At the beginning of November last year, we were shopping in Huntingdon when Maurice led me into a mobile phone shop; he had decided he was going to buy me a new mobile phone for Christmas, my old one couldn’t pick up a signal, here where we live, now I wasn’t too worried about that, because I mainly used the land line, and I found it quite amusing as we left the town to be alerted to messages that had been left for me! when I finally got a signal. So now I have a lovely new pink phone that takes pictures videos and all sorts of things that I haven’t yet tried ….I was allowed to have the phone then so I could get to grips with all the new features.
Just before Christmas Maurice and his brother decided it would be nice to spend the morning together, so Maurice drove over to Peterborough, parked up at his Brothers house, and they walked into town, the route they took was by the river, something they had done many times as children; by the land where their Dad’s farm had been and where they were brought up, it must have been so nice chatting away together, reminiscing about the old times.
Maurice knew I was saving my Boots reward points, to buy my self some perfume I was lusting after, all through the autumn when ever we went shopping I would pop into the shop for a sample spray So he thought he would buy me a little surprise aditional Christmas present..... Right so now we have the brothers ,who it has to be said both have a wicked sense of humour, and not a little blarney being Irish !in Boots ,Maurice asked the young lady who served him “have you got Estee Lauder’s Sensual perfume please ? “We have says she", she duly sprayed some for them to check! “Hmmm “says Maurice in an aside to his brother Mike,”smells like Flit to me “, Mike walked away giggling, as Maurice was paying, the young lady asked him, did that erm what’s its name? you mentioned, smell nice?”Oh yes”, says Maurice” it was a killer “!......of course the poor girl was far too young to understand the joke,

.....'Flit’. This was a tin of insecticide mounted sideways on the bottom of what can best be described as a bicycle pump. You pumped the handle as hard as you could and a fine spray of fly killer emerged from the nozzle. The trouble was, that unless you could keep pumping at an almost impossible speed the pressure dropped and the spray became more of a squirt. ..... And the smell was---- well !.........nothing like Estee Lauder's Senuous........
Hi Jan lovely to see an entry from you this morning .I can just imagine Maurice and Mike out together on the shopping spree causing havoc and mischievous fun ,wonder if that shop girl asked her parents if they remembered Flit !!Hope your new mobile gives you a better signal ......With love and hugs ..Jeanxxxx
Having had 6 boys I can just imagine those two and their antics for sure. You just have to love them and their silly ways. Thanks for the smiles today. Hope your Tuesday is a great one! 'On Ya'-ma
Perhaps another moral is don't let men pick out perfume. Who knows what you'll get.
He-he very funny.Thankyou for the laugh today Jan.I love Estee Lauder perfume I have used it for as long as I can remember but not that fragrance.I have tried umpteen perfumes which have cost me a fortune at times over the years,for a change, but to me nothing lasts or stays smelling strong as what I use.I used to always get there Christmas Special Box of goodies with additional free gift from the Rooster as my added little suprize with Christmas dinner.That reminds me he hasn't bought me one of those for a while now He-He I'll have to jog his memory LOL!!Oh are you going to be popular when I tell him who reminded me about this.Heeeeee.Great posting.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
Lovely gifts, Jan, lucky you! And they had their fun as well, the naughty boys! My husband got me an electric blanket for Xmas! Very romantic!!!!He was fed up with me complaining all the time about the cold. Beware what to say to a man! Have a nice day. Rathe dull here in Yorkshire as well. Ciao. Antonella
Thanks so much for the giggle Joan! Men!! What can you do! I love Este Lauder anything, so I am sure I would love this perfume too! Your phone is very pretty. I would love to have a pretty pink phone, but alas, I have the nokia el cheapo standard one. Mind you , I only really call and text Todd on it anyways!
Glad that you got a new phone and some perfume also. Bet those two giggled when they left that store. I remember those kind of sprayers very well and the insecticide smelled horrible LOL. Hugs, Helen
I loved the entry, Jan!!! I can barely use a land phone. How nice that you got both the phone and the Estee Lauder. On the farm when I was a kid we had a sprayer like that the men used in the barns and I think I remember it being used around the screen doors and porch. I do remember the smell well.
