Thank you to those of you, who noticed I haven’t been around, and for your kind remarks ,the fact is my back went into spasm again so I have had a pretty painful time, I haven’t been on the computer very much ,the pain meds made me sleepy , or I couldn’t sit too long ,and I have missed my meetings ,I couldn’t go to the TPAS one in Cambridge ,and I missed the newsletter meeting, fortunately for me the forum meeting was cancelled due to the bad weather, until this Friday(also my Birthday! ) so ….fingers crossed ,I do hope I can manage to stay reasonably mobile and pain free ,we are to have a family gathering on Saturday evening at my Daughter Sharon’s pub, for my Birthday and to welcome Sharon’s new gentleman friend to the family . Those of you who read my journal will remember, we bought a kennel for Kizzie although she helped Maurice assemble it she refused to use it, So it is to have a new occupant!!, yes we went to the garden feature shop and bought Toby!,I cant wait for the better weather to get into the garden and set out all the new ornaments we now have ,and decide which looks best in which area
Sorry to read you have a bad back Jan.(Know the feeling) OUCH .I hadn't noticed you wern't around with getting comments from you.Also when names on my buddy list are set to open,I naturally think all is ok with everyone who shows this way.I lawys put a message up when I am away from mine.I must think everyone does same .What am I like DUMB or what LOL!! Love your new addition little Toby He-He.Kizzy will be jealous LOL!!I hope you have a brilliant Party,no doubt you will and look great too in your party outfit as always..The quillo is beautiful well done to your friend (Clap Clap).Prayers your back eases with every passing minute.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
Ginny said,
Hope your back is easier now. I too suffer some times and the top of my shoulders do too, thats sitting sewing and sitting at the laptop. So glad you liked the caterpillar quillow, I hope my friends little grandson likes it we are taking it over to him on Friday. My friend and I used to work together for many years at the local playgroup and we loved reading the story of " the hungry caterpillar "
My flower fairy quillow is coming along at a great rate and the race is on to get it finished at posted to my friend in OZ for her 40th birthday in March !!!
Happy birthday for Friday , hope you have lots of fun and laughter with the family.
Take care , best wishes from Whittlesey
Jan sorry to hear your back is playing you up ~ hope it gets better soon ~
’The Hungry Caterpillar’ quillow is really lovely and yes she is very clever ~
Toby is a picture and Kizzie is adorable ~
Have a Great and Happy Birthday Friday and enjoy your family get together ~ I just know you will ~ look forward to seeing pictures :o) ~ Ally x
Hi Again Jan ,lovely to read your entry .Kizzie and Toby look like they will be good friends..maybe even share the kennel ?Hope you enjoy the meeting on Friday,and your back continues to improve .
Have a great time on Saturday with everyone celebrating your Birthday .....love you tons....Jeanxx..Beautiful quillow of the Hungry Caterpillar.
I'll be praying that back pain goes away. We don't want you to miss your birthday party for sure! You just got over that flu bug and then to get hit with back pain is quite enough for now. Hope your birthday is a great one! I'll be looking for pictures of the celebration!
'On Ya'-ma
Ouch! I hope your back feels better very soon! Happy Birthday a few days early. Have a wonderful time at your party. ~~Kath~~
Jan, I do sympathise with what you must be going through. I have had the odd spasm whilst doing something silly like washing up, and know how painful that can be.
I think I shall have to settle for a Toby. Not much progress with selling the idea of a real live one to `Thing' :o(
Your new friend really is very talented.
Yes, Happy Birthday soon - moving into our sign!
Bunny xxx
So happy to have you back. I missed your upbeat attitude. do take care and if I don't think right on the day a Happy Birthday to you. Lucy
Hope the back is better soon Jan. Happy birthday for Friday, have a great day with family.
B. x
(No reply from Connie yet.)
