Thursday, 24 August 2006

The 40's weekend

Thank you to Chis for this one (Cacklin rosie,or CAB)

Around the 19th 20th or 21st of August each year our little market town ,celebrate the 40's ,at a nearby disused airfield ,the shops in the town all enter into the spririt of things with wonderful window displays ,and on the air field it self are the most interesting sights to be seen ,most people dresed for the occasion ,ladies with their fox furs,land girls ,people riding around on old sit up and beg bicycles ,lots of different uniforms ,even children delightfully dressed up in the costumes of the era ,ladies with their lace gloves carrying their baskets ,usually with a handbag in it ,all the ladies of couse wearing a hat ,you saw what I was wearing ,on my entry a couple of days ago ,though only for the dance in the evening ,Which again was amazing well over seven hundred people in a vast hanger , the atphosphere was well,full of the war time spirit ,every one happy ,and into the the mood set by the way it had all been,organised  union jacks on the tables which looked like a big street party ,music from the time had us singing along,and tapping our feet,Maurice doesnt dance ,nor did the daughter and son in law of the lady who sat opposite me ,but we couldnt bear it ,so we danced together ,and danced our little legs off  ,she said afterwards how she hadnt danced for years and was so pleased Id talked her  into taking the floor ,we had such fun ,then we sat for a rest ,and the place erupted when the band played there'll always be an England ,waving our flags and singing at the top of our voices .....yes a really happy night,and the nice thing is after expences lots of money goes to charitys  ......Have  lovely day everyone .

               Jan xx 


Anonymous said...

we'll meet again, dont know where, dont know when, but i know we'll meet again some sunny Joanne

Anonymous said...

Great entry Jan...loved the photos.  A few of our residents refuse to eat corned beef now, cos 'they ate so bloody much of the stuff during the war'!!
Glad you had a good time dancing the night away.
Ains xxx

Anonymous said...

that sounds like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,

Great photos, it looked like a really fun event.  Good for you having a dance to those old wartime tunes. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Been waiting for this entry Jan!  Which day did you go?  I went around the town on Saturday , there were a few interesting stalls next to the regular market, and loved the window displays. Went to the airfield on Sunday afternoon after it had stopped raining.  I do love that day out, and the dance sounds fab - maybe I will join you there next year! :-)

Anonymous said...

me again - just looked at your photos and realised that you saw far more than I did!  Well done for taking so many - I confess I was relying on you for that! Weren't the cars fabulous?  I really must take my camera next year and take photos of them all, as I expect there are veteran car enthusiasts amongst us.
Super entry Jan :-D

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a GREAT day hun!

I love air shows...I remember going to 'Finningley' air show years ago.

One plane was SOO huge and it came really low, and as I was a kid, I peed myself in fear..LOL!!

Lovely car too..I love vintage!!

Lv Stevie

Anonymous said...

Jan I loved your pictures ~ the window displays were great ~ Sounds like you had a great time at that dance ~ must have been lovely everyone dressing in the 40's style ~ so glad you got that lady to have a dance I'll bet it made her night ~"There'll always be an England" never fails to get me waving my flag ~ and singing at the top of my voice ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I love the pics, especially the pig with the tin hat on, lol. (Must get myself one of those - the hat, not the pig, lol). It must be a great weekend with all the town getting involved. We don't see that kind of thing around here. B. x

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time wish I had been there I love to dance. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

I love this new camera age.....We can share each other's lives like this.  It was so good of you to invite me to your town and the air show.  I loved each and every one of the store windows and the air show was marvelous.  The clouds were putting on quite a show too.  Truely wish I could have been there in person, but your pictures are the next best thing.  THANK YOU.  

Anonymous said...

I bet you had fun ! It brought back a lot of memories for me. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Your 40s weekend looks fun. I think it is a wonderful way to learn about the past.My grandchildren would enjoy that! Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

it looks amazing :).............Jules xx

Anonymous said...

Jan.. you always find the most interesting things to do!  I just never know what you will be up to when I come here to read your entries! :)  You live quite the full life.... I envy you that! :)

Loved the pictures!


Anonymous said...

Loved this entry Jan. . .so interesting and sounds great fun.I must go to one of these 40's weekends

Anonymous said...

Oh how I would love to be there with a camera! I love the 1940's era! Tammy

Anonymous said...

Oh Jan, I would love to have been there, I too love the 1940's era. Yes, I know there was a war on, people died, but there was also a great community spirit, neighbours knew and cared for each other, the whole country pulled as won.  I liked the 1940's fashion as well.  Thanks for the lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

Oh how very interesting!  I'm glad you all had a good time!  Love the pics.  Hugs and GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

Sounds great, Jan, a lovely time had by all!

Anonymous said...

I remember you telling us about this last year - or I think you did lol.........Glad you had such a good time and so nice for the town to all get involved :)  Community things like that are so good!!

Anonymous said...

hi Jan...

I love the 1940's era too! when we went to Cornwall a few years ago now, we went to Flambards and they have a section there all about the blitz and theres an old shop and an old plane too! and lots more to makes you think how lucky we are today


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the whole village had a fantastic time I would love to have been there, even though i wasnt born till late 50s  I love things like this, have you ever been to Eden Camp in Yorkshire, its an old prisoner of war camp, and a very interesting place to visit, when we visited it they had school children there in the canteen singing all war time songs, it brought a lump to my throat to hear them but it was lovely all the and to have a sing-a-long with them
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great time:) love the window displays what a great way to look at the past


Anonymous said...

Sounds as if you had a great time! I remember last year in Drama I had to research the era of the 40's. I love the music for this era, the songs are simple and easy to remember.

Leigh :-)"

Anonymous said...

Sounds fantastic! I wish we had something like that around here!

Anonymous said...

A great entry Jan. I remember the old mincer, my mum always put a piece of bread through after mincing meat to get the last of the meat out to save waste. I've got an old Olio Cookery Book with some wonderful recipes and tips in! Also got my mums National Identity card! You'll have to have a look when you come down! Glad you all had fun. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Jan I LOVE the photo's ~ I'd love a day out like that! And the sun was shining for you as well ~ wonderful!
love n hugs Debbie ~xxxx~

Anonymous said...

That must have been so much fun!  I recognized some of the things in the pictures from my grandmother's house.  In the picture of the table set up for tea, there is a grinder bolted to the table.  She had one just like it that she used to grind meat for mince meat pie as well as other things.  She passed it down to my mother who used it to grind pot roast into a sandwich spread for my dad's lunch.  I love the music from that era, too.  I think I would have been out there dancing with you and your friend.
~..ô  Kathy

Anonymous said...

that sounds a great idea a good excuse to dress up in those lovely feminine 40s clothes,all the best xxzoexx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan - what a super idea to celebrate the 40s. Luv Jayne x

Anonymous said...

Back in those days, alot of women danced together because their men were all off to war. So you two fit right into the 1940's spirit.     Linda in WA      

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a wonderful celebration, Jan.  The 40's were so full of romance and glamour even though a war was going on.  Thanks for sharing.  xx  Chris

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time at the forties weekend .The window displays were very interesting.You looked very nice in your outfit ,did you still have your stockings with seams?  It was good to find a lady who enjoyed dancing as much as you do and to have a right ole sing song .......Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

I loved your pics and the entry! What a lovely idea, a forties weekend, I would love to see one of those. Fashion wise that was such a smart era Linda xx