Sunday, 12 November 2006

We must never forget them

I know I havent posted an entry ,marking  Armistice day yesterday, and the The service at the cenetaph today ,but I have watched the coverage of it all on the TV  ,it started yesterday with the broadcasting of the Lord Mayers show ,in London ,the Mayers coach was followed by the floats depicting all the trades and professions .and during this was the two minutes silence ,on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at eleven o clock ,the nation falls silent .When our thoughts turn to all the service men and women who laid down their lives that we might be free, it was odd watching all the march pasts ,when so recently  I had walked up that Street and taken my pictures of the Cenetaph and Downing Street .Last evening Maurice and I watched the Service of Remembrance ,from The Royal Albert Hall,in the presence of her Majesty the Queen ,she had been to a service of dedication ,and plaques were opened in memory  service men from New Zealand who had fought along side our men in both world wars world wars,.in the morning .The dear old Chelsea pensioners,were there at the royal British Legion Service at the Albert Hall ,then about an hour after the programme was over I got an email from Trish (trishbrodie)some of you know her she often comments on our journals ,saying she had been to the Albert Hall  ,and twelve Chelsea Pesioners were there and that she had ,taken an added interest because she had read up on the link when I posted about meeting Bob ,when we were in London ,last month .Then this morning we watched the service from the Cenetaph ,where her Majesty laid her wreath ,It occurs to me ......The Queen is eighty now ,and has had a bad back ,and there she was at three big occasions in a row ,isnt she amazing ?

And now to finish of on a more mundane but none the less very important item ,to me ! I have a new washing machine ,my one has been playing up for some time then ,Kate organised with someone who works at Hotpoint to get me a new one at a much reduced rate ,the only snag they dont deliver out here ,so Martin my son in law collected it from the factory shop and took it to Kates, where it spent last night in her lounge. then my son Mark and Kate came over with it today and then Maurice fitted it in,so I am up and running again,can do all the washing I like in order to have lots of ironing to grumble to you about !! 

I wish you all a Blessed Sunday evening ,with love from

This of course is a graphic made for me by Donna ,which was again appropriate ,except that we fortunately had no rain for all the processions that took place in our capital this week end ,even though it is now very cold .


Anonymous said...

Wuuu huuuu new washer... I'm on my way.... so is my son... and you iron.  BONUS!  lol

Anonymous said...

Aww, nice that your new washing machine was able to visit with family before arriving at it's new home today ;o)
Agree about the Queen :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a beautiful memorial. Now, since you have the new washing machine it's a pity you live so far away because I have laundry to do! LOL Only joking.

Anonymous said...

It's nice how your country honors it's military personel, living and dead.  They deserve all the honor and respect shown them.  Congratulations on your new washer.  It's always nice to have one that you can count on working when you need it.  Happy washing and ironing.
Hugs,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,  Our Queen is truly wonderful woman who will most likely carry on attending this services until her last breath.  This morning I drove past a group of very elderly men, all dressed in black suits, making their way to the local war memorial carrying their wreath of poppies.  Just glancing at these dignified old soldiers left me with a tear in my eye.  We owe them so much.

I had to buy a new machine today as the old one literally blew up yesterday!  It`s a Zanussi and it`ll be delivered on Thursday.  Good luck with yours and it`ll be interesting to see which of them lasts the!

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I watched the Service from the Albert Hall, I do every year and also the service at the Cenotaph, I used to work in Whitehall very very close to that memorial.  I agree that the Queen is a truly remarkable woman. Long may she reign.  Glad you have a new washing machine, I have had times when I have been without one and ended up doing the washing in the bath as him indoors does not like going to the launderette, if you can find one nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Yes, isn't the Queen amazing.  I thought she looked very nice at the Albert Hall -hair softer-styled than usual.  Wonderful Remembrance Day; I found the it all very moving, culminationg in programme about Kipling, with Chelsea Pensioners.
Bunny xx

Anonymous said...

I don't get to see the service, having no TV. I can be very smug now cos I've just done a load of ironing! Have a good week! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very nice Remembrance Day.
Great news about the washing machine...WOO HOO!
Nice pics too! :)
Hugs, Sug

Anonymous said...

i am guessing Armistice day is like our Veterans day? how nice of your kids to get you a deal on a new washer:) nothing better than a new washer maybe a dryer lol have a good week


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan Love watching the services just as you have done.I went over home today 90miles to take part in my usual one locally where I used to live then to the cemetary to mother and fathers grave and leave a wreath as always.Glad you got your washing machine as I have lots now,had a very busy week/end. So it's coming over to you first train tomorrow LOL!!I expect a quicker service than my phone call thankyou LOL!!Take care Lovely entry.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a great Queen you can honor and look up to. great picture of your children. Glad you got a new washing machine. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

yes the queen is doing well isn't she. I can't believe she is 80 already. Good for her. Sandra

Anonymous said...

The fighting men and women in our countries are to be praised and thanked for their tremendous efforts.  The do give up a lot for all of us.  i'm glad you got that new washer.  I know what it means to be without one as I had to get a new one a couple of months ago too.  My children are like yours always willing to give a hand when needed.  We've a lot to be thankful for !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

dear Jan
thank you for your wonderful entry about Armstice Day! wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention, It was such a moving experience actually being there with a lot of the survivors of past wars along with active personnel of the fighting tht is still going on. The widows of the servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan were also in the parade and it makes you realise that although we always associate the day with the past it also should be the present as well.
Love Pat x

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture of Mark and Kate ~ I watched the services at the Cenotaph and found them very moving ~ Great entry Jan and glad you have a new washing machine ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

A very moving tribute Jan, well done. Glad you got your new machine, i would be lost without ours the washing is never ending, happy ironing, nicky xxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely entry for Remembrance Sunday Jan. Don't go overboard with the washing or the ironing board will complain. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this entry!  I can't tell you how very impressed I am by how your country remembers those that served and lost their lives in the wars.  It is awe-inspiring!  Great pictures!

I bet you're washing everything in sight now!


Anonymous said...

What a lovely tribute.
Congratulations on the new washing machine....may you have many happy years together!!
Oooh, and congrats on being 'lady of the blog' too....very well deserved.
A xxx

Anonymous said...

Can't believe the Queen is 80!  Hopefully she will live for a long time more.  I love her.
Congrats on the new washer.  Enjoy it.
Great entry today.......have a good day.

Anonymous said...

I saw some of that programme with the floats and I wondered what it was in aid of??!!  I'm glad you can clear that one up :-)  Great entry Jan xx  Glad you got a new washing machine too

Jen xx

Anonymous said...

Great entry and a lovely tribute...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan ,nice photo of Mark and Kate ,pleased they got the new washing machine to you .I like your new boots and handbag.Like you say the Queen does do well,with all her commitments ,Im sure she would like to stay at home sometimes with a cup of Tea.....Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture of your children. I remember I made a comment. Thanks for your comment on my son's birthday. Yes, the time does fly. Have a good day. It is raining here this morning with a chance of tornadoes this afternoon and tonight. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

lovely pic of Mark and Kate, so glad you got your new washing machine, a good bit of teamwork went on there! great tribute Jan Linda xx