Here in this picture with me, is my Eldest Grandson Iain on his twenty sixth birthday on April 21st ,and since he had some shore leave ,he was managing his Mum (my daughter Sharon's) pub whilst she was having a well earned holiday in Grand Canaria ,Maurice and I popped in to visit him ,and to take him a nice big chocolate cake .
Now the' devastating '
It was April ,when we learned of the death, in a house fire ,of a dear old friend Rod ,who I had known all my adult life ,what a lovely man Rod was ,It might be a cliche, but I dont think Rod had an enemy in the world ,and our prayers are with his son and two daughters .
Then on April 9th ,we were absolutely devasted to hear that David who had been working away from home ,but was due to return on Maunday Thursday to his partner and their baby son,for Easter ,was killed in a road crash ...we were all so shocked and heartbroken as you will imagine David was a week older than my second Grandson Stuart ,and they had grown up together Stuart called him' my brother from another Mother' At the funeral Stuart and other friends of David's carried his coffin , I could well remember them all as little boys ,all bursting out of school together .So you will guess how I felt watching them carry him.......
David and Stuart taken at Stuarts wedding ,two years ago .
When I went on line back in 2005 ,like many of you I signed up with Friends Reunited ,putting my details ,where I went to school etc ,Imagine my delight last Autumn when I got a message saying this lady thought she knew me and had a picture of my sister Jean and I naturally I responded ,but didnt hear any more for a while ,THEN .......
I received this picture yes it's Jean and me ! I didnt know of it's existance much less remember it being taken ,The Lady went on to explain ,she used to spend time with her Granny in Kings Cliffe ,and that her Grannie who I knew as Aunt Florrie was my Grandads younger sister ,Now Pam and I email and speak on the phone , swapping memorys ,dusting down a few family skeletons it has been really exciting ,I have been able to send her some pictures too ,she then sent this one .she described it as me sitting on a rounded sort of wall...when I saw it I exclaimed 'The Basin'! a place I had completely forgotten about,I assumed it was an old swimming pool ,so rang my Brother John who still lives in the village and he told me it was where water was stored when controlling the Mill Dam ,that ran in the field at the back of the Church (a favourite walk for us children then ) John said people did swim there ,but we werent allowed ,and that it is still there ,so that is on our to do list of places to visit and take pictures .
We always had this picture in the family ,because my Dad is the little boy with the blond curls

Jan - lovely to hear from you! I do that too, leave it a while, always meaning to do a post and then I get so much to say I forget it all or lose my notes (if I've been being unusually organised!).
I would love to be a fly on the wall when you get your box of photos out. I bet you could spend hours! I've been trying to work out Pam's relationship to you. As the great-niece of her grannie would that make you first cousins once removed? Heck, I must listen more carefully when Heir Hunters is on!
love, Angie, xx
Hi Jan nice to hear from you. Lovely entry with all the old pictures. so sorry you have had so much bad news lately. We have just had a bit of a thunder storm here no thunder just lashings of rain. Love Joan
Jan, sorry to hear your sad news, especially of such a young father.
That photo of you two on the fence is very much of its time. Reminds me of a very famous one from `Picture Post' Remember that? Or am I going too far back into postwar nostalgia?
All in all, a lovely entry. I did enjoy it.
I'm sorry to hear about the sad news about your friend and your grandson's friend who have recently passed. It's always such a shock when the unexpected happens-at such a young age.
What beautiful pictures!! I'm glad you got re-connected with this old friend of ours. Hugs - Julie :)
Sad though it was to read this it was just nice to here from you Jan
Jan, I'm so sorry to hear about the deaths of two very special people. It's always a shock when something tragic like a fire or a car crash takes the life of someone we know. You certainly have a handsome grandson ! I bet it was great spending some time with him. Thanks for the update and have a great week. We're leaving Monday on another road trip to southern California. Linda in Washington
Jan, so good to see a post from you, but so sorry to hear about your friend and grsndson's friend. So very sad. How wonderful that you have been reconnected with an old chum and have been able to share some happy memories and lovely photos. Isn't the internet a wonderful thing when it's used for good purposes! XXOO
PS Don't wait so long to tell us what's been going on next time!!
Jan it is great to hear from you again I do miss your interesting biuts and pieces. What a sad time you sure have...When we loose one so young it is hard to take in..
However to balance things up the photo of you and your Grandson is lovely..you don't look old enought to have a Grandson that age !!
