Hi there everyone ,I hope you are all well .I am fine ,busy as ever ,and like the cow's tail all behind as usual,lots of meetings and some sewing .....Because I am a board member ,I was invited to the staff conference .I love this I meet up with old colleagues,as well as other staff members .The theme this year was 'Challenge ',so due to the changes government are making ,in the housing sector,it was appropriate , so mindful of cut backs and everything else this year is going to be challenging .However Alan our chief exec is confident that we are able ,for what ever presents it self .
After all the facts and figures were explained to us ,by the different departments ,we went on to play some really interesting quiz games .before a delicious lunch ,where we could again chat to our friends .
After lunch more corporate stuff before our guest speaker .....

Yes it was Simon Weston O B E ,what an insiration ,this man is ,handsome inside and out !! I remember watching the programes on TV about his ,struggle with all the surgery he needed when he returned from the Falklands conflict of 1982 horrifically burned,(he is a similar age to my second son!).....and boy has this man accepted the challenge ,he helped to form 'Weston Spirit',helping disadvantaged youngters ,build their lives and believe in them selves .He has worked tirelessly for the Star and Garter homes ,as an ex Guardsman with the Welsh guards ,some thing close to his heart .Now happily married to Lucy with three young children,he campaigns,for many charities,-he has jumped with the Red Devils -run the New York marathon-to create a better future for the young people and veterans alike......Of course he has had his dark moments,some of which he spoke,and as many of us wiped the tears from our eyes ,he would have us all roaring with laughter , he has a fantastic sense oh humour ...A great Man ,God Bless you Simon ...
I went home feeling very humbled ,greatful ,inspired ,and clutching a copy of his latest book that he signed for me