I was saying....! I forget to go to my dashboard too, it's really hard to keep doing that when I have little time on here between work and sleep! I'm glad you're still keeping busy. Isn't Charlotte growing into a lovely young lady?! Look at Kizzie, she wants to share the swing with Keira! Enjoy your party in the park, I hope the weather stays good for it! Jeannette xxxx
Just tried to send you a comment Jan but got a "Cannot find Page" message. Bit of a burger as I was already on it! I have my dashboard on favourites and it's the first thing I get up when I switch on. I put myself on my own followers list so that I can remember when I last posted without messing about getting my whole blog up.
Have you spoken to Kath at all? How is she?
love, Angie, xx
Lovely family photos as always, Jan. I shall come and dognap Kizzie one of these days, I do miss having a dog so much.
That's cetainly going to be one helluva party, if last year's was anything to go by. `Fraid I've rather lost it blogwise; I never got to grips with the new setup, and am now appearing on Twitter and Facebook.
Yes, any news of Kath? I was wondering too.
Sounds like there is going to be a 'Rave' in the Park. Wish I could make it there too. I bet you all have a great time!
Happy Birthday to your Kate. Her birthday is five days after mine.
Kizzie is a handy little angel ready to push the swing at any moment for little Charlotte. Bless her!
Lovely to catch up with you again Jan.
Stay well.
Jeanie xxx
Good to see you posting again, Jan, thanks very much for sharing those pics
Hi Jan, Lovely entry. I think since Jland disappeard it has become harder for all of us to post as its jus not the same anymore. Loved your pics and your family news.
Take care, lots of love, Jaynee X
You are such a photogenic lady. Love the one with green shoes to match your skirt. Nice to read you are doing well.
Always a red letter day when you post Thank you...I keep all the blogs I follow on my Favs. then each monring I click on each in turn to see if there is any news from them !! mind you there does seem to many more who are not making so many entries. I think facebook/twitter/ etc has a lot to do with it. and then tere are daft folk like me who never started up again after the death of AOL..and maybe they too just hover around...what a gran time you have been having so many happy occasions. The family in the Park will be a great day I am sure I remember it from last year. I think it is such a wonderful idea.
much Love Sybil xx
Hi Jan
Lovely to chat with you this morning .Hope the sun shines for Maurice tomorrow,but weather forecast said the its was going to be better for the w/end ,it was great to see all those lovely family photos.
Glad you are pleased with your new car and it is coting less to run ,looking forward to seeing you soon
Love and hugs ..Jeanxx
Hi again my lovely friend.It's good to read another wonderful post of yours.Great pictures as usual and what a dream you look in your pale green shoes and outfit.Trendy or what? Happy you are mobile with a new car Whoo-Hoo go girl and Maurice give it some stick.LOL!!I watch countryside on TV last night and it was from the Fens.I realy enjoyed it Jan.What a lovely place it looks.Hope the party is a blast lucky you to have such a great family.Have a lovely weekend just trying a few comments.Give my regards to Bunny too.I have been over to Angies blog.Sorry I havn't been in touch.Guess I am a pain at times LOL!! Missed you lots.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
Happy belated Birthday to Kate ~ Jan I loved your photographs ~ I remember your family party last year I am sure it will be just as big this year ~ and I know you will all have a great time ~ (Just wish I could be there with you all) here's hoping you have a womderful weekend ~ Ally x
I love seeing your pictures..everyone looks like they are really having a great time. :) Have a great weekend Jan! :)
Good to see you posting it seems that we've all been missing in action lately..I've yet to post something. You have been busy, and you get to see your family often which is a good thing, the party on sunday sounds like it's going to be fun and hope the weather holds for you.
Take care
It was nice seeing you posting your family. The little girl is growing up.WOW! I still can't get over my nieces and nephews being in their twenties..I love to see that candlewick hot air balloon finish. My mom made one for my SIL back in the mid-eighties. It was funny because she asked my brother if thet still have it. He doesn't remember that at all. Have a good weekend and take care. Nancy
Glad your party in the park went well. I love to see your photos. I agree about the alerts, it is just not the same without them and it was also so quick and easy to get to a journal that way. Our community has fallen apart, so many have left. Such a shame. Oh, for the good old days.
You've a gorgeous family Jan :) you always amaze me how you use every second of time......I love the candlewick, you've golden patience. rache
Hi Jan,
i will be traveling through london between July 30 and Augus 5. Can you give me some places, other than Buckingham palace which is now open to the public, to see? Perhaps we could meet up somewhere?
Love sybil zz
Jan~ we miss you! Are you ok??
Linda in Washington state
Hello Jan,
Hope you are well - haven't heard from you for an AWFUL long time! Best wishes from the cold north,
Hi Jan, I hope you're OK. I've also not done many entries in my journal, I just can't get into Blogger like I did AOL! Have a wonderful Christmas! Jeannette xx
Time has flown and now it is almost Christmas and not a word from you in a long long time. I do hope all is well and that you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!
'On Ya'-ma
Hi my dear, Jan...have you done any blogging at all lately. How is Maurice, Kizzie and your family? I have missed hearing from all of you sooo much. I do see jeannette on Facebook but it's so impersonal and different. Hope you have a wonderful holiday...love xx
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