Saturday, 26 November 2005

Whats in a name ?

A very mixed day here weather wise !it has rained on and off all night ,and morning ,and then some sun ,(no rainbow)and wind .Much like the way Im feeling actually ,very mixed !one minute Im feeling so much better ,then start to do some thing ,then need a little rest ,so Im not as over it as Id like to think .Right thats the boring stuff out the way ...The weather and my  ailments !!

Now this name ........Ally and I decided,its time to tell you since no one has guessed ,But weve had a giggle at some of your sugestions,Alison and Alexandra were popular ,no Alice ,Alicia , Elaine even but no .....I think Sara came close when she suggested Dool-Ally !!what is she like ?

Ive often wondered were my Mother got the name from ,I suspect the District nurse at the time had something to do with it ,she certainly influanced my friend Serenas Mother ,I can remember her,Mum telling us ,how Nurse Windross,would suggest names for the babies she delivered .But as my sister Jean pointed out ,when my Granny died and we were sorting out her house ,I was in the pantry and was heard to shriek"Thats it! Im named after a plate ".I had found an odd, rather nice old plate, navy blue and white ,all crazy cracked ,its hanging on my wall even as we speak .....I had picked up the plate and turned it over ,as you do !and there it was .........Althea        On that happy note        I wish you all a good day from her and a good day from me !!!!         (Jan xx)


Anonymous said...

Althea, all crazy cracked too are you like your name sake?!! Lol!! I haven't heard that name in years. Hope you feel better soon Jan. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Yes Jeannette all crazy and cracked ,not sure about the navy blue lol   Jan

Anonymous said...

Sorry your cold virus is taking so long to shift you are like me everybody seems to be over things in a few days a common cold takes me 2 weeks at least.  keep warm and stay in out of the cold. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, I had two friends in my life who had the name of Althea, one at school and one when I worked for a newspaper in London. I know what you mean about feeling okay one minute and lousy the next, it will go soon tho and you will feel fine 100% again!

Anonymous said...

Hi there , so no guessed your middle name and also Allys, and you had to tell.I think its nice to have a some what unusual name, pehaps you could start a trend.I wonder if that plate was handed down the generations?Hope you soon feel tip top again........Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh Althea and Donna sang that song in the 70's 'up town top ranking' LOL...See you both have a famous name <ggg>   Caff xxx

Anonymous said...

I would never have guessed how ever long I was given Jan.  It`s a lovely name though, despite you being named after a!  :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I actually love the name Althea and in all my years on this earth, I've only known of one gal with that name.  She was several years older than me, the daughter of a lady that took care of Julie for a few months when I went back to work at the phone company after Julie was born.  So... now that Althea would be 68-70 years old and I've often wondered whatever happened to her.  The last time I saw her was her mothers funeral back in the 1970's.  I remember she was very pretty and had a sweet personality. I think it's a nice name.   Linda

Anonymous said...

I would have never have guessed that one.What a nice name though.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of that name, but it's very pretty. I bet you can't guess what Su is short for???


Anonymous said...

Very nice name, something that not many others would have either!  Weather here has been wet and cold, no snow though thankfully :)

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

Althea, that is a blast from the past.  It is a name that never crossed by mind but there was a girl in my class who had that name and you brought back memories!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to learn that you are still not feeling as well as you had hoped to be.

I read, from your profile, that you are-like me-a lefthanded person.  

I do not know about my grand father but my father, myself and my son are all left handers.

I am not sure of the correct spelling is but the proper name, as far as I know it, for a lefthanded person is " a Cuddy Wifter."

Thank you for the kind words you have said about my latest journal.


Anonymous said...

Althea well that makes it all clear :-)  Sorry to hear your not feelin' too good!!

Anonymous said...

I was on vacation in Nebraska, and just getting caught up on the journal entry alerts. My wild guess would have been wrong, would have said Alyce. I like the name Althea, don't hear it much anymore.   ~Deborah