Thankyou Chris,this is delightful and we all love lavender ,dont we ?
Charlotte is still here ,and enjoying her stay,she has made friends as I said the other day.Many of the girls belong to a dance group and are cheer leaders ,so she has been enjoying practising the moves with them ,and when things get to complicated, there are always the boys ! my door has never been knocked on so much ! Can Charlotte come out ?is the cry !,Whilst she is out I get a chance to use the computer! Tomorrow she has been invited to go swimming with the very nice sixteen year old girl who lives next door ,of course she hasnt brought her swim suit so we rang ,Sharon ,her Mum (my older daughter) who is to look it out and Maurice has to collect it on his way home ,you forget how complicated life can be with a teenager (nearly ),in the house ,Yesterday being a lovely day I did loads of washing and ironed it ,well I couldnt get near the PC lol ,am just about keeping up with the alerts, Maurice is doing his last day at work then three nights and he will be on holiday, so we are planning some away days .
My favourite programe returns to BBC 1 next Wednesday at nine 'Who do you think you are ?',celebrities trace their ancestors ,this is the third series and if its like the first two we are in for a treat.,thats the day I go into work ,well you know ex work , I help with the news letter ,so life is busy as ever .I wouldnt have it any other way .I know its a cliche' ,but how did I find time to fit work into my life ?
Looked out of the window last evening and saw the air balloon passing so low , then it was fired up and off it went ,but not before I took a picture , and then when I opened up my alerts this morning I found Dianna had sent a graphic for Charlotte ,needless to say she was delighted what a lovely surprise thankyou Dianna,so I must go now ,but have a good day everyone with love from
and Jan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx