Sunday, 12 June 2011

A trip to London

I cant believe it is 12th June.since I put these pictures on here ,and never got back to finish this post. . Ah well Im here now
Before I start I want to introduce you to Debbie ,she has been blogging for about a year but doesnt have many readers SO~ shall we see if we can change that ? pop over ,you will be pleased you did
Now what are those people doing below ? you may ask ....perhaps not ! We are a group of residents ,who participate in the Residents Inclusion Group,or RI.....I am involved in The News Letter ,written by the residents,for the residents.I am vice chair of ARF ,Axiom Residents Forum , and a resident board member ....Axiom Housing association involved in social housing ,who value residents input and we work closely with them ,(I was a scheme Manager,on a sheltered scheme for the elderly ,until I retired seven years ago .)The picture below is us working on 'The Annual Report 'some thing the government want housing associations to do with the aid of residents .....getting boring now isn't it ? (nearly done now with the explanation)Last year we were,highly commended by TPAS (tenant particiption advisory service) and went for a lovely Lunch at Solliehull near Birmingham ....Then ......we were invited to give a work shop ,in London last month
Angela, who is PA to the Chief Exec,and communications Manager ,booked us all on a train to London,(she asked for assistance for us as we dont walk far !)So Angela Jackie Ann and Jan off to the big smoke
Not a good picture but this is where the meeting was to be
Bit of interest, you will need to click to make it big enough to read

Here we are at the side of the stage, assisting Angela as she gave her presentation which included us too .
Pheew we did it ,and with such aplomb,though I,say it myself ,we were a hard act to follow
Oh and I made a bag to go with ......
As ever love from ..Jan xx