Saturday, 6 January 2007

A Soggy Saturday

Not a lot to write about today ,from the moment I drew back the curtains this morning ,to closing them tonight it has rained !In between times I went shopping with my trolley,wearing my waxed hat ,that I bought in Ireland a couple of years ago ,they know about rain over there! so my head was dry ,more than I could say about my boots that were made goodness knows where ? they leaked ,but they were pushed to the limit with puddle holes everywhere , there were groups of work men and women ,taking down the Christmas decorations through the town ,so I was walking round ladders on pavements as I went from shop to shop ,I walked round ,its too early in the year to push my luck by walking under them .I came home and took down our decorations ,every where looks bare I suppose thats Christmas over for another year! we spent forever getting ready, and there it was gone ! So now we look forward to all the exciting adventures that 2007 has in store ,I am planning to go to WI on Monday evening ,subs due there too ! Maurice is doing his second nights work ,soon be his days off ,I am going to make some supper and watch some TV ,have you noticed how many adverts there are for sofas ?I have never seen so many .well thats it for today with love from

Thanks to Dianna for my siggy today   


Anonymous said...

We must get the same ads on STV as you have I did not know everybody is throwing out their furniture along with the Christmas Trees so we could all buy new ones. These ads are driving me daft I have never seen so many and if its not that its diet and anti smoking. The thing about the anti smoking ones having stopped it reminds me all the time what I am missing out on lol Have a pleasant evening Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Right now..this's not raining here in Tacoma.  I'm heading out to replace a defective blood pressure machine I bought a month or so.  I paid $65 for the stupid thing and it doesn't seem to work.. so can't afford to just forget about it.   Then it's back home to vacuum and straighten up a bit.  Monday I'm back to my regular Monday-Thursday work schedule for 4 more weeks.  Then my schedule changes to being home doing as I please until I figure out if I'm going to have enough income to actually not have to get a part time job.  I have a feeling the next 4 weeks will be miserable..the supervisor hasn't said a civil word to me since I gave my notice on Dec 6th.  Hope you get dried out, Jan.  Snuggle up with a blanket and a hot cup of tea....Linda in Washington

Anonymous said...

Nothing great around here, just the weather, its 65 can you belive that,,,, grandson is out in the yard with his little trucks and hubby is sitting in his yard chair,,,,,,,,, nothing gets any better than that,,,,,, DIANE

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, it's a beautiful day here with the temp being almost 65º. Supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow though then turn colder next week. I bet your feel got really cold after getting wet. LOL on walking around those ladders. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan. I have never heard of a "waxed hat."  But, I think it's a really good idea!  Sorry your feet got wet.  I hate that because I get COLD.  Well...cold for here, anyway.
I still need to take my decorations down.  I suppose that will be on the list for this week.
Have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

We've had a few sprinkles on and off today, but not heavy rain.  I've been indoors packing all the decorations away.  It took so long to do it and now it's hard work going up and down the stairs to put it all away again.  I'm just taking a breather and it's mid afternoon here in the USA.  I too am looking forward to what new and surprising things this year may bring.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Took our deccies down today too, you should see the tangle that the lights got into will be hard work sorting that lot next year lol. Have managed to avoid going out today so stayed nice and dry. See you soon.
Luv Debbie

Anonymous said...

I finally broke with tradition and took all mine down as well, today I found three snowpeople sitting on my little desk and they are going in boxes as soon as I can find them. I tried to keep my tree up longer this year in hopes my son would come down with the 4 grandkids when he got home from Oklahoma and Texas but I have not even gotten a call from him yet! Go figure!
Maybe they are still bustling about trying to get back to normal after their trip, I don't know, but today I am pushing the huge box of Christmas gifts  that have been sitting here for them , they are going back into the bedroom closet until someone comes down to collect them. Got an email that their phone's been disconnected too so I have no idea what goes on at their end but I'm sad they missed seeing the tree and opening the gifts under it.
Mom is having a surgical procedure on Tuesday so I am trying to get all the cleaning here done so I can give her my full attention until she is admitted.
One good question! Does eveyone seem to have the blah's when they take their tree down? I sure am not enjoying putting the things up, seems I will miss it more this year.
Hugs from Doreen

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear Jan nothing worse than soggy feet is there.Sounds like it's been a realy poor day weather wise from your end.Glad you were dry on your top knot LOL!!Yes I was in the middle of taking evrything down and low and behold four cousins turned up I havn't seen for ages.Just typical for me baubles everywhere tinsel etc you name it and a house like Rileys Haaaaaaaaaa..Gone once more like you say.The sofa adverts just get too much I get sick to death of the adverts anyway.They are a pain,especially when you are watching something realy interesting.Have lovely supper enjoy your viewing Jan Goodnight and Godbless.

Anonymous said...

