Good Evening every one .Are you all recovering from all the shopping ,cooking ,buying cards and writing them and sending them off ,wrapping presents and opening them ! visiting and being visited Wow it goes on ...and where we have been looking forward to it all ,arent we all a little bit pleased its all over?I received such lovely presents,and have taken a couple of pictures of some of the lovely things I have .I got some nice bath products,a book ,a dear little birthday book ,Maurice bought me my watch ,my brother made the bird boxes ,and I told you I would tell you what was in the stocking from Jason ,he made a dear little Christmas cake and decorated it for me ,and some wine ,thanks Jason ,you are so clever ,and I loved it ....I got £80 worth of M&S vouchers ,but Maurice is on nights now for three, so I have to wait until hes off ,Saturday or Sunday ,to go and search for the bargains ,I got chocolates and biscuits ,So I was very lucky .
The TV programmes that,we have been watching over Christmas have been mainly dissapointing ,though last night we watched a delightful drama called 'After Thomas'about how a little boy Kyle ,was helped by the arrival of a golden retriever Thomas,with his autistic problems and the dog helped him to unlock them .I am watching a profile of Connie Fisher at the minute who won the part of Maria on the west end stage .
And so dear friends thats where I will leave you for this evening, as I go to make myself some supper, and settle down with tonights viewing selection ....With Love From