The last time I did a journal entry ,you will remember I was planning to go to the seaside ,Skegness, with the over sixties group ,I had been busy doing the usual chores ,the weather had finally turned sunny ,so I had cleaned my windows out side and washed the curtains ,Maurice went off to work ,I was busy getting my things ready for the trip the next day ,when I started to feel weird ,I carried on watching TV ,thinking it would pass,I was hot, hyperventerlating and breathless ,At about 11.30 pm,I rang Maurice at work ,who rang the Doctors on call ,and he kept in touch with me by phone ringing every half an hour ,when the Doc didnt get in touch he rang them again ,telling them I was now getting very frightened ,They finally rang me at about 2.30am ! and from what I told him I was having a panic attack ,I,managed to get off to sleep ,The next morning Debbie took me up to the Doctors ,A lovely lady Doctor who took my blood pressure said that was as it should be ,also sounded my chest ,said heart was ok ,well I reckon everyone in the building could hear it pounding ,So the Doctor had the nurse take loads of blood for testing ,Dr suspected Thyroid ,this was on Wednesday August 1st,I rang the surgery on the Friday ,And spoke to the recptionist who said all the tests were OK ?,would I like the Doctor to ring me after surgery , which she did and assured me I all the tests were fine ,I felt tereble all week end ,I was shaky and feeling really tired and lethargic with no appetite,On Monady morning Debbie took me to the Doctors again ,who said I have depression ,....hey where did that come from ? I have been prescribed Sertraline,but aparently they dont take effect for a couple of weeks ? so in the meantime the doc gave me some Diazepam ,after a couple of days on them I had to stop ,I was spaced out feeling like a Zombie,now I am just feeling wretched waiting for the Sertraline to kick in ,please God ,I cant ever remember feeling so awful ,no energy ,no enthusiasm ,but hey this has to be a step forward ,doing this entry ,Some thing positive ! So I want you to know I havent been up to making comments on your journals ,but I have been reading ,I hope to feel better soon and be back ,with love Jan xx
Linda Smith Shook - Linda's World.
Today, March 16th, 2025, Linda Smith Shook passed away, aged 82, after a
lengthy spell of ill health. Only a few weeks ago, she had to transfer to a
6 days ago
Well done for making this entry, I know how you have been feeling and yes this a syep back towards the Jan I know and love. See you tomorrow for my daily check in lol.
Glad to hear nothing was seriously wrong. and all tests came back with good news. I hope your medication starts to work and your feeling alot better soon. get some rest and enjoy your weekend. (((((hugs))))))
Please get well soon Jan; I have had a few bouts of depression and yes they can sneak up without you realising it....nasty depression!!! Once the meds kick in (happy pills, lol) you should feel so much better! Just take care sweetheart, and pop by again when you are ready.Loads of love, Joan
please get better soon dear Jan. ring me anytime you need a chat. love you Joanne
Dear Jan ,I know you are not feeling right but hopefully the medication will soon kick in ,its so unlike you to be feeling the way you do ,always such a positive person .I am not so good with words as you are but know how much I love and care for you and pray you are soon feeling your old self again .You have been brave to make this entry ,all the best .....With love Jeanxx
Oh Jan, how awful for you...I sure hope you're feeling better soon. How scary to be there alone. Hope the drugs kick in soon. I take a drug for panic's a horrible feeling when you get one. Take care, Linda in Washington state
aaaaaaw Jan I do hope you are your chipper self quickly....
love ya
I hope you will soon be feeling much better Jan .I was on sertraline for yrs otherwise LUSTRAL.They helped me plenty and were the only med I could take that didin't have nasty side affects.As for the Diazapan I felt the same on them and had to come off straight away.Depression is a terrible illness and I have every sympathy for you.You rest take care of yourself.Prayers being said.Take Care God Bless Kath
{{{{{{{Jan}}}}}}}}} I hope the sertraline works for you i really do...Please if you feel they're not working or that you feel weird on them then go straight back to your doctors...And don't be worried about not commenting on our journals as they don't matter that much in the great scheme of things...Take care Caff xxxxxxxx
I hope you feel better really soon, I have suffered with the same and now am on the pills again.they do help though after about a month it was for me..take care, Sandra
I`m really sorry to hear that you`ve been feeling so unwell Jan. I was diagnosed with depression even though I didn`t feel depressed but once the medication started to work I felt so much better. Hopefully the pills will be right for you and will make you feel much better. Take care my friend.
Love & Hugs Sandra xxxx
Sorry to hear you're not well Jan. I hope the pills kick in and do their stuff soon.
Take care and have a relaxing weekend in the sunshine. B. x
Oh dear, Jan. My first reaction was, depression - you? It really is very strange how it can manifest itself. Most of my family have experienced it at sometime or other: me too!
