Hello again ,I wonder how many you are able to get through and readthis...We took some pictures in the garden this morning ,before shopping ,I wanted to show you the jumper/sweater I have just made ,the blue one ,it looked good with a cream jumper underneath and cream trousers and was lovely and warm ,then as I was putting the pictuires from the camera onto the computer You know who has to help hee . I had a phone call from Jeannette this morning ,she is extemely distressed to find she has lost her internet connection ,so if any of you are wondering why she hasnt commented on your blog ,that is the reason ,though ,in the meantime I suggest we all continue to comment on hers ,At -Outside-Looking in-Jeannette's Jottings ,to let her know we miss her when she isnt around ,And so dear Friends Iam now going to see about making some dinner ..........as ever love Jan xx
I love your sweater!!!!! It should keep you toasty warm. The picture of you at the computer with Kizzy is so cute.... what a special dog you have. Hope you are having a wonderful day Sandra
Lovely jumper, i have never managed to finish any knitting i have started. I think we are all going to have a few more grey hairs by the time we get properly settled on here. Jenny <><
Jumper looks good, so few people knit nowadays as kids all our jumpers and cardi's were knitted, just one of those things, I lost my internet connection today as well but after several tries got it back, AOL..grrrr
I love the picture of you and Kizzie at the computer. Sheesh, there's lots to learn here in this new neighborhood. I still haven't figured it out yet. Marlene http://marlene-one-day-at-a-time.blogspot.com
Hi Jan Just catching up with your blog and saw the probblems people are having with AOL. I had problems as well, finally (after loads of calls to them - and a lot of yelling!) they realised that at that time I was on Windows 2000 and apparently since they merged with Carphone Warehouse, theywill eventually only be able to be used by people who are on Windows XP or Windows Vista - everyone else will gradually get a increasingly unreliable service until it no longer works at all. AOL do not publicise this fact, and most of their call centre staff do not explain it to people. I've got a second hand computer with XP on it, so am receiving OK, but I did investigate and Tesco's assure me that they will still operate on older programmes, and have no intention of changing things at present. Hope this helps some of your blog fans and yourself. Jacqui (from your home town).
Sure do like that new sweater of yours. My Mom had done a few things like that. I believe it takes a lot of time and patients. I've had no trouble getting through to your Journal site. My Regards, Bill
Hi Jan ,looking forward to seeing you tomorrow .Your new jumper looks lovely and warm too I bet . Glad you are getting to grips with your journal and are able to save your older entries .Love to you and Maurice ...Jeanxx
Hi Jan this is now my fourth attempt to leave a comment !!!! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow .Your new jumper looks lovely .Glad you are able to save your older entries to your journal . Love to you and Maurice .....Jeanxx
Your sweater is so pretty! Kizzy looks so cute with you. She's grown so much! I remember when you first got her she could sit in the palm of your hand! Hope you have a good day. Hugs Pam
Hi Jan, I'm still getting to grips with these new homes but I'm finding my way, slowly but surely.
Nice to see that Lavender Blue are still doing a grand job. I reckon they thrive on your advertising. ;O) Maybe you should knock up a few jumpers and ask them to sell them for you in return.
Hi Jan, I'm still getting to grips with these new homes but I'm finding my way, slowly but surely.
Nice to see that Lavender Blue are still doing a grand job. I reckon they thrive on your advertising. ;O) Maybe you should knock up a few jumpers and ask them to sell them for you in return.
I must have something wrong with your URL, Jan. This wasn't showing up. Ugh, will I ever get used to the google reader and dashboard. AOL has really been horrendous lately. Love the sweater and Kizzie is as cute as ever. Love xx
I wondered what had happened when I clicked on your name and it said Blog cannot be found.This one has taken some finding Grrrr.This place is so time consuming.Well thats when you mangae to keep online that is AOL grrrr.Love the jumper as said in old journal and Yes we have had the weather good havn't we Jan.Are you finally settled here now as last time you said you were continueing in your old journal for postings.I am dizzy with all this lot LOL!!I lost my connection for friday sat and sunday Grrrrr Take Care God Bless.Kath xx
Hi Jan...I like the jumper and the pic of you with Kizzy's help with the computer, so cute...Hope your keeping well and thanx for your kind words you left on my blog xxx
Just wanted to say hello Jan. I think everyone is doing very well with their new blogs. But for the life of me I can't see why folk are staying with AOL. I don't regret leaving them. Virgin Media are OK but I tell you if they start messing about any time in the future I shall leave them too! Ooooh fighting talk! love, Angie, xx
Hi I'm Jan I live with my partner Maurice ,in the Cambridge Fens we are owned by our dog Kizzie,I am now retired though I worked as a Manager of a Sheltered home for the Elderly,I have four grown up children of my own ,who in turn have given me eight Grandsons and one Granddaughter,I have a Brother John and a sister Jean , and I am left handed.
