At the beginning of November last year, we were shopping in Huntingdon when Maurice led me into a mobile phone shop; he had decided he was going to buy me a new mobile phone for Christmas, my old one couldn’t pick up a signal, here where we live, now I wasn’t too worried about that, because I mainly used the land line, and I found it quite amusing as we left the town to be alerted to messages that had been left for me! when I finally got a signal. So now I have a lovely new pink phone that takes pictures videos and all sorts of things that I haven’t yet tried ….I was allowed to have the phone then so I could get to grips with all the new features.
Just before Christmas Maurice and his brother decided it would be nice to spend the morning together, so Maurice drove over to Peterborough, parked up at his Brothers house, and they walked into town, the route they took was by the river, something they had done many times as children; by the land where their Dad’s farm had been and where they were brought up, it must have been so nice chatting away together, reminiscing about the old times.
Maurice knew I was saving my Boots reward points, to buy my self some perfume I was lusting after, all through the autumn when ever we went shopping I would pop into the shop for a sample spray So he thought he would buy me a little surprise aditional Christmas present..... Right so now we have the brothers ,who it has to be said both have a wicked sense of humour, and not a little blarney being Irish !in Boots ,Maurice asked the young lady who served him “have you got Estee Lauder’s Sensual perfume please ? “We have says she", she duly sprayed some for them to check! “Hmmm “says Maurice in an aside to his brother Mike,”smells like Flit to me “, Mike walked away giggling, as Maurice was paying, the young lady asked him, did that erm what’s its name? you mentioned, smell nice?”Oh yes”, says Maurice” it was a killer “!......of course the poor girl was far too young to understand the joke,

.....'Flit’. This was a tin of insecticide mounted sideways on the bottom of what can best be described as a bicycle pump. You pumped the handle as hard as you could and a fine spray of fly killer emerged from the nozzle. The trouble was, that unless you could keep pumping at an almost impossible speed the pressure dropped and the spray became more of a squirt. ..... And the smell was---- well !.........nothing like Estee Lauder's Senuous........