Oh dear ,I was sitting at the computer last night ,reading Emails I looked over my left shoulder and ,there was a new moon ! Oh and Im looking at it through glass ! so I went out side with my purse (do you US girls call it your pocket book ? ) ,I turned my money over ,and curtsied to the moon ,Im not supersticious or anything ,but you dont want to push your luck do you ? ;>) ,There is poor Maurice pretending to take no notice ! Until he suggested I take a picture,above are the two pictures I took . Then later,I was reading Guidos entry ,which he had entitled 'The moon and venus'
http://journals.aol.co.uk/pharmolo/NorthernTrip/ So I clicked onto his entry Saw his pictures and thought Iwould email him mine ..Ithought ! cept Id gone onto somewhere else ,and low and behold I had done an entry,on my journal ,never has an entry been so easy !! Didnt know Id done it until I started to get comments ,from you kind people ,you must have thought it odd an entry with no words no explanation ,ah well ! dotty old bird !.....then this morning Donna posted her pictures of what she saw over the pond same moon same venus ,just better pictures lol and she had made this clever collage ,Thankyou Donna ,my dear friend.

I have spoken to her today and she said I may use the picture ,Then later today Helen posted with her clever pics and told me I should have used a tripod or similar ,so that I dont get the buy one get one free effect on my photograph ,
http://journals.aol.com/madcobug/MyEverydayLife,pop over and look at her pictures ,they too are very good ,Well Ithink before I get into any more trouble hee hee ,I will wish you all a very blessed rest of the day ,and go and get on with my sewing
With love from ......

I loved your shots and your entry... too funny how it got there.
Hugs my friend
I call it my purse, but my grandmother used to call hers a "Pocketbook." I've never heard of offering your money to the moon. Interesting!
I love the pictures! :o) I've never heard of offering money to the moon! Is there a story behind that? Sounds interesting. :o)
Your shot is way better than the one I didn't take lol. Donna's collage is lovely isn't it, thanks for the plug MUM lol lol lol lol.
we call it a purse or bag or hand bag. lol
I used a tripod and my pictures are like yours.... wonder if they use some kind of filter?
LOL Jan I would have loved seeing a picture of you turning your money over and you doing a curtsey to the Moon ~ I have heard of people doing this but as I missed the event I don't deserve my money to treble :o) ~ isn't Donna's Collage lovely ~ Hope you have had a good weekend ~ Ally x
Well you got two for the pleasure of one, a twofer LOL. I wonder how you made that easy entry last night hee hee. We call the pocket book that or my bag or my purse. I have never heard of what you did with your money in conjunction to a new moon. LOL. Thanks for the mention of my journal and the link. Hugs, Helen
I learn some good superstitions from your journal! he he! Maurice should definitely have grabbed the camera! lol really enjoyed the pics though! Linda xx
You guys are so talented, although we missed the main event of the curtsey to the moon. Even though that part was not photographed - I'm sure it will do the job!. Have a happy weekend!
Yes Jan it was very late last night when I saw your Post of Venus and the Moon.I did wonder if it was my eyes that were so tires I could see no text LOL!! So after I had commented I closed down.Haaaaaaaaa.Now I know it wasn't this silly Old Motherhen but the Dotty Old Bird who was missing things out LOL!! Very good pictures they were too.Without a tripod I reckon.Take care God Bless.Kath
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
I think you've confused me!
Linda x.
I'm so upset because we had a huge cloud cover and heav rain move in. Couldn't get a glimpse. I'm so thankful to you, Guido, Donna and the rest for posting pictures of this event. LOL at being superstitious. Love xx Chris
The event showed on your pics, Jan, and mine weren't perfect either.
Maurice is a smart guy, pretending not to notice the the funny woman curtsying at the moon. ;O)
B. x
I too saw that lovely view of the Moon last night. I didn't know it was Venus but it was breathtaking. 'On Ya' - ma
very nice:)
We missed it here in western Washington, too cloudy. I've never heard of the purse & money thing when there's a new moon. Anyway, even tho I didn't see the moon and Venus here, I enjoyed your pictures & Guido's. Linda in rainy Washington
I'll have to go out and look in the clear AZ tonight. I love your pictures and I popped over and viewed the others as well. De ;)
WOW that graphic Donna did is something else, huh? I went out to see it and it was a pretty sight. My camera doesn't take such good night shots unfortunately.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Missed it all Jan - so thanks for all the pics :-D
(another dotty old bird lol)
How come everybody's moon is on the other side of Venus?! When I saw it last night on my way home the moon was on the left of Venus! Have I got a different sky to you all??!! I forgot to take a shot when I got home again! Lol! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
The moon & Venus were a wonderful sight. Thought of taking some pics myself, but my little camera is not good with night shots. I did notice last night the moon had moved from the right to left of Venus.
Hope you ae keeping okay.
Take care, love Sylvia xx
It is lovely to see, like magic.Beckiexx
You know, now you mention it, I did see that up in the sky but didn't have a clue what it was! Well, I knew it was the moon, he he, but I didn't know that was Venus :o)
Sara x
I still think your photos are really cool :-) I just thought you were showing us your photos which is why you hadn't said anything LOL
Pretty pics, hope you get lot`s of luck! luv bella xx
I had a lovely Moon and Venus, Jan, but my night time pictures never come out. Having seen yours, must try harder ! Bunny xx
Hi Jan,hope it bring you lots of good luck ......Love Jeanxx
I say purse. Doesn't matter what you call it as long as it has money in it, right? I'm glad your daughter Kate had such a nice birthday and the cake is so cute. paula
What a charming custom! To curtsy to the new moon! Wow, we don't do anything cute and sweet like that here. Does it bring good luck? Or bad luck if you don't?
Hugs, Kathy
I think I need to look out of the window more often!
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