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Chapter 2, Page 28, Book 22
*If you can do it once, you can do it again.*
*Author Unknown*
February 28th - Keep on going
*As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting better. ...
A Call From Jesus
February, 1999
It had been a horrible week. Money was tight, my ex-husband was threatening
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* 💥 Carina Nebula 💥*
*Each day is a wonder, a miracle of universal life - it's everywhere. I
know there's life in the outer regions ...
I was surprised to see any comments after so long a time. I miss everyone
but I'm swamped. John has Dementia, can see and hear very little.
Everything is u...
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Life Lesson #180~ The Madness Within
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themselves." ~ Lauren Eden*
I'm a sensitive soul. I feel things very deeply,...
*Did I ever mention that from age 10 I grew up on a farm? After I
completed the 4th grade my folks moved from the city to a rural area
outside of Tacoma, ...
*Hello Nice People,*
*I finally found it. My BLOG, that is. Things have changed since I last
was here. I'll need some time to figure things out, like how...
It isn't often that my sister and I, along with my ex-sister-in-law and her
sister, are able to get together. My sister Betty lives in Kent, away down ...
yeah it really is me.i thought I had finished with this blog,but it hasn't
finished with me somehow.i did start a new one,but it wasn't right.so here
I am....
I can't believe that I haven't stopped by here and say what is going on
lately. Bob and I are fine. Our son Shawn took us with his family on a 7
night ...
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT.Binneka Mentari Dimensi
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berdaya tahan panjang. Mengutamakan citra merk dengan pelayanan dan
menjadikannya bagi...
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A visit with Jane
Saturday, just afternoon, I found myself in the park behind Boulder High
School. The Maple trees were holding onto their yellow, orange and red
colors. ...
The Sexiest Big Ass And Big Tits
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bodies.All busty girls might want to show of their big breasts but some
can't.We b...
Corpach , Scotland.
Hello it is such a long time since I wrote in my musings it was very hard
to get started again I could hardly remember how to get i...
Good Friends...True Friends...are so Wonderful!.
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have and helping me with my thoughts on weight loss. I am so lucky to have
them i...
52.5lb and counting!!!
*Hiya everyone!!*
*Me again, just when you thought I had fallen off the
planet......again......I am back again like the proverbial bad penny, lol!!*
Happy Birthday Mum x
*Today would have been my mums 76th birthday.*
*As you know I did not have the greatest of relationships with my Mum.She
was moody, miserable, bitchy a lot...
Well glory be..somehow I feel the need to get on here and see what's going
on. I hate the new Facebook Timeline. I'm not sure if anybody is lurking
around ...
Just stopping by
Wow, I haven't been here in so long, that I forgot my password and had to
reset it, lol. I don't know who is following me still here in Blog World.
But if ...
*Thought i would show some family photos. Everything has stopped now for
the summer holidays, except for the rain. Just one more bible study and
then not...
So sorry Ive not been blogging for a little while but Ive had so many kids
here all the time its unbelievable. Nice though!!
Im happy tonight coz I see tha...
A Night in Pembury
Its been a week since my 'little' accident.
Went out to post a letter last Thursday and managed to trip/slip/blackout
and ended up flat on my face with no ...
IN MY...
Life's Little Surprises
[image: Photobucket]
Once again, I have been given a Second Chance at Life... an opportunity to
make my life better, perhaps?
Makes sad not to include ...
~Community Photo Challenge- Reflections ~
... so it's been awhile... but I thought I would enter this challenge....
Make sure you check out the entries... and hell join in yourself...
Just Popping in
Oh dear! This seems to have changed since I was last here, be interesting
to see what happens.
As previously stated, I can't get to grips with this system ...
