"Thirty days hath September ,April June and November,all the rest hath thirty one,except February!"and this year not being a leap year February has twenty eight days ,so on Sunday we are into March ,And I can hardly believe it ,I dont know where the time has gone ,I had a really lovely Birthday ,I want to thank you all for the lovely Birthday cards ,e-cards and messages ,you are all such good friends ,My dear Friend Kath even did a blog entry for me http://kath-mysimplerhymes2.blogspot.com/ click onto her blog to see ,what this talented lady does with rhyme ,thankyou Kath and for my card and present too ,you are a lovely friend to have ,Well the day of my Birthday,I went to a meeting of the residents forum ,saw all my friends there and we shared a lovely fresh cream cake ,Howard who is an old family friend is also on the committee,so after the meeting he took me to see My daughter Sharon at her pub ,where Howard is a regular ...
I had lots of lovely presents from everyone ,including some M&S vouchers .................and

Below is a picture of me and my boys ,Mark my Eldest on the left and Derek on the right ,

There is Sharon and Colin ,her new man ,with Maurice getting into the picture ....

Howard and I ...he so wanted to be on Serendipity !

You had a wonderful birthday celebration. How nice your daughter has a place with plenty of room for you all to get together! That is the best part of any celebration having our family and friends around us. I'm so glad you took time to share all the pictures. I was hoping that your back behaved and you'd be able to enjoy your birthday. 'On Ya'-ma
Phew, Jan, what a lovely gathering! And I'm so glad the dog wasn't left out. Hope Kizzie's nose isn't out of joint.
I do love little terriers.
Bunny xx
WOW what a lovely Bday celebration! I'm glad you had a good time! Your boys really favor you, Jan. It was nice to see you with your kids. Hope you have a good weekend.
Love, Pam
Hi Jan glad you had such a great birthday and all those cards and pressies lucky you. It has been a quick year as you say Sunday the 1st day of March already Stuart always says it's his first day of Spring. Have a great weekend. Love Joan
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAN. Loved the pictures and I sure could use a new computer. So happy for you. Lucy
Jan the pictures are lovely ~ and all those cards and pressies Lucky you ~ I am so glad you had such a great Birthday ~ Mylo is a picture ~ glad so many of your family managed to join you for your celebration ~ Ally x
Looks like you had a lovely Birthday Jan!! Loved seeing all the pictures. You do have a very attractive family! How nice that you could all be together! XXOO
Looks like a great birthday, Jan - on to the next one!
Looks to me like you had a wonderful birthday. how do you like your new lap top?
Hi Jan, I`m glad you had such a lovely birthday surrounded by your equally lovely family. You lucky gitl getting a laptop from Maurice, I`m so envious. :o)
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxx
Well what a wonderful time you seem to have had Jan.This is my first comment of the evening and my last before bed. I am so tired.Been a very busy day for me.What a great present from Maurice Whoo-Hoo.A new laptop.Lovely cards, lovely pub, lovely family, for a lovely precious Mum.....Who so deserves it all.Your friend Howard looks well chuffed at being on Serendipity He-He. OH!and I mustn't forget the little furr he is so cute.You are most welcome to the card etc,it's my pleasure.I'll bob over and try come bottom of the class again in the quiz now.Then it's up the dancers as my father used to say LOL!! Goodnight and Godbless .Have a lovely weekend.Take Care God Bless. Kath xx
Looks like you had a lovely day Jan, and a new flash laptop, you'll wonder what you did without it once you get used to it.
Hope your keeping well
Take care
glad you had such a good day jan.take care,love mort xxx
well HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Have a good weekend. Nancy
Happy Belated Birthday!! You have so many wonderful people in your life to celebrate your special day! You are blessed! :) Julie
Glad you had a nice birthday celebration. Lovely family you got there too.
Hi Jan, sorry I missed your birthday but glad you al had a nice time. Great photos.
B. x
Hi Jan ,it was lovely to be with you on Saturday night even if we were there only for a short while ,it was so nice to see so many of the family ,shows how much they all love you and wanted to be there to celebrate your birthday .Great photos .....love Jeanxx ..Have a good weekend xx
A very Happy Birthday to you.........you obviously had a great time, so many greetings cards and what a wonderful present off Maurice! Eileen x
Glad you enjoyed your evening Mum! It was good to have us all together again, it's a bit mad but I love it when we all together. Take care, see you soon. Love you
here's a 1 March comment! Lovely pics. So glad you had a good birthday.
love, Angie, xx
I just wanted to say thanks for the kind comments on my problem with fraud charges on credit card. All I can do is hope we can get it straighr. Have a wonderful Sunday.
Hi Jan, I am, just back from a weeken at Weston Super Mare on the Wesley Guild weekend. we had a great time..hence this late commnet !!I am glad that you had such a brilliant weekend, The photo's all look so good. It is wonderful to see in these days a family get togther...all happy and enjoying one anothers company. Hope that you get as much enjoyment out of your lap top as I do.
Also hope the back is feeling a lot better.
Much Love Sybil xx
Well, happy birthday! What a wonderful time was had by all!
Sorry, sorry, sorry, dear Jan! I missed your birthday. I so sorry. I haven't been very well last week and I had a rotten weekend so I tried to stay away from the computer and I missed this. Well, I wish you happy birthday for next year, what do you think? I'm so glad that you had a lovely time and so many cards! Your family is fantastic and you were so overwhelming cheerful! And what a lovely laptot! I've just ordered one from Dell for works as well. I bet it's the same as yours...I wish you all the best. Hope you will forgive me for my lack of attention towards you. Ciao. Antonella
Happy Belated Birthday. I'm sorry I missed it. Sure looks like you had a fun celebration. I wish you a wonderful year to come!
Hugs, Kathy
Hi JaN, I am so happy you continue to stop in my blog. yOU ARE ALWAYS A COMFORT TO ME. lUCYU
What a wonderful party you had! And I love the new computer - there's just something about a brand new computer waiting for us to work on. :) blessings, marlene
Looks like you had a great birthday!
Thank you for hanging in there with me, with computer problems and ALL so my entries were sparodic but you still responded. Lucy
Hi Jan, Thank you for the lovely compliment on my pictire. First time I have ever shot myself. I am going to try to wash my hair either today or tomorrow and just see what I can do with it. I think I can make it look presentable. Lucy
It looks like the whole town turned out for your birthday. I believe I sent you an e-card. Anyway, happy birthday again and may you have many more. Linda in Washington state
well it looks as if you were really spoiled on your birthay. how lovely! I loved looking at the pictures of your family too. xx
Happy Birthday to you a fellow Pisces. I have a good friend whose BD is Feb 29TH. Mine is March 10th. coming up... 59...oh well only a number.
Subee in Rainy Northern Indiana
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