On Thursday , Maurice went to see a couple of his friends who where fishing at Godmanchester ,so he dropped me off in Huntingdon ,where I did some shopping A book (of course)Patricia Cornwell’s ‘At Risk’ . And some much needed cosmetics, I had nearly run out of blusher and I got a couple of eyeshadows from Boots, buy two get third free and a colour for my hair and some tights! ,and then my Boots points, I do love a bargain ,I guess we all do .Thursday late afternoon we went to Peterborough ,to see my Son Mark and his wife Chrissie, they have moved house so we had to go and check it out!
On Friday, when Maurice went to get his hair cut I put my colour on my hair and cut it .and started to get my stuff ready for the Tenants conference .My Daughter Kate and Grandson Sam have been down to Dorset To visit my son Derek and his wife Tricia and the three boys , whist the children were on half term ,so after Derek had dropped them off at Kate’s he popped over to see us .So as you see it has been a busy week ,then yesterday Saturday I was up early and off we went to Peterborough for the Annual Tenants conference ,but I think I will leave that for another entry ,
Good Morning ! I just came on to check and see if anyone had made an entry. I've been up since 5 as I couldn't stay in bed any longer and anyway there was your lovely entry. I'm glad Maurice has recovered and able to go back to work now. I know you'll probably miss him. It's easy to get used to having someone around to do things with. I've been on my own much too long and enjoy those times when I can visit family. Blue is a beautiful dog. I see he must be very gentle too as there was a cat nearby in that picture. It's always grand to see your lovely smile too! 'On Ya'-ma
My you have been busy, this week and got a lot of visiting done, bet Maurice is glad he is back at work and you'll soon get back into your old routine. Blue is a beauty, what breed is it?
Have a good Sunday
Good morning, Jan, or afternoon across the pond. I'm glad to hear Maurice is well enough to return to work. It sure must seem odd.
Blue is a beautiful dog. Floyd is also a cute kitty. And, of course, Kizzie can't let the other animals one up her. Have a lovely week. xx
Blue is a gorgeous dog! You have been keeping very busy, I don't know how you do it. Are you knitting anything? ~~Kath~~
Hello Jan. thanks for the comment. I am so pleased to be back. I wouldn't mind Blue at the bottom of my bed to keep me cosy! lol. Love Pam xx
Hi Jan, I think you might be a bit lonely this week with your beloved gone back to work I know I miss Stu on a Friday and I have him all week. I remember when I lived in Glenrothes (yes that's the place the other election is taking place this week) we used to do fashion shows and I loved it was slim in those days. Have started knitting fingerless glove for my cold mousing hand.lol
What a beautiful dog! I think that's the first picture I've seen of Maurice~he's a handsome guy! I'm slowly getting the hang of this Blog thing. Linda in Washington state
hi jan, as i didnt even know maurice had had an op,im glad hes doing ok. sorry love,last few weeks ive let my friends journals slip away. didnt mean to ok? take good care of yourself,keep warm n well love mort xxx
Isn't Blue gorgeous?! I'm glad Maurice is well enough to go back to work. I'm looking forward to seeing your fashion show photos! Have a good week. Jeannette xx http://jeannettesnewtravels.blogspot.com/
What kind of dog is Blue? He is gorgeous. You didn't look to bad yourelf! LOL
Glad to hear that Maurice is all recovered and back at work. That is one BIG beautiful dog! Loved all your pictures, and yes, you DO lead a very busy life. It's wonderful!
I love Blue, he's so fluffy! You'd lose your arms in a hug with him I think :o)
Hi Jan ,glad I could get here to read all about your adventures this last week ,you have had lots of visitors .It was lovely to be with you on Saturday .
Hope Maurice is getting on alright at work again .....love to you both ...Jeanxx
Jan sounds like you have been busy ~ I love the offers Boots give and I like their points as well ~ Glad Maurice is getting on OK and is able to go back to work ~ Blue is a beautiful Dog isn't he big and cuddly ~ and Kizzie looks lovely too :o) ~ Ally x
Hi Jan, I`m glad Maurice is now well enough to go back to work, it`ll probably seem strange without him at home. Is Blue a Pyranean Mountain Dog I wonder, he`s a real beauty. Love the photos even though you were taken by surprise. well done on the eyeshadows, a real bargain and extra Boots points. I have them and they soon add up. :o)
Love Sandra xxxxx
Blue is gorgeous! Glad to hear that everything is well with you. Eileen x
Thanks for taking the time to keep us all posted, Jan. Hope this week treats you well and that you slip into a comfortable new / old routine!
Hey there! Enjoyed reading all about your day/weekend. Felt like I was there with you...whew! I need a nap! lol and lol
What a great big beautiful dog!! Sounds to me like you have had a very good week. I hope that Maurice is enjoying his time back at work. The family pictures are a real prize for us to see.
My Regards, Bill.
You and Maurice both look great, jan, I love those "non-posed" pix lol. Blue certainly IS gorgeous! Life is incredible isn't it? http://cathy-daretothink.blogspot.com/
Hi from NYC, thanks for stopping by my blog. It was great fun being on the BBC yesterday.
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