We left home on the Wednesday evening ,at around seven o clock Colin had been to work ,and Sharon had to wait until her bar staff came on for the evening .Well of we went Sharon (my daughter and Iain's Mum) Kate my other daughter ,Colin Sharons fiancee and me,we had a good journey down stopping on the way for a meal ,We arrived at the Travel Lodge at about ten forty five ,Kate and I shared a room ,and Sharon and Colin were in a room just opposite us .We woke early next morning to drizzle ,but it didnt dampen our spirits we were going to see our boy today after a 'Peace keeping deployment in the middle East ,'and he'd been away seven months ,Iain is in charge of the ships canteen and shop ,like a NAAFI ,he does however take part in many of the ships activities ,such as crossing the equator ,and is in as much danger as all aboard .Part of their mission was to take out and capture some of the pirate ships ,we saw that on the news !!!

Getting ready to go ,down to the harbour ,Iain had rung his Mum yesterday as we were driving to say he could see the white cliffs of Dover ,and then last night to say they were anchored out in the Solent,and could see the lights on the Sinnaker Tower ...so near and yet so far ,but very exciting for us all .
Whilst in Dubai Iain bought me this crystal copy of The Burj khalifa, Needless to say I was delighted I had seen a programe on TV about it ,the tallest building in the world .He gave Maurice ,who was sadly working and couldn't get the time off ,a zippo with the ships crest .
We set of in the car to park up ,and join one of the coachs that were waiting to take us down to the harbour ,and on the way saw many famous ships .

Once down by the harbour we took our place amongst other excited frinds and familys of our dear returning boys ,we stood in the rain as the band played ,lots of sea shanties Hearts of Oak amongst them ,OHhhh !
Once down by the harbour we took our place amongst other excited frinds and familys of our dear returning boys ,we stood in the rain as the band played ,lots of sea shanties Hearts of Oak amongst them ,OHhhh !
How lovely of you all to go and meet him! My sisters husband is in the Army and she is not allowed to meet him off the plane, he doesn't know himslef where he will land often, it is security to prevent protesters etc I think. He looked happy to be back!
What a joy it must have been for you all! As one of my sons is in the military and is all over the world at times, I can relate to the happiness you all felt when he was safely home once more. I know he was happy to be home and see everyone again too! Thank you for sharing such happy pictures. Wet or not. It's great to hear from you again. Your patience in uploading the photos is appreciated.
Hello Jan
I had a little cry reading your entry, having two boys in the RAF i know how emotional these things are (or is it just me)i espciall shed a tear or two when the band strikes up! Be proud i'm sure you are, our boys do a wonderful job. Fabulous photo's, what a wonderful day even if it did rain!
Big Luv
Jaynee X
What a wonderful exciting day for you all and so wonderful too that your grandson is home safe and sound. I have a nephew in the RAF and 2 of my brothers served in the RAF too, one for 40 years and was involved in the Falklands and 2 Middle East conflicts.
Boys rapidly turn into men in thos few months, don't they! I loved this post - my smile grew bigger as it went on.
I am so so happy that you all had such a wonderful reunion. What great photo's. Your Grandson looks gorgeous !!
How long will he be home for, do you know ?
It is just great to see a posting from you. Thank You..
Love sybil xx
Hi Jan It was lovely to read about your trip to meet Iain ,I felt I was with you ,your account of it made interesting reading .Your Crystal copy of the Burjkhalifa is beautiful as are the photos of you all.....
With love Jeanxx
What wonderful, heartwarming photos Jan, you can see the love in them. Thank you so much for sharing them with us and --- it is so nice to see you posting again.
Who could not have a lump in the throat after that, Jan? What a truly wonderful day for everybody, and such a thrill to go on board. Lovely grandson too!
Bunny xxx
Nice to have him safely home!
What a fantastic entry, Jan! You've got every right to be proud of your greatson and what a warm welcome home! Ciao. A.
Wonderful day you must have had and such happy pictures they were great to see thank you for sharing them with us. So happy that your grandson is home safe and sound. If I can help you at all with Live Writer just email me and I will do all I can as you know. Take care Love Joan.
Gorgeous pics Jan. Thx for visiting my blog, I wont be away too long, the blog keeps me sane lol and I agree us UK girls need to stick together hehehehe xx
Here a little late Jan....great pictures, and you must be so proud.
Pity about the weather on the day though.
Thanks for your recent comments
Hi Jan, it must be such a good feeling to have your grandson back home. It must have been extremely difficult all those 7 months he was away.
I have to say he is very handsome !!!
Thank you very much for sharing those great images of Portsmouth, Jan. It's nice to welcome back people who've been away on deployment.
All the photos of you and the family being there when Iain's ship came home are filled with love. It was a wonderful homecoming. How exciting that you actually got to go onboard too.
I'm so glad your grandson is home and safe. Have a good week.
Jan what a wonderful post ~ the pictures were lovely ~ thankyou so much for sharing this time with us ~ Ally x
Hi Jan,
What a heartwarming welcome, I'm sure Collin was as thrilled to see you as you all were to have him home.
Bet the tour on the ship was good too.
Sorry I've not been by sooner but I've had pc trouble. All good now though.
B. x
Hi Jan, Congratulations! You are the second winner on my giveaway! If you email me with your address I'll get a parcel on its way at the beginning of next week. What a lovely heartwarming post with all the family there to meet your grandson. A tearful but happy occasion. Gina x
Hi Jan, what a wonderful homecoming that was.all happy with eyes full of happy tears.
Love your photos too.
J sends her love.
Hello there and thanks so much for your lovely comment its so much appreciated! A lovely post too, it looks like you have such a wonderful family. have a good week ahead!
a huge welcome home from me too, heroes all of them.
A lovely post thank you for sharing your very special day.
The ship looked great and I can imagine how emotional the waiting crowds were to see it come into port, all of their beloved sailors standing smartly. I'd have sobbed my socks off even if none of them were mine.
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