A busy week end,which in honour of The J-Land aniversary I want to share with you all. On Thursday evening I had my annual Board member assessment ,which went well .
Above is a picture of Humphrey,introducing what was to be a marvelous afternoon . But I'm getting ahead of myself ~One of the committees I am on, decides how a community fund ,set aside by the company, can best provide something that would better the lives of the residents ,this must have been one of the biggest projects so far ,but what a success ,it has proved to be .....At one of our sheltered schemes for the elderly,(a beautiful old property ,converted into flats and set in the most beautiful grounds)
A few years ago a resident there saw an advert for a set of Boules in the local paper ,they were as new,so Ruth bought them ,and since then they played on the grass.....until their scheme manager suggested they apply through community grant system for a boule piste to be built ,we in due course approved the idea,.....So below you see a picture of Ruth on the left,next to the Mayor of Huntingdon who cut the ribbon to officialy open the piste On Friday afternoon,Next to him is Stella who is their teacher and trainer ,and then the head of the council .
We all had a little turn,and it proved to be so much fun we all want to learn and play ,Hmmm I forsee some matches coming up ......
Below see Stuart ,our ops Director ,trying to beat Ruth

Isnt it great ?
My sister Jean had a birthday yesterday so of course I made her a cushion
Now every year at this time our litte Market town turns back the clock ,and we have a fortys weekend ,so as I was shopping yesterday I'snapped' a few people ,who I encountered