Hello Everyone I hope you are all well ,I am.... 'I think '? never does to be too sure of one self does it ,Well here in the UK ,it is Silver Surfers day ,don't know about elsewhere ,And so I decided to write a comment as was asked for ,and duly sent it off .,and thought I would share it with you ,I am also adding the pictures that appeared on the AOL welcome page ,when they were promoting older bloggers ,back in the days when AOL liked us journallers ,Thankyou Google for rescueing us ... So folks here it is ~~
I am so pleased my Mother taught me not to point ,thus saving
my index finger you all the reams I have typed on the 'net' I cant type you see !!But have the fastest index finger in the East! This is my fourth year,on the net,though I had used a computer at work, and... I 'coped'! When I retired four years ago I went on line and well my life changed ,a whole new world opened up ,I am with AOL so I started a journal,called Seredipity which was hugely succesful,I was featured on the AOL welcome page as a Granny of nine ,who loved to BLOG (web log )I also won 'Lady of the blog', the competion was really quite fierce I was so proud ,run by some bloggers in the USA .AOL closed down the journals last September ,but thanks to Google we were able to migrate our journals over to Blogspot . I am on the Editorial group of our Residents news letter and have had a number of items published there ,so my Inclusion Manager ,at the company entered me in the Silver Surfers comp ,I didnt win but Karen and I had a wonderful day in London ,at Portcullis House ,where we met some like minded people, a charming Chelsea Pentioner ,and of course the winners . I am vice chair on Axiom Residents Forum ..A.R.F.so the internet is invaluable to me ,to keep in touch with the other officers ,committee, Axiom Staff (Axiom housing Association)and most importantly the residents . I joined Freinds Reunited ,some time ago ,and recently a second cousin found me how exciting that was ,we now swap pictures and family stories , from years gone by.I am an avid reader so can look up my favourite Authors ,and learn when the next book is due ,I knit sew ,patchwork and quilting so have benefited from the many craft sites available ,my recent interest is Candlewicking ,and I have bought some kits on Ebay .I also have a trivia quiz on line ,called Jan's brain jerk ,and should you go to the side bar on my blog you will see I have many readers all around the world ,and I have made some really amazing friends ,we exchange Christmas and Birthday,cards .So yes If I were to lose my internet I would be bereaved!Though I might then get the ironing done .

..Of course many of you will remember all this ,so if I am repeating myself I am sorry .
As ever lots of love ,from