Jan Lucky you getting a New phone and the perfume ~ I can just imagine Maurice and his brother having fun shopping for that perfume :o) ~ I can vaguely remember Flit but I don't think it smelled as good as Estee Lauder ~ Ally x
I don't wear perfume much any more because it seems as if all my friends are allergic. :( But I've smelled Sensual and it is wonderful! blessings, marlene
I remember Flit or something like it. Haven't see one of those little pumper things in years!
So you are a very spoiled lady! A pink phone and wonderful perfume. Your husband is a prince, sense of humor and all!
Hugs, Kathy
i had a pink phone.lol.just got another.why pink?it was cheap.lol.tescos had them on ofer,i dropped mine into the cats waterbowl.not good idea.take care jan,love mort xx
That was BRILLIANT Jan... great to have a laugh....but lovely that you got the perfume..it is one of my fav.s as well. But sure don't think FLIT is !!
Love Sybil xxx
I'm far too young to remember flit. I know all about Estee Lauder though, Reet's used it for years. Expensive hobby it is too!
B. x
Great story Jan and yes I am old enough to remember flit unfortunatly. I got a new phone for my birthday at beginning of December and perfume too at Christmas love getting perfume. I got YSL Elle. Love Joan
Sounds just like me when I go shopping!
hehehe...I remember Flit Jan and it didn`t smell anything like any perfume that I know off. I do know that it defininetly WAS a killer...lol! Mind you, Jim says all perfumes smell like fly spray anyway...men! lol! How lovely of Maurice to buy you perfume as a suprise, very romantic. :o0
Love Sandra xxxxx
Hello Jan
What a lovely entry. I like Estee Lauder too, 'Beautiful' is my favourite and 'Youth Jew' was Mum's favourite :o)
Luv Jaynee X
What a pair they are...lol I' love Estee Lauder Perfumes as aboev "Beautiful" is my fave, like the new trendy phone too.
Take care
I didn't know what Flit was. Glad you explained then it was funny.
That was funny Jan!
I can just see the pair of them laughing on their way out the door.
The only time my husband comments on my perfume is when it smells awful to him. Men! lol!
I love Estee Lauder perfumes but I always stick to my Rive Gauche by ESL.
As for Flit? I remember as a child they used to walk around the cinema spraying it. What a pong!
Those were the days!
Hugs to you.
Jeanie xxx
Jan, I would not change a thing if I hadf a blog that looked like yours. It is just chock full of goodies. I feel refreshed when I leave your site. We have sun but it is still pretty cold but it is top warm more at least temporarily. I could almost do a jig. lol Lucy
Lucky you with such lovely gifts. I would love to say that I don't remember Flit but sadly I do which definitely gives away my age! Eileen x
What they like ah! I thought you was gonna say that Flit was a word for S H . T. Made me giggle. Can imagine the pair of em, and I certainly don't know which one of them is the worst. Love you - kate
Hope you are enjoying your mobile phone. I have never had one, no need of one. Enjoying your quiz, could you send me a permanent link to it please Jan?
I just stopped in to say a quick hi. Finally got out of the house for a while. Finally warming up a bit. Have a great rest of the day or evening. Lucy
You got out to and to a garden store. See, great minds think alike. I had a spider plant quite a while ago. I liked it because could hang it from the ceiling and I am so limited on space. Have a great day. Lucy
What an enjoyable read on a cold wintry day! It made me giggle and feel so warm and fuzzy...you are a lucky gal, my friend.
Cute story once I found out what Flit was.
We don't have a land line any longer, but we each have a cell phone. So handy. Have a good weekend. Dawn
Cute story once I found out what Flit was.
We don't have a land line any longer, but we each have a cell phone. So handy. Have a good weekend. Dawn
How sweet of Maurice to surprise you with the perfume. That mobile phone is so cute. I just love pink stuff. I would love a pink digital camera. I only keep my landline for my internet and satellite tv. Americans are cell phone addicts. Enjoy your Sunday! xx
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