I send my very best love to you for a smooth recovery from this unwelcome visitor. Will be thinking of you.
Bunny xx
It`s hard to belive that you have been diagnosed with depression, I`m thinking positive thoughts for you and hope you feel a bit less tired as the week goes on. take care Jan.
luv bella x
Hope you feel better soon Jan. I am surprised because depression does not normally come on that fast from out of nowhere but as all tests have ruled everything out you must trust your doctor. I have been on Diazepam for years, they never affected me badly and I only take them now when I really need to. Hugs.
I wondered where you were..I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling so out of sorts..I hope the meds kick in soon and you are back to your old self ...
keep your chin up...
((( hugs to you Jan ))) it's a very frightening feeling. Rache
Dear Jan, So sorry that you have been feeling so poorly. And hope that the medication will kick in soon, and that you can get back to enjoying the sunshine. I am away to Scotland in the morning for a few days so hope when I get back you will be more positive. Keep looking forward dear friend, Sybil xx
Hope the sertraline does the job, Jan, but you're right: it takes 3 to 6 weeks to kick in.
I do hope your all better soon. Strange to have something come on like that so suddenly. Take good care and hope things keep improving. 'On Ya' - ma
Jan, if you are being honest then I really don't believe it's depression, it just doesn't come on like that. I've had it and know how it develops.
This may sound odd but have you been on antibotics lately?
Linda x.
Hope you get better soon. I am glad you stopped the diazepam as it is addictive and you feel ten times worse when you stop taking it.
Jenny <><
I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well hon. I'm keeping you in my prayers on the smoke. Don't worry about commenting right now, take care of you that's what matters most at the moment. I would get another Dr's opinion. I have been diagnoised with depression when it was something more. Persistance makes them make sure they haven't overlooked anything. (Hugs) Indigo
Awwww. . .Jan. . .sending you a big hug.sounds like a panic attack Jan. . .my hubby was just like this,it left him feeling terrible . . .he too didnt like the spaced out feeling with anti depressants and so got some tablets for anxiety instead.Touch wood. . .hes been ok since.And I hope you will be too
Hate to hear you've been down. :(
Hope you get better soon, got you in my prayers tonight.
Hi Jan! I'm sorry you are so down. I take that same medication. It took about 3 weeks for me to start noticing a difference...just slightly. Then, after about 5-6 weeks it was like this dark cloud lifted and I was my old self again. It was weird! I hope it works for you.
Take care of you...and know that I am keeping you in my prayers.
Hugs..Pam xoxox
I'm so sorry to read this Jan. You are in my prayers and I hope you are feeling better soon. I was diagnosed with depression just before my last marriage ended. The Doctor gave me a medication to take, Paxil. I only took one tablet, and I thought I would go out of my mind. My mother had to come and sit with me. I decided then that I would not take any more. It turned out that the cure to my depression was to get rid of the husband! haha, Not that I am recommending that cure for everyone! (your Maurice is safe I reckon!) It's just what worked for me! Anyways Jan, I do hope you are feeling much better soon!
poor you, panic attacks ae scarey, hope you feel better soon, will be thinking of you beckie x
Well Jan...these feelings of yours have been shared by me an odd time over the years. They are not nice....are they? Mine at the moment are hormone induced as the anti cancer drugs I am on now get rid of the 'feel good estrogen' which gave me the cancer. We women have to put up with so much because of hormones depleting. I do feel for you and I am glad that you are now able to make an entry again. I have been wondering about you as you are normally around a lot. I just thought you were away on holiday.
I have had family on holiday for three weeks now so I have been busy too.
Please get well soon...I pray that your pills will kick in and get you back on an even keel again. Catch a big cuddle from me....(((((((cuddle))))).
'You are my sunshine, My only sunshine!
You make me happy when skies are blue....remember that old song?
I wish you happy days soon.
Jeanie xxx
So sorry to hear you are under the weather hope it will all go away as quickly as it came and you are back to your usual cheery self. Will be thinking of you Love Joan.
Jan I am so sorry you have been feeling off colour ~ hope you are feeling better now ~ you take care of yourself ~ glad all the tests the Doctor did were OK ~ Ally x
I hope you feel better soon. Helen
Wow, Jan... panic attacks? That sucks! I do know of what you speak, as I used to get them so severely that I would have to stop and breathe in a paper bag, because I was hyperventilating so awfully. My hands and arms would tingle from too much oxygen! Oh, I wouldn't wish those things on my worst enemy. I take Ativan for mine, which is very much like Diazapam. I like it because it DOESN'T make me feel weird or spaced out, it just takes away the anxiety and panic!
