When I last posted in June we were looking forward to our 'Party in the Park ',The Day Dawned fine and Sunny ,and we all met up, over a hundred of us ! from different parts of the country ,a lovely day was had by all and even the local press turned up ,I dont know how well you can see the press cutting ,but here it is ......

My silly back wont allow me to walk long distances any more so in August we bought me this and I love it ,it is amazing how much shopping I can load onto it too heehee ,a bag full behind my legs ,some in the basket and more under the seat I can be seen cruising the paths of our little Market town....

love from Jan xx
Anglia news featured ice skating on the fens. I know it used to be very popular but it is a long time since we had the weather! Your scooter looks great, I could do with one of those. Great photos, thank you for sharing, Jan.
Lovely photos, Jan, I bet you bomb along on that scooter!
Yes, I did see the piece about skating on the Fens. It looked lovely and natural, much nicer than the spangly offering on the `other side'.
My father had some skates like that; he dug them out of the attic, and took me to Richmond ice rink (c.1947). They wouldn't let him on the ice because they said they were `basher skates' - he could hardly stand up in them!
Bunny xx
Hi Jan ,I said it wouldn't take you long to work out how to put photos and hey ho ,you have mastered it .Lovely to see the photos as I hadn't seen a couple of them .Pete watched the skating on "Inside out ".....with love and hugs ...Jeanxx
great pics jan.not often the fens freeze like they have this year.not sorry either im afraid lol. take care,love mort.xxx dont do what i saw last week in wells.i stood with my mouth open as a little old lady,trundled past me on a scooter like yours........with a little trailer behind.with a FRIDGE tied on it.if it had tipped,she would have gone with it.determined or what,lol.i did rather wonder what she was going to do the other end when she got it home lol,
Smart little scooter Jan. I missed the beginning of that programme..I think I went for a bath..lol! Sorry to have missed it though as I would have loved to have seen it.
You have a great looking family.
Take care..by the way...I hope you have a horn for your scooter....lol! Toot toot!
Jeanie xxx
The pics are great Jan.Double click on them and they come full screen,everything in great detail.What a great party in the park pack you all are LOL!!Love your scooter iv'e been mowed down with a few of them though at the coast in the shopping town,sometimes they get too many at once on the pavements and they are dangerous I feel,it often makes it very difficult for pedestrians to walk comfortable..Great yes for the less mobile but theres lots of people now using them now who arn't.I always watch countryfile Jan and I watched one the other week too on the fens,I think I mentioned it to you.Great posting looking forward to seeing more.Grandaughter is same age as my eldest Grandaughter don't they soon grow up?.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
Thank you for catching us up on what has been going on in your life. It's grand to see all the happy smiling faces. Your family reunion is such a delight to see and your scooter and the flip flops too! I would love one of those, but keep trying to push myself to walk so I do but take lots of rest stops along the way too. Now that you are on a roll I do hope you continue to update us with your journal as you find time.
Love that scooter. I clicked on the newspaper clipping and could read all it said very well. Nice they had a picture of Phyllis on a table.
Hugs, Helen
I did see the skating on the fens...looked great, hadn't realised that you were quite so near. Thank you for giving us an update on the last few months. I always did wonder if the family reunion had had a good day.
Keep up the good work..loved the photo of you and your scooter...but where's your crash helmet LOL
Love Sybil x
Move over is that a bycycle made for two..lol I remember your reunion in the park and nice to see the newspaper cutting and all your pictures, I missed country file, though i'm not much of a skater...lol.
Take care
Now don`t you go breaking the spped limit on your scooter Jan, I don`t want to hear about you on the news...lol!
I did watch Country File and was fascinated by the fen skating. I knew nothing about it and thought it looked great fun, very safe as well. I love the family photos too. :o)
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxx
Can I have a go on your scooter please! Andy's mum has one and when we went to Florida she hired one and drove it up a bank. It tipped over on her so don't you go trying it! Lol! You did well to remember all you've done since last summer, it was good to catch up with you, is it too late to wish Charlotte and Stuart a very happy, extremely belated birthday?! I'm glad your party in the park went well, nice to see you made the newspapers! Jeannette xx
When I saw the fen skating I recalled I had heard about it a few years ago, along with something else - was it eel fishing?
love Angie, xx
Oh great to get updates - PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
I only caught the tail end of country file and was so bummed as I would have liked to watch the whole thing!!! What a nice transport you have now! I bet you really bomb around in that and it looks like you enjoy it as well! xxoo
PS it is so nice to see a second post from you!
I missed you but I also know you are a busy lady. I love your blog and really missed it. Glad you got in touch. Love your pictures.
good to see you still journalling Jan. You're a very busy lady. I love the new wheels, hope you've given them a name.
Jan I love your little scooter ~ I did watch that program and thought of you knowing it must be near to where you live ~ Ally x
Thanks for the visit on my blog Jan and thanks for the sweet comment about my doll--hope you dont mind me answering here since you were set as a no reply commenter... Take care...
Welcome back Jan. I haven't blog since before Christmas.LOve the photos, take care♥
Hiya Jan. I haven't spoken to you In such a long time. I can see by your entry that you are doing fantastic. You look amazing. I would love a wee motor like yours, especially at the moment! lol. All the pics are great. My wee treasure is also 15! lol Take good care. Love Pam.xx
Oh Jan, First I want to say, "Thanx for stopping by my Blog. I have been absent also for a time and I am afrid I am losing my followers. It is good to see your pictures. I luv reading about thins happening across the pond. Stay well.
Just dropped by to say happy birthday Jan! I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy all the well deserved attention I'm sure you're going to get! Jeannette xxxx
Hi there I have been checking your blog out, because you follow my blog. Gess what your daughters birthday is the same day as mine may the 16th how cool is that.
Hi Jan I just had A read through your blog I will be back again to visit Thanks for your comment on my dolls I came from Aberdeen I came to Australia when I was 19.I will be 68.in March .Have A good Week.
Hugs Mary.x x
Hi Jan...you are hard to email!The Spice of life bag pattern by Monica poole is available from ozquilts.com.au. If you have any problems let me know. If you order the pattern & want the frame to make a gladstone bag type top- order it then too!
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