Hasn`t the weather been depressing today Jan. It`s been pouring down all day and it`s been so dark I`ve had to have the lights on most of the day. Thank goodness for the waxed hat, I could do with one of those. I used to have a waxed coat which kept me dry apart from my legs which got wet from the rain dripping off my! :o))

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Sunny skies, but cold here in California.  Odd for us, as it's been extremely cold here, and warm in the east and midwest.  Crazy weather here in the states!

Have a good weekend, Jan!


Anonymous said...

Dried up here now, after wet start, then so sunny at lunchtime I had to draw the curtain.  I can see the stars tonight, so maybe a frost ?  Keep warm Jan.  Bunny xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, sorry its taken me so long to get on here.  I loved the pictures of your recent night out with your family.  Oooh the weather has been miserable today, my feet felt wet with the damp too.  Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Yep, what a cold, wet miserable day it's been today. Roll on Spring, that's what I say. Enjoy the tv, I'm off for an early night with a good book. B. x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan
Love your journal..I'm desperate to learn how to add graphic..but it will come in time.My cousin in OZ said weather went from 50degrees to 15 over rain for ages.where he lives, is like a dust bowl at the our weather even though not as it should be..we still have the best weather around.
Take care Kate

Anonymous said...

I too have seen the sofa adverts, Im in desperate need of a new one.......very tempting.  I always find it a sudden shock when the twinklies have been taken down just as if you've taken a picture away from a wall that's always been there.  Enjoy yourself tomoz. Rache

Anonymous said...

i do hope you have a good sunday:) stay dry at least you have rain we have snow:( trade ya lol


Anonymous said...

glad you didn't walk under any of those ladders. Paula

Anonymous said...

It rained here all day too! Like you I went out with my trolley, had to get Nina's dinner and some fruit, I was home in no time, didn't want to stay out in that rain! I chucked the tree out on Christmas morning, can't be doing with these decorations any more! It does look bare though when everything is put away! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Ah, but it won't be long 'till we're putting all those decs back up again!!  I don't know where the time goes these days ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I could just picture you walking thru town dodging puddles and ladders.  Things don't look as pretty now that the Christmas lights are gone but it's nice to get back to normal.  How long did it take to warm your feet when you got those wet boots off?
Hugs,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

I have done the under the ladder bit this year! I can`t get anymore bad luck than the roof can I?? Soggy Saturdays are meant to be in front of the on and an old black and white film! Stay away from the puddles Jan they`re bad for your tootsies!
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

It does look bare with no decs doesn't it?I am very irritated by the sofa adverts too many of them as you say and the same ones played during every break! We are turning into grumpy old women! Did you see that last night? I found myself agreeing with everything they said! Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

Jan those adverts about sofa's and that irritating woman who is on the phone trying to borrow 25thousand pounds really drive me up the wall ~ I have to turn the sound down lol ~ I'm kinda glad the decorations have gone they were so dusty ~ but everything looks so dull without the pretty lights ~ I hope you have lots of exciting new adventures in 2007 then you can relate them to us via your Journal ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

This is SSS...."Sofa Sale Season!"  They all look really nice, but as my Todd says...."When is DFS NOT having a sale?"

Anonymous said...

My house looks bigger without the decorations and also without Harper, who was always sprawled across the sitting room carpet. This is always a depressing time of year and the rain certainly doesn't help. Summer seems an age away.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

Lovely graphics again Jan, cold isn't it, even in the house I can't get my feet warm :-(
From where I'm sitting I can see that I've forgotten to take down a set of lights, they are hanging rather forlornely from  a mirror.  I sticky taped them around the edge, but they are falling down.  Don't you find that you always find SOMETHING after you've put everything away!
Looking forward to Spring!  :-D

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan wasn't it a wet day yesterday and cold its not much better today bet you were glad to have your wax hat ,I use my wax jacket going to school on my bike and it keeps me warm and dry .Is it your boots or wellingtons that let your feet get wet? Have you been watching the singing competion this week called "The two of us"?............Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

It's not raining so much today here, but it's been dark all day long! 2007 here we come then.....hope it's a great one! (and lighter soon)

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of adverts for sofas ~ your right about that.  Hope you have fun at the WI and Maurice enjoys his days off xx


Anonymous said...

We haven't had rain or snow here yet but it's been cold for me - I'm always cold, they say.
Well, Christmas is over but I'm sure you'll have joyful memories and hope 2007 brings nothing but happiness to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Our decorations are finally down, and it does certainly look bare and drab.  In the US, January is what they call "white sales."  That means sofas, beds, linens, etc.  The ads are loaded with such things here right now.   We have turned from soggy to snowy.  Not sure I like the cold weather but it is more natural than the spring weather we've been having.  Love xx Chris

Anonymous said...

Im catching up as usual Jan! you are right about the sofas! I didn't notice till you said that lol Linda xx