Good Morning again! Lovely Sunny Saturday morning here ,even if there is three inches of snow still lying around ,The children are really enjoying it they havent had as much snow as this for a few years ,so are making the best of it ,Yes children love snow ,that just tells me I have, at last grown up .
Last week when Maurice was off work we went over to Peterborough to see some of the family ,first we went to Kate's ,and look who turned up! Two of Sharon's boys (My Grandsons ) Stuart and Paul ,Kate took this picture of us all

We then popped to Sharon's pub for a quick visit and a cup of coffee (really Maurice is driving)and to give her a copy of a knitting pattern she wanted ,and of course to see Mylo.
The reason we didnt stay long at either of my daughter's was because we wanted to call in at a nearby town Whittlesey,Maurice had seen a pair of jeans he wanted to buy ,I didn't object because attached to the mens wear department is ,my idea of heaven, knitting wool ,patterns and all sorts of sewing and knitting accessories..and masses of lovely fabrics ,a delightful likeminded lady served me ,I didnt have to explain what a Quillow was ,as she has made a few ,eight I think she said ! we chatted away as she cut lengths of material for me,we exchanged email addresses ,and she sent me this verse ,which we agreed suited us perfectly .

We then popped to Sharon's pub for a quick visit and a cup of coffee (really Maurice is driving)and to give her a copy of a knitting pattern she wanted ,and of course to see Mylo.