Welcoming A New Blogger.
Hi everyone, I am finally back!. I am sorry to have been away for so long.
I hope you have all been keeping well and look forward to catching up with
you a...
Before I get sidetracked, as I usually do, let me just share a little gem
of information with you: MILWAUKEE is in WISCONSIN! All these years I had
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas !!!! It's just 9 days till Christmas and i can't wait - i
feel like an excited child and talking of excited children while i was
shopping i...
Anyone remember ickle old me??
Allos everyone out there...Yeah i know it's been almost a year since i last
posted on here and i don't even have an excuse as such...Am gonna be
starting a...
Cairns, Lochs and Munros
Here I am again as promised! I didn't like the way that the photos turned
out last night, they were so small that I decided to add them to
Photobucket toda...
I Have So Missed This
I really miss writing my blog. I watch things swirl around me in my small
confined world and think, "I would love to write about that", and then I
sit for ...
J-land's anniversary
Today it is 7 years ago since AOL opened its Journals service, only to
close it a little over 5 years later. I'll keep this as a front post, but
will close...
*In Joan's Musings I mentioned our life list and I thought I would let you
into the big secret of what it is. I have never told anybody about this so
it i...
Repair to a USB socket
A common fault with USB sockets on a laptop computer, is mechanical damage,
due to knocking whatever is plugged into it.
There is a central divide in the so...
Let me introduce myself!
I`m Perry and I`ve lived with Sandra and Jim for the last week. They`ve
been looking for another labrador since they lost their beloved Jake ...
my new baby!!
just wanted to introduce you all to daisy-mae alice!
she was born on 1st february 2010 is is an angel sent from up above.
hope you are all well
I cannot believe it's been two months since I last posted an entry!
I was up early this morning and have been going through some old friend's
blogs, I've ...
Cape Flattery
(August 2009) If you look at a map of Washington state, you’ll see that far
northwest tip of the state. It’s actually the farthest northwest point of
Good Afternoon, this is a great book its an adventure thriller. I do not
know of anyone else that writes book like Matthew does. You open the book
and you...
Major Catch Up!!!
Hello how are you? Wow, it's been a long time again since I last wrote in
this journal. I am crap at writing entries, this is official!!! I was
A Whole Month Slipped By
*Hello! I'm still here. February was such a busy month so I just didn't
have time to post or visit the blogs of my friends. I'll try catching up
The Best Part of Christmas
The shopping is done. The presents are wrapped. The cards – well, so what
if they’re a little late. There is no tree this year, but the Nativity and
the ...
Happy Holidays!
I can't believe Thanksgiving has come and gone already. There was and is
so much to be thankful for in my family this year. I think I had some
angels watc...
blogs A - B
a corgi in southern
californiahttp://acorgiinsoutherncalifornia.blogspot.com/ BettyA Field of
Daisieshttp://manickathy.blogspot.comKathyA Perfect
Yes, I must sit down over here somewhere and try to figure this all out.
Was trying to access 'MY SIMPLE...
Getting Settled
Well, I am officially moved over to this new Blog from AOL Journals. I was
able to move all my archives yesterday. If you scroll down on the left side
of ...
Well I got here!
Just to let you know that I have joined bloggers, but still have to
investigate all the possibilities. I hope to find all the old aol
journallers here too ...
THIS IS THE LINK TO MY BLOGGER JOURNAL...hope to see you all there...
I'm hoping to see many of my family and friends ove...
It's been a while.......
It has been a long time since I did an entry continuing the story of my
life in the 1960s, but you can blame aol for that!
A while ago, the 'add entry' b...
I love your sweater!!!!! It should keep you toasty warm. The picture of you at the computer with Kizzy is so cute.... what a special dog you have. Hope you are having a wonderful day
I can get through no problem!
I was just looking for Jeannettes blog and can't find it anymore? It seems to have disapeared from my list????
Lovely jumper, i have never managed to finish any knitting i have started.
I think we are all going to have a few more grey hairs by the time we get properly settled on here.
Jenny <><
Jumper looks good, so few people knit nowadays as kids all our jumpers and cardi's were knitted, just one of those things, I lost my internet connection today as well but after several tries got it back, AOL..grrrr
Enjoy the rest of the weekend
I love the picture of you and Kizzie at the computer. Sheesh, there's lots to learn here in this new neighborhood. I still haven't figured it out yet. Marlene
Hi Jan
Just catching up with your blog and saw the probblems people are having with AOL.
