Once upon a time there was a little girl her Name was Janet ,and she had a brother John (sorry no picture )
And a little sister Jean ..
These were called flat irons and would be heated on the fire/stove to heat them before doing the ironing

The children all enjoyed a third of a pint of milk at break time at school..
At bed time the kettle would be boiled to fill these stone bottles with hot water ,to keep us warm in bed ,and if one should fall or get kicked out of bed in the night,an almighty bang would wake everyone up
Another favourite tv programe was Dear little Andy Pandy ,Teddy and LoobyLoo,their Dolly friend
Many happy hours were spent on our roller skates on the hill out side our house ,Do you remember singing- Iv'e got a brand new pair of roller skates ,youv'e got a brand new key?
And to keep us little girls warm ,over our vest and under our jumpers we wore our liberty bodice.And we hated them!!
Oh look the radiogram,see the lovely big speakers!
A tredle sewing machine ,very much like my first one
Here comes the delivery boy
And we musnt forget wash day! look at this,and it has its own mangle
I hope you enjoyed all the pictures I have been snagging and saving ,if I pinched any you recognise as yours ,they probably were, so very sorry and erm thank you
And now as Sooty Sweep and Sue,used to say Good bye everyone Goodbye
And from me ......Love Jan xx
LOL.....I remember the days well haaaaaaa.Yes quite a few were my graphics,but you are most welcome anytime to any of them Haaa.So many remind me of home yrs ago.Especially Dads bath night,him being a miner (Salt of the earth they were).Love you.I hope you have had a lovely Mothers day,you deserve to, as any Mum does..Take Care God Bless Kath xx
Lots of good memories there in your post today. I remember the milk deliveries and the little milk containers we had every day at school too. I learned how to sew on a treadle sewing machine. Thanks for sharing your memories today. They do bring back a lot of smiles for me.
I LOVED this look back. I had that sewing machine, skates and spirograph too.
This was brilliant - some things I do remember, some things were before my time but I did like your post!
I remember my Mom putting cushions on my backside when I was learning to roller skate in case I fell over. My memories are similar but being a tad younger not all of yours. I had a rubber hot water bottle not a stone one.
Quite a few memories there my friend
Hi Jan, found your blog at last, you can tell we are about the same age, I remember all you have posted here. All very interesting tell us more.
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, yes you know who I am don't you.
Pat x
Oh how lovely! I feel all nostalgic, even though some of these are before my time!x
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