10 Good reasons to .....
1It helps keep the economy going. It is our patriotic duty to support cotton farmers, textile mills and quilt shops.
2. It is less expensive and more fun than psychiatric care.
3. A sudden increase in the boll weevil might wipe out the cotton crop in the next ten years.
4. I'm participating in a contest - the one who dies with the most fabric wins.
5. It keeps with out refrigeration. You dont have to cook it to enjoy it, you never have to feed it, change it, wipe it's nose or walk it.
6. Like dust, it's good for protecting previously empty spaces in the house- like the ironing board, the laundry hamper or the dining room table .
7. When the big earthquake comes , all the quilt shops might be swallowed into the ground and never be seen again.
8. Stress from dealing with the Fabric Control Officer ( my husband ) made me do it.
9.It is not immoral, illegal or fattening. It calms the nerves, gratifies the soul and, makes me feel good.
10. Buy it now, before your husband retires and goes with you on all your shopping trips !
And below is the material I bought , isn't it gorgeous? I think the tomato one is great !
I love the new fabrics! You will have fun sewing now for sure. What a wonderful way to pass the time indoors. Nice that you got to do your favorite kind of shopping too!
Today we're having a warm spell and lots of snow is melting for us. We need to get rid of some before the next round!
Happy Sewing !
'On Ya'-ma
The fabrics look great Jan! I hope you are keeping warm. It's bitterly cold here on the Essex sunshine coast, last night touched minus 9 C. We have had snow, but it's cleared now...but...will we get more I ask?
Stay warm!
Love Sal
That is going to keep you out of mischief for a while I'm sure. Keep warm. Love Joan
Lovely material Jan. I tidied out my sewing drawer this am, I'm going to make a green baize cover for this table which holds my laptop. Still very much at the planning stage!
Bunny xx
I think those list of things were cute. I loved all the patterns of material. Happy sewing. Hugs, Helen
As I have said before my talents are maybe making a button stay on a sleeve whan it comes to sewing. I love your fabrics and the list. Take care and enjoy your material. Lucy
Hi Jan nice to see an entry from you ,what lovely designs of the different fabrics ,did Maurice get the Jeans in the end ,that shop sounds great ,can see why you were wanting to go .Nice photo of you with Stuart and Paul .Been shopping this afternoon ,the roads are not too bad where they have been treated ,Have a good weekend and keep warm ...Love Jeanxx
Jan you put me to shame with all your lovely craft work...The materials all look so lovely. I am now waiting to see what comes from it all... We to still have a lot of snow but the sun has shone most of the day so it is thawing a bit...fingers crossed that is the last of it...
Love Sybil xx
Your new fabrics are so pretty! Loved the poem she sent you. It made me laugh.
Glad you had a fun time!
I'm so glad the children are enjoying your snow, Jan. It is exciting to see it when you don't get it that often. Lol at the fabrics. My mother and oldest daughter are the same way. My mother has a whole wall in her basement with shelves full of fabrics. Those two were just sewing curtains for Becky's apartment the other day. Have a lovely weekend. Loved your e-mail. love xx
You chose some great fabrics. I enjoyed the 10 reasons for buying fabric and sewing. I'm going to copy it and send it to my mom. She will get a kick out of it, too.
Hope you are staying warm and cozy with all the snow.
I love material too....I had so much at one time I gave some to a charity group that was making quilts for a womans shelter.... I hated to part with it as it was so pretty but someone is enjoying a beautiful quilt now I hope
good entry jan,great pics.keep warm n well,take care love,mort xxx
I loved this entry Jan, you are such a clever lady. Give me a pair of knitting needles and I probably use them as chopsticks...mind you I can`t use them! ;o)))
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxx
Wow...... can't wait to see the next quillows because the fabric is great! Eileen x
I love the tomato fabric too, it's very eyecatching! I know something beautiful is going to come out of this purchase of fabric! Keeps you off the streets too! Lol! I've grown up too, I don't do snow at all! Have fun with the quillow! Jeannette xx New entry
Hello Jan, whats Qwilling ? fabrics look fabulous, now what are you going to do with them ? Luv Jaynee X
I still love the snow so that can mean am not grown up yet hehehe...I may consider it when i turn 46 next week
Caff xxx
Nice you were able to get out and about, it's been perishing hasn't it.
Love the fabrics and your right that tomato one is quite pretty.
Take care
Love the fabric and the ten reasons to use it. lol
I love your pieces of fabric. So now you folks have the snow....they are saying we could get some this coming week. I hope not, I'm sick of it. We had enough in December. Take care...Linda in Washington
My neighbour across the street back in the states made Quillows and she thought she was unique. Nah! You do lovely ones too! Small world!
So glad you stopped by. I got hung up on a book and never got to one single person yesterday. I don't know if it pays to be so soft hearted twoard neglected animals or not, but I just love and care about them all to much to watch them nearly get killed in the street. How much sewing have you got donw.?
OK I give up. What is a Quillow? I could not find it in the dictionary either. I like your choice of material, wish I had time to do some sewing. Dawn
You have a beautiful hobby! I wish I had time to learn how to make quilts! :) Julie
Jan love the material you bought ~ sounds like the Lady who served you is a soul mate ~ and I enjoyed the 10 reasons to have it ~ lovely pictures ~ Ally x
Hi Jan, I'm no good at sewing or knitting but d'you know what I love about fabrics? The smell of them! I have always had a very good sense of smell - fortunately because nowt else works very well - and to me fabrics, specially cotton, have a lovely waxy smell. I like the smell of knitting wool too (the coarser sort, not 'posh' wool)but not fond of embroidery silks. I'm odd aren't I!!!
love, Angie, xx
I just stopped in to say a quick hi and hop-e things are going well with you. Lucy
You know my husband retired in January. I decided about the end of November that if I wanted a new computer, this was the year to GET it. It is my late Christmas present, I waited until the holidays were over to get it. It's got everything I ever wanted and I love it. It may have to last me forever. LOL :) Merry
You certainly have your work "cut out" for you. Oh no, I didn't just say that, did I?
Sounds like you had a great day and so much fun! We just got snow yesterday...again---fortunately it didnt last -stay warm-hugs,Carolina
ps- I go to Donna site,she does awesome work! Great Tag!
Good morning Jan and I hope the weather is better there. We are forecast our biggest snow starting tonight and it has been a beautiful last few days. That makes it harder.
I bet it was great to get out in the fresh air again Jan. I do like the tomato material. Can't wait to see the fruits of your work.
Fine looking grandsons you have.
Stay warm and cosy.
Jeanie xxxx
My mum taught me how to knit when I was a kid but I've forgotten it all now. (Don't worry, I won't lose any sleep over it.)
All I remember now is a verse my nan used to say:
Knit one, perl two, pick up a stitch that's all you do.
Now I'm sure that makes more sense to you than it does to me.
B. x
I love fabrics too Jan,wow those are great you chose.How busy you are going to be once again.Clever girl.Love the pictures they are wonderful.Happy to know you are well and Maurice too.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
I hope thiings are ok with you. Have not seen you for A WHILE.
Hi Jan, it's me, Linda . I have enjoyed reading you again and am hoping to see some photos of your end results with that lovely fabric! love your photos as usual, big hugs, Linda x x
H A P P Y - V A L E N T I N E!
You must be sewing up a storm. Miss you. Lucy
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