I had problems as well, finally (after loads of calls to them - and a lot of yelling!) they realised that at that time I was on Windows 2000 and apparently since they merged with Carphone Warehouse, theywill eventually only be able to be used by people who are on Windows XP or Windows Vista - everyone else will gradually get a increasingly unreliable service until it no longer works at all.
AOL do not publicise this fact, and most of their call centre staff do not explain it to people.
I've got a second hand computer with XP on it, so am receiving OK, but I did investigate and Tesco's assure me that they will still operate on older programmes, and have no intention of changing things at present.
Hope this helps some of your blog fans and yourself.
(from your home town).
You are clever, making that jumper, wish I could do things like that m'dear! Looks like your Kizzy is looking for some pointers too :o)
Sure do like that new sweater of yours. My Mom had done a few things like that. I believe it takes a lot of time and patients. I've had no trouble getting through to your Journal site. My Regards, Bill
What a lovely jumper. You are soo talented. And I love the fact that Kizzy was wanting to help, lol. De ;)
Hi Jan ,looking forward to seeing you tomorrow .Your new jumper looks lovely and warm too I bet .
Glad you are getting to grips with your journal and are able to save your older entries .Love to you and Maurice ...Jeanxx
Hi Jan this is now my fourth attempt to leave a comment !!!!
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow .Your new jumper looks lovely .Glad you are able to save your older entries to your journal .
Love to you and Maurice .....Jeanxx
Getting you very well now, Jan, but having a heck of a job replying. Perhaps you could send Kizzie over to sort it for me.
Your sweater is so pretty! Kizzy looks so cute with you. She's grown so much! I remember when you first got her she could sit in the palm of your hand!
Hope you have a good day.
Hugs Pam
Hi Jan, I'm still getting to grips with these new homes but I'm finding my way, slowly but surely.
Nice to see that Lavender Blue are still doing a grand job. I reckon they thrive on your advertising. ;O)
Maybe you should knock up a few jumpers and ask them to sell them for you in return.
Barry. x
Hi Jan, I'm still getting to grips with these new homes but I'm finding my way, slowly but surely.
Nice to see that Lavender Blue are still doing a grand job. I reckon they thrive on your advertising. ;O)
Maybe you should knock up a few jumpers and ask them to sell them for you in return.
Barry. x
I love your new site and the pics. Sooner or later all of us from AOL JLand will be here. Cute Kizzy...such personality!
Your Kizzie is such a delight. Nice to see your pictures and to see you got some sunshine too!
'On Ya' - ma
I hope Jeannette gets back online soon! Love the picture of you and your dog.
Like your new sweater. just now getting around to your new blog. I'm sooo slow.
I must have something wrong with your URL, Jan. This wasn't showing up. Ugh, will I ever get used to the google reader and dashboard. AOL has really been horrendous lately. Love the sweater and Kizzie is as cute as ever. Love xx
I wondered what had happened when I clicked on your name and it said Blog cannot be found.This one has taken some finding Grrrr.This place is so time consuming.Well thats when you mangae to keep online that is AOL grrrr.Love the jumper as said in old journal and Yes we have had the weather good havn't we Jan.Are you finally settled here now as last time you said you were continueing in your old journal for postings.I am dizzy with all this lot LOL!!I lost my connection for friday sat and sunday Grrrrr Take Care God Bless.Kath xx
Second comment see if this works Grr Kathxx
Third time commenting see if this saves Grrrr Kath
Hi Jan...I like the jumper and the pic of you with Kizzy's help with the computer, so cute...Hope your keeping well and thanx for your kind words you left on my blog xxx
Just wanted to say hello Jan. I think everyone is doing very well with their new blogs. But for the life of me I can't see why folk are staying with AOL. I don't regret leaving them. Virgin Media are OK but I tell you if they start messing about any time in the future I shall leave them too! Ooooh fighting talk!
love, Angie, xx
Omg..I love how your dog is right behind you in that pic..lol!! Nice sweater..:-)
Lv Ste
I love those two pictures. Your new clothes are beautiful.Izzy looks so cute looking over your shoulder. Hugs, Helen
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