Hi Everyone ,I had an exciting IM from my friend Debbie this morning .she has started a journal,you remember Debbie is Jasons Mum ,I told you how we went to Jasons school concert last month ,and how much I enjoyed it, Debbie is an interesting and lovely person and I'm sure you will give her a big J-Land welcome http://journals.aol.co.uk/drb1064/whatever Im sure she will enjoy getting to know you all as I have ,lots of love Jan xx
Linda Smith Shook - Linda's World.
Today, March 16th, 2025, Linda Smith Shook passed away, aged 82, after a
lengthy spell of ill health. Only a few weeks ago, she had to transfer to a
1 week ago
On my way!
How kind of you to pass on her link Jan you are a star and a good friend I can tell by your words.What an appropriate graphic too.I remember who you mean well.I will pop over now.I am walking though not getting any lifts LOL!! Take Care God Bless you.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Been over and left a comment...Thanks for the link :o) Caff xxxx
Hi Jan a belated Happy Nerw Year to you but I will be posting more poetry for you enjoyment?
I wonder
Off to your friends website now
Take care
Dave and Valerie
I do remember you writing about the school concert, remember seeing the pics too. Have been and commented and added to alerts :o)
Sara x
Off to Debbie now. Thanks ! Bunny xx
Hi Jan. Thanks as always for you journal. I have popped in to Deb's site and left a message. Hope she will enjoy writing as much as I have. sybil
Hi Jan thank you for the link to Debbies Journal.Glad the photos came through alright .Nice Graphic. ...........Love Jeanxx
visited you friends journal Jan ~ thanks for the link ~ Ally x
I hope you are keeping well...i have popped over to Debbie and left a welcome comment. Best wishes!
Hello Janet, or maybe you prefer Jan, thank you for your reply, i have done some blogging but not like yours which i read , i do have a chuckle at times, not at your expense Jan... but this is real life. tell me how do you get our graphics they are always so lovely... well you have been helpful , please be in touch if you dareha ha ... luv rita. ps i live in canterbury with my partner John in a one horse village ha ha again lol...
I shall pop over and welcome her :-)
Tahnks Jan! I welcomed her to Jland!
opps typo!
Thanks Jan!hugs
Hi Jan, I'll pop over to say hi to Debbie! Have a great week! Jeannette xx
Ty, I stopped by Debs journal and added my hello to it but my computer is not letting me get on to alerts sooo I will keep her link and visit again.
Happy day from Doreen
Ive been to visit your friend too and have put her on alerts. : )
I will check her out, always nice to make new friends :P
hugs and love
and happy new year (belated, yes I know, ahhaha)
Just went over to welcome your friend. If she is as nice as you it will be a pleasure to know her. Paula
Thanks Jan.. I stopped by my friend :) Too bad alerts aren't working... and you can't add any either.. I tried. Grrrrrr
hugs my friend have a great day!
love ya
It was great to catch up on your last few entries! I hope you have a nice visit with your son. Hope the fog stays away so he can get there safe and sound! I will stop by and visit your friend's journal. It will be nice to meet her. It was fun to read the re-cap of 2006 in your journal. You sure had some very special moments! I hope that this year is just as wonderful or even better!
Hugs, Kathy
I enjoyed reading your friend Deb's new journal. It looks like she has had a good welcome to the community. She will be an asset.
I stopped over to say hello ... a bit late of course, but I'm always late on my journal reading:(
Have a great day!
I'm catching up here....but I'll still go over and have a look.
hi well what a lovley read , i think i would love to do a journal , where do you get your lovley pictures from , they are so nice and makes the read interesting,
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