Sorry to hear about your sore back, Jan. I feel your pain. In 1991 I injured my low back at work and had to have 2 major back surgeries. So anytime someone mentions back pain, I cringe because I remember. What a lovely dog house and what a naughty Kizzie not to use it. I've had a few hours here & there outide working in the yard but it's still bone chilling cold out there most days. My daffodils & tulips are poking thru the dirt, so there is hope that Spring is coming. Linda in Washington
Hi Jan, so glad to see you back. Not so good news about your back though. There seems to have been so much illness about since Christmas...what with some of my friends backs "going out " Mary has had a bad knee but had an injection in it today so fingers crossed she will be better now, some with colds that won't go away, it goes on and on. I do wish the spring would really "spring" !! It seems such a long time since we had the warmth of the sunshine on our faces.
Keep smiling friend, Have a wonderful weekend x
Much Love Sybil
i had an alert from facebook that its your birthday today jan.hence the email lol.ho well,im early.lol.sorry about back,ive had enough in my life to know how nasty that is,take care,love mort xxx
Hope you can get some muscle relaxation in your back, sounds nasty
well, I'm sorry to hear about your back. I am wishing you an early Happy Birthday. So,"Happy Birthday". Hope you feeling better. Nancy
Snap my back went into spasm over the weekend agony, I was doing so much better too, there's not much you can do really wishing you a speedy recovery so you can at least enjoy your birthday on Friday.
Take care
I've never seen so many people having back problems. Hope your's is better soon and have a nice birthday.
Isn't kizzy lovely!! What a sweet pooch she is! I love the hungry caterpillar quillow as well! I do hope your back feels better soon. There is nothing worse than back pain! (((hugs)))
ouch Jan, you sound like you have had a rough time. I hope you feel better soon and if I forget to come back in time (highly likely) have a lovely birthday! Laughed at Kizzies new friend, I will look forward to the pics when you are up to it x x
Hello Jan, sorry to hear about your bad back, thats not funny is it ?! Hey, i love your Toby he is fabulous !! The quillow looked fantastic, some people are so clever. Like you i am waiting for the nice weather, how nice it will be to get outside once again.
Take care
Big Luv, Jaynee X
Sorry to hear about your back! Hope you have a good weekend with the family. I had to smile at kizzy inspecting her new accommodation and then refusing to use it!!!!!! Eileen x
I love that quilt! :) I hope you are feeling better soon---sounds so painful! Take care of yourself! :) Julie
The quilt is beautiful! Enjoy the rest of your week.
Morning Jan on this the 20th Feb. a rather special day for you our dear friend.. Wishing you much love on this your birthday, have a lovely weekend. I have also left you a message with Mother Hen !!
Much Love Sybil xx
Happy Birthday to you!!
hope you have many more!!
I'm sorry to hear you have a bad back Jan. I hope the pain soon goes although be careful when it does as it's liable to come back if you over exert! There speaks a voice of experience! I bet now Kizzie has a new occupant for the kennel she'll want to get in there! Nina won't let anybody near her beanbag bed! Have a very happy birthday Jan, 21 again I hear?! Enjoy your time out tomorrow with the family. The quilt is beautiful, such a lot of detail in it! Jeannette xxxx
That quilt is beautiful! Toby is so cute. He will look good outside in your garden.
Hope you feel better this weekend.
At least Toby won't go eating Kizzy's dinner! I don't blame her not going in the kennel - YER FERGOT THE ROOF!!! Hope your back is ok now.
love, Angie, xx
Hope your back is better now, Jan. I'm having a bad spell with my back as well at the moment. It might the cold and wet weather! Or just the fact that I spend too much time in front of the computer...My daughter and I really like your Kizzy. My "baby" girl is desperate for a dog but daddy and older brother don't want one! Love the quillow! Fantastic! Look after yourself. All the best. Ciao. Antonella
Hope you are able to be up AND AROUND MORE. i MISS HEARING FROM YOU, but I do understand.
Oh, I so understand spasms in the back. I had surgery 4 years ago and it seemed to help the pain but the spasms became a constant companion.
It does affect the time I can spend hand quilting. I can no longer sit for hours in my recliner. Luckily I can sit at the sewing machine.
So sorry your back has been out! I know how painful that is. I hope you have a lot of improvement very soon!
On a brighter note~Happy Birthday tomorrow!! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time with our family.
Back problems are just so hard to deal with. So glad to hear from you. I was worried. You are so upbeat and I truly missed you. Were you suprised by your dashboard or has it reached you?? Please take care of yourself. Lucy
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