Keep us informed of all your doings again soon.
much Love Sybil xx
I'm so sorry to hear about Rod and David, I can imagine the shock of hearing that they had died. It must've been nice receiving the old photos. Somebody posted one of me on Friends Reunited that I don't remember, I'm in the playground at school, pinafore tucked into large baggy knickers, doing PT! It's nice to see an entry from you again Jan. I haven't done one in ages, my computer crashed and I had to have a new hard drive installed. Take care, I hope Sharon enjoyed her time in the Canaries. Jeannette xx
I was happy to see your entry today. I'm just home and trying to catch up on everyone. I was sorry to read of the recent sorrows in your life, but thankful that there were a few happy times too. Life is so full of ups and downs. The process of loosing those dear to us is never easy. Every day is a gift and we must treat it so for sure. I do hope you won't stay away so long again. Thank you for sharing all the pictures. Memories like those are blessings to treasure.
'On Ya'-ma
You've had joy and sorrow come together Jan, I'm sorry for the loss ((((x))))
I love the old pictures though, it's wonderful the past has visited and brought a smile. Rache
Hi Jan: I've been thinking of you lately and wondering if you are okay. Sorry to read of the deaths. Glad you were able to reunite with and old friend though.
Hi Jan sorry I didn't send a comment yesterday ,I read your entry and really enjoyed it ,but when I get in the gardening mood ,have to carry on !! It was such sad news about Rod and Stuarts friend David ,what a lovely thing to say " my brother by a another Mother" I think Stuart was very brave to carry Davids coffin ,our Dad would have been so proud of him .
What a lovely surprise to be sent that photo of the both of us when we were young .I am pleased our cousin got in touch with you and thank you for forwarding her emails to me .Apart from the sadness ..I really enjoyed this entry ...with love Jeanxxx
Hi Jan, Sorry about all yor losses. It must have been a very diffiult time for you! So terrible that a young man and father like Davide had to depart so young! Devastating.
Your old pictures are fantastic, a real treat. Thanks for posting them. Hope your back is better. Mine is still playing up. I blame the weather as usual!!! Ciao. Antonella
Life can be such a bitch at times. So sorry to hear of those sad deaths Jan, my friend but how wonderful that lady contacted you and you were able to recapture memories. Oh, I have posted today. I cannot send out block emails anymore, aol will not let me. I contacted them but they just spouted a load of rubbish about it being my computer. I cannot even do an e-mail and cc it to anyone else. Ho hum
Well now, you sure have had a time of it. Glad to see your post, sorry for your losses. -Karen
I am so sorry to hear about your losses. I was worried that you may be ill. I have been having a problem connecting to the internet even though I had broadband but it is better now. Hope things are going better for yuou. Lucy
Sorry to hear of your sad losses Jan, both in tragic circumstances. x
We are in the process of going through our old photographs, a daunting task as the must be a couple of thousand - at least! but we've discovered many old favourites along the way so it's all good fun. It's quite amazing how a single photo can trigger so many fond memories.
Oh, and at least you're writing more often than me. (This is the most I've written in one go for months!)
B. x
Hi Jan nice to see a post from you, sorry to hear about your losses.
I've been with Freinds Reunited since 2000 and have caught up with lots of old friends...goodness the memories they evoke lol
loved all the pictures.
Take care
How lovely to see an entry from you Jan! I was sorry to read of your losses too.
I met up with my best friend from school again after 42 years through FriendsReunited. She lives in Australia now and has already visited me twice. I cried with happiness when I found her again. The internet certainly helped me too, just like you.
YOur pictures were wonderful! So evocative to look bck and remember those times...isn't it?
Hugs to you
Love Jeanie xxx
I enjoy looking at old photos and
Hi again Jan
I forgot to say I loved that verse at the top of your entry...love you
Hi Jan,sorry you have had such grief of late.So sad when we lose loved ones.Belated condolances to you and all.I loved the old pics.I have many like them and I love to look at them from time to time.I hope your daughter has a wonderful holiday.My pooter is still playing games so commenting has been out of bounds when I have found spare time to do so.At last I got here today.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
So sorry to hear your sad news m'dear, just glad that it was surrounded with happier things.
So sorry to hear about your bad news and it is always tragic when one hears of the death of someone so young, his poor family. A few years ago I made contact with three schoolfriends through Friends Reunited, it was a wonderful experience and we have stayed in touch and in fact we are all off to the Lake District next week for two nights. Eileen x
Hello Jan,
I`m so sorry to hear about Rod and David, they were both dreadful tragedies, my condolences to their friends and famillies.
I`m so pleased that you have heard again from your long lost childhood friend, what a lovely surprise for you. I love the photo of your grandparents, it reminds me of my own grandparents wedding photo with them both dressed similar to yours. I know they married in late 1913 as grandad was wearing his army uniform.
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxx
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