I do pray that your new medication helps. Please keep us informed... and take care, my sweet friend!
Hugs, prayers and love
Hi Jan,
I hope you are feeling better soon.
(((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))I am sorry you havent been feeling good,I hope and pray you feel better soon.Have a nice evening.
Hope you find some comfort soon! Take care and have a wonderful week ahead!
You would be the last person I would think is depressed but what do I know. My youngest daughter has to take medicine all time for panic attacks and I know they can really be bad. I take thyroid medicine and I've never felt like that. I so hope they will find our what is causing this and get it fixed because I care about you as I know everyone here does. paula
You just hurry up and get better - we all love you so much and will always be here for you. Kate
Oh you poor thing! I am really confused as you are not sure where the depression and anxiety came from. Must be some concerns you are having that you are keeping inside. Most anti-depressants do take 2-3 weeks to take full effect (and I'm not familar with the name of the one mentioned), although some work in as quick as 24-48 ours. Take the diazepam (valium), but perhaps half it when you are feeling particularly anxious. Soon the other medicine will take effect. Hang in there hon! De ;)
Honestly Jan, just because I had my eyelip messed with, you don't need to go getting ill yourself :0) ! Wishing you better, have you tried some chocolate or ice cream, or both, I'm sure it will help. Take care xx
Don't like to put a dampener on things Jan, but I found Sertraline isn't that effective. If you don't start feeling some results in a couple of days, go back and ask for something different. There are many more drugs available. Thinking of you, take care and try not to get rushing around too much. Do deep breathing exercises when you feel really poorly, they are as good as any drug.
Love Sylvia xxx
Aw, Jan, sometimes panic and anxiety are so deep inside that it just pops out of nowhere. I'm taking Prozac and Xanax. It does take a couple of weeks to kick in but if you aren't feeling a little better, have them consider a med change. Joey and I both had to try a couple before we found the right ones. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell what works. I will be keeping you in my prayers as I know how this feels. One day at a time...this will pass. Love and hugs to you, my friend Chris
Gosh, Jan, if I'd felt like that I'd have called 999! Get well soon.
love, Angie, xx
Hi Jan! It's me, Linda...the wanderer returns and I have come back to a sad entry! I am so sorry for you, this is totally out of character for you! you are always so busy and enthusiastic! maybe you just need a rest. hope you feel better soon, lots of love n hugs, Linda xx
oh my god diazipan? No no no,that should never be prescribed for depression,i think the first diagnosis was right,a panic attack,you need to rest and i suspect you are taking things too fast slow your pace down hun,and if your stressed you need to learn to relax,slow breathing in through the nose and exhale out of the mouth slowly does work,tablets DONT honestly hun they dont,be careful and read up on what youve been prescribed,all the best zoe xx
Just called to say Hi and hope you are feeling better. . .love Colleen x x
Hi Jan, sorry I've taken so long to comment but I've been offline for over a week, lost my little green arrows and couldn't connect up to the internet! Jean emailed and said you didn't feel well but I'm sure your doctor was wrong in saying you had depression. More likely the panic attacks was the right diagnosis. I hope you're feeling better now. Love Jeannette xx
I will be praying for you, Jan. I know you are going to feel much better very soon. It does take a good 2 weeks for the medicine to start working and you start feeling better gradually. It's not like a switch goes on and all of a sudden you are back to 'normal'. I have been on medication for depression for a long time. I have a chemical imbalance and need medication to increase the seratonin levels in my brain so I won't be depressed. When the medication started working, I noticed that I had been feeling normal for awhile without really realizing I'd been doing better. It's subtle and nice. It has changed my life for the better. I thank God for it.
Love, Kathy
Hi Jan...
I'm sorry your felling so bad and i do hope you get better soon. I know them panic attacks are really awful, i've had a couple of them in the past, but "?" gets them quite a lot. It is so frightening for the patient. You are in my thoughts God Bless. X
Hi Jan,
I have just got back from holiday, I really hope you are starting to feel better now. it must have been a very frightening experience for you. If you don't see an improvement soon please go back and talk to the doctor again symptoms like this can be very confusing for doctors as well as the poor person with the symptoms. Take care, love Christine
panic attacks are horrible. I've had them in the past ,so beleive me , you will get better, it does pass.
I send you warm thoughts of courage.
You poor thing, I had no idea, hope you feel better soon xx
Love to you my dear Jan.
I am so sorry that I wasn't here sooner.
Thinking of you.
Sara x
Diazapam does leave you feeling groggy, I hope that the new tablets kick in soon, stay positive Jan it`s the little thngs that you do that count and you will get there, you have lot`s of support.
luv bella xx
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