Monday, 27 September 2010

Catching up ..Again !

Hello Every one ,yes it's me again ,I checked and my last post was August 4th ,that is bad ,I just don't know what happens to the time ,I'm not wasting it honestly ! Though I did spend two days in bed recently, with this throat bug that has been doing the rounds . My Header and my signature to day were made for me by Donna ,a very talented lady and dear friend in the States .The rain is very appropriate as thats all it did yesterday ,and doesnt look too promising today ,So what have I been doing since I was here last ? Well I was helping to prepare and take part in the Annual Tenants conferance ,I did a work shop ,'Computers for fun 'which was well attended ,and though I didnt do anything very techy ,Chris my friend and fellow board ,and forum member ,was able to deal with that part ,we hope we inspired people to go 'silver surfing' ,and since computers are to be installed in all the company's sheltered schemes for the elderly it seemed the thing to do .Here is a picture of me arriving on my buggy ,with all my props on the back and front of the buggy .In case you are wondering what the turquoise shoes have to do with the black and white theme they match my beads ,and nail polish !!!

My dear Granddaughter Charlotte has now left school and is doing a college course on' Hair and Beauty' she loves it, so Im looking forward to some treatments soon ,below is a picture of her at her school prom ,Charlotte is the' Lady in Red ' isn't she lovely ? Of course I might be prejudiced !(clutching mobile phone !! )

A couple of weeks ago we had a visitor ,Mark and Chrissy brought Sam over to see us ,perhaps some of you will remember Blue their previous dog ,he died and was so missed ,but now they have Sam and he is just as loving.... what a gentle giant he is ,

Though Kizzie is a bit in awe of him

We went shopping the other day for some more material ,I have yet another bag to make for my Daughter Sharon ,who has a Birthday on Thursday . Can you see the Elephant in the picture I won him ,and some gorgeous covered buttons with sheep on them ,just the job for our Kate's next project ! And some lovely green beads, I wear quite alot of green and they are super .The butterfly material I fussy cut to put onto appliqued projects ,

Sarah had called the Elephant Morris ,and he arrived with the other goodies in time for my Maurices Birthday ,I also bought him a new jacket and a Cardigan .Sarah We discovered ,lives not far from me ,well about 15 miles, small world isn't it ? And her Blog has the delightful name 'Happyness is a bottomless button box',do have a look and tell her I sent you Oh ...I nearly forgot Serendipity ,was five years old on the first of September ,So on that happy note I will send you my love as ever ....from


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It was so good to see a post from you today. I love reading about all you do. Your niece is a lovely young woman and you are going to be so lucky to have beauty treatments coming your way. How nice too that computers are going to be available for that Silver Surfing as you call it. I know I'd be lost without mine. I hope we hear more from you soon. Have a Happy Monday!

Marie Rayner said...

Jan, so nice to see a post from you! Your niece is a very pretty young lady. Obviously good looks run in the family! Love the elephant and your new header and signature! Let's hope you don't take so long to post again, but I know what you mean, the time just seems to be flying by! xxoo

Jeanie said...

Hello Jan!

Lovely to see you again. I like your nifty little scooter. I could have done with that when I went shopping today.
Your niece is a beautiful young lady.
It's nice to catch up with what you have been up to whilst you have been away.
Time does fly when your having fun. lol
Jeanie xxxx

Jean said...

Hi Jan
What a nice surprise to switch on my computer and see you here ,lovely entry from you as usual ,lovely photo of Charlotte at her prom .Love your elephant called Morris !Your picture and sig are so right for today ,think at last its stopped raining .
Love you big sis

Ally Lifewithally said...

Jan lovely to hear from you ~ Charlotte and her friend are both beautiful young ladies ~ and I love their outfits ~ Morris the elephant is great ~ hope the weather improves it has been raining here on and off for 5 days ~ would just love to see a blue sky again ~ Ally x

Jane said...

Good to see you back blogging again Jan, you've been away too long and 2 days feeling poorly isn't enough of an excuse! :O)))

nancy said...

It was nice to see you posting again. Love the Grandaughter gowns and her and her friend looks like they had a good time. The elephant is cute. My sister collected animals cereamics that looks like fabrics were glued on.
Take care!

lunarossa said...

Lovely to read your updates, Jan. Glad you've been busy as usual. Your granddaughter is very pretty. Hope she'll have lot of fun and success in her new career. Good for your free treatments too! Wish you all the best. Ciao. A. PS LOve your blue shoes!

Karen said...

you have been busy! gorgeous prom photo...

Odds Bodkins. said...

Hi Jan,
I wondered where you'd got to. Seems nobody is writing as often as they used to these days.

The scooter looks handy, I could do with one of those to get me to work and back.

I hope you're feeling better now.

B. x

Sharon said...

Hi there!! Looks like it was a fun and eventful day, thats a great pic of you on the trolly, lol!! Love the pic of your granddaughter in her prom dress, she really looks lovely! xx

Bunny said...

Lovely post, Jan. I do like the co-ordinated accessories!
Those girls look so glamourous - nothing like that in my day.
Kizzie looks to be keeping her end up in typical terrier mode.

Laura Wynn said...

Jan, thanks so much for visiting and following A Pretty Plethora! Your blog is so sweet :)

Angie said...

Jan! What a lovely surprise! You know, I do love it when you're able to post more often but it's great too when you have a big catch-up post like this.

I wish I was handy with bits of fabric and things. I AM going to try and knit a tea cosy though to fit that super tea pot that came with my breakfast set. All I need is a pattern that's simple enough.

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, by the way. I was in hospital with pneumonia but I'm on the mend now. Still on the anti-blozzets though for a few more days.

love, Angie, xx

Jeannette said...

Hi Jan, I could have sworn that I commented here the other day but it seems I didn't or I did and Blogger didn't post it! Charlotte is a beautiful young lady now Jan, she's grown up so fast and you must be so proud of her, being the only grand daughter. I love your little elephant and all the other bits and bobs you bought. Sam is enormous, no wonder Kizzie is in awe of him! Have a good weekend Jan. Jeannette xxxx

Micki said...

The elephant is so cute! What a cute gift!

Chris/cacklinrosie101 said...

Hi Jan, I traced you through my old blog which somehow I found. You look as lovely as ever with your turquoise shoes :) Goodness, Charlotte is all grown up now and going to beauty school. I wonder where time has flown to. I see Kizzie is still as cute as always. Love the elephant and...yes, I did comment. Much love to you...chrix


It was so great you did the workshop. I hope 'silver surfing' is a huge success there. Your granddaughter is very pretty. Loved her dress. Happy belated Blog Anniversary. I wish you many more.

Fogra said...

Nice little blog..
Kindly go through my new post The BETRAYER

Lorena said...

I was wondering where you were !
Good to see you are back.
Happy Blog-a-versary.

Joan said...

Nice to hear from you glad you are feeling better now after your throat bug. You are very with it with your blue shoes and nails ans beads. You asked me about The Dragon Tatoo books have the first one sitting ready to go will maybe try it next.Have just finished a Val McDermid 'A Darker Domain' it was great. Take care Love Joa

Julie said...

Hi Jan, what a lovely post and isn't your niece beautiful?! I hope you've got over that horrible throat bug. Take care xx

Funnyface said...

Hi Jan

Luving the look of your blog, mine is currently under re decoration ! Loved this post and the pics, wow your little scooter is fabulous.
Your neice and her friend look gorgeous in their ball gowns, what fun they must have had.
Keep well, love to Maurice
Jaynee X

Sybil said...

Sorry not to be on earlier but as you know things this end have been rather trained lately !! that puts it mildly !!!
Anyway isn't your Granddaughter gorgeous in that dress. What a change from our days at school...last day a school girl, next day one of the worlds workers !! or seemed that way anyway!!
Good to see you again though Please try to pop in more often
much love Sybil x

Unknown said...

Hi Jan, its been quite sometime since i caught up with you on blogger. It don't feel the same on blogger its not like our old AOL family is it? we all seemed to be in contact almost daily. It is nice to see your helping out with the workshop and its nice to see you writting again Jan...Astra!

Vix said...

Nice to see you blogging again, Jan! Your granddaughter is a beauty, as are you atop your buggy. Take care. xxx

Louise Mc said...

Hi Jan, I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the comments you've left on my blog. I was really looking forward to getting to St. Ives as I'd looked it up on google and it looked quite pretty. It would have been far nicer than sitting in the office I can tell you! Anyway, better luck next time.

Take care.

Princess Prudence.