It was the AGM of the residents forum on January 9th,I am on the committee as you know ,a vacancy had arisen for a vice chairman/woman ,I was nominated and duly elected ,and got two thirds of the votes ....
Here I am Madam vice chair !!
And then Sid asked us to dance ,weeeeelllll ...He is playing ,'I am the music man 'I come from down you way and I can pla ay ,I play the Damn Busters ....der der der der da da dar darr ....See the turquoise aero plane !.... Hmm !

Think the one below must be' match of the day ' sig tune yerr ,thats Shirley with me .

And of course no party would be complete with out the birdy song ,'with a little bit of this and a little bit of that and you shake your bum ' That is Bella in the embroidered cardi ,I got her up for a waltz ,and she told me off for not following her ,thought I was taking the lead ,OH NO ! she is quite a gal ! bless her dear heart shes lovely .....

if we both look surprised, it is because we didnt realise Jackie's Husband John was taking the picture ,I just had to include the picture because I know Jackie's cousin Sandra in Canada reads my blog .....hi Sandra (waving )
Then it being the first Wednesday in the month,off I went to my over sixties club where we had a high old time ,Sid who is Shirley ,one of the committee members husband came along with his disco gear and kari-okee,is that how you spell it ? never mind you know what I mean ,Sid sang some favourite songs to us ,he has a lovely voice and he took us back to our teens ,ahhh ,for a while !He invited singers to the stage and Bella ,who is over eighty ,sang a lovely rendition of 'Welcome to my World',and I wasnt the only one wiping away a tear

Think the one below must be' match of the day ' sig tune yerr ,thats Shirley with me .

And of course no party would be complete with out the birdy song ,'with a little bit of this and a little bit of that and you shake your bum ' That is Bella in the embroidered cardi ,I got her up for a waltz ,and she told me off for not following her ,thought I was taking the lead ,OH NO ! she is quite a gal ! bless her dear heart shes lovely .....
Hi Jan, Very sorry about your flu. My husband usually gets his flu jab and then a couple of days later the proper flu. So I wonder why to have the flu jab at all!!! Congratulation Mrs Vice-Chair, hope you will be a good and fair one. Love you turquoise aeroplane! You must have had lots of fun! Stay warm and well. All the best. Ciao. Antonella
So sorry that flu bug had to get you. I guess the shot only covers part of them and not all. You look so good in the pictures having a great time dancing ! Congrats on your new position. The cold weather is all that gets me down. Thankfully no bugs for now anyway. Take care and hope you are back soon to let us know how things are in your part of the world. 'On Ya'-ma
Well if you will go around being an aeroplane......
Seriously, though, the jab doesn't seem to cover everything. So glad to hear you're getting back to normal, it does put you through the wringer, it's just a matter of time, and keeping your head down.
Bunny xxx
Oh Jan, you por ol' thing. I had heard the flu jab couldn't cover new strains going around. Sorry you had to catch one. It certainly hit you like a ton of bricks didn't it. Hope you're feeling right now.
love, Angie, xx
It looks like you were having a lovely time. Hope you get to full strength soon.
Jenny <><
Hey your a party girl! You look great.
Sorry about the flu.
One of my favorite things about you is your ability to let go and have a good time! It's so much fun to see you out there dancing and enjoying yourself. Congratulations on your election Madame Vice Chairwoman! Way to go!
Hugs, Kathy
Hi Jan ,congrats on be coming the vice chairlady . Pleased to hear you are at last beginning to feel better after the nasty flu .You looked to be having fun at the over sixties club ......with love Jeanxx
The flu bug made it inside our house as well. I have seemed to be the only one able to keep it at bay.
Glad your feeling better.
PS .I liked the name you gave this heading for the entry ..very clever ..love again ..Jeanxx
So sorry that you have been so sick. I am glad that you are feeling some better. Congrats on winning the chairwoman. Looks like everyone is having a great time. Great pictures. Hugs, Helen
What lovely pictures! And congratulations on your new position as chairwoman!
It looks as though everyone was having the time of their lives. And you look especially sharp and so happy. Nice to read such an upbeat post! Glad your flu is going away! Merry
Jan, I am so sorry to see that you have been ill! No fun! Thankfully I have not been struck down with it yet. Hopefully I won't be. Congrats on being appointed Madam Vice Chair. You must be very popular to have gotten so many votes. I'm not surprised actually! You are such a sweet gal! I loved all the pictures, especially the blue aeroplane!! lol XXOO
Thanx for sharing the pictures Jan.So happy to find out you are feeling ,much better,enjoyed our chin wag lol!! I love the cardy you are wearing what a great colour it is.Hope you enjoyed your flight LOL!!It certainly looks as though you love fying high he-he."Congratulations" Janny Vice He-he.What a star you are.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
The flu bug has been terible this year, and I'm glad your on the road to fully recovery.
Congratulations on being Vice-chair woman I'm sure you'll do a great job.
You guys have a high old time at your over sixties club, and certainaly more energy than I...lol.
Take care
Sorry to hear the dreaded bug laid you low for a while, Jan.
Congratulations Madam Vice on being elected! Sorry to hear that the flu bug chose you this year and after taking preventive action too! Enjoyed your photos. Eileen x
Just glad to see you back with us almost as fit as a fiddle again. But the Flu bug really does take it out of you. I know having succombed just before Xmas..
O am sure you will make a grand chairman..don't know about the VICE part though LOL
Keep smiling dear friend,
Love Sybil xx
Glad you are feeling a whole lot better flu what more can we do we get our jab and hope it's going to work. See you have been knitting again like you blue creation. Take it easy ad keep warm. Love Joan
its a bad bug jan so mind.you take care love mort.xx n congrats for being elected
Hi Jan, sorry you had the flu ~ I heard there's been a lot of it about this year. I'm glad you're feeling better now. Looks like you have a riot at your club! Congratulations on being voted in Vice Chair Lady, I know you'll throw yourself into that! Just take it easy, it takes quite a while to get the 'flu out of your system. Jeannette xx
Sorry you've not been well Jan, glad to hear your returning to full strength though :) Well done Madam Vice Chair ;) Love the pics of you dancing, it made me chuckle, looks like you have a great time x
Sorry JAN that you'd been under the weather and hoping you'll feel better. Take care!
LOL, Jan I love your title for this entry. But I'm not happy to hear that you've been sick. Glad to hear that you're feeling a little better each day. Loved the pictures...seems you have an full & active life. Linda in cold & foggy western Washington
Sorry to hear that despite having the jab you have been suffering from flu Jan - but lovely to see the pics of you when well !
Congrats on being Vice Chair and I hope you really enjoy yourself !
The bug got me also for a few days. It is better but I have no ambition. I( love your pictures.. In fact I love your Blog. I had to get me a cat and dog like you have. So glad you are feeling better. Lucy
Thank goodness I have missed this bug so far Jan! Poor you being laid up for so long!
Congratulations madam chairman you will be just the ticket in your new role.
Loved the karaoke songs...I would have joined in myself. Lol! Where's your mama gone...where's your mama gone...hahahah!
Lovely to see you up and fighting fit again.
Jeanie xxxx
Sorry you were "down wuth the Bug" I am very happy you are feeling better. I sure enjoyed the rest of this entry. Congratulations to you on your election to Vice Chair. I know that the position is safe with you installed. What a great time you all seem to have. I sure wish that there was something around here like it.
Oh, by the way, This morning for my breakfast I had a crumpet. I have never tasted anything like it. It was sent to be with about a dozen others from England so I know it is real and I sure like it.
My Regards, Bill
PS: Libby says HI to you and Maurice.
Hi Jan, I mean Madam Vice Chair, ahem! I`m sorry to hear that you`ve had that awful flu bug, I know it can knock you for six. I hope your feeling much better now. Take care. :o)
Love and ((Hugs))
Sandra xxxx
jAN, i WOULD NEVER LEAVE YOU OUT. You have been on my blog list since the first day you commented on my blog. Your pic is there also.
Sure hope you will be feeling much better-that flu can take alot out of you.Congratulations-u go girl! Awesome graphics!!!! hugs and love !
Hi there mother, glad you up and about and feeling stronger by the day. Martin and I had flu over christmas and it was horrid. The boys have had it since christmas but hopefully are now starting to feel a bit more with it. Love and cuddles to you and pops! Kate
So sorry you've been sick, so glad you are better.
Hey Jan, it is good to hear or I should read into your words that you are feeling much better ad happy. I love your blog and you make mine look sick. I AM AFRAID i DON'T HAVE the talent that you do. Lucy
You poor thing, Jan. I did hear in the States that our flu vaccine was not covering the flue bug that was spreading around. Knocking on wood here. You look great in your pictures. I'm suspecting they were taken before you were laid up. Glad that you are feeling much better each day. love xx
Jan I do hope you are feeling better now ~ and have got over that flu bug ~ Love your photographs you all look to be having a great time ~ congratulations on becoming Madam Vice Chairwoman